The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1913 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913

Stronghurst Graphic, June 12, 1913

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: J. H. Gittings of Perry, Okla., is visiting the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Mateer. The children of Isaac and Sarah Watson have just erected a fine monument to the memory of their parents in the Olena Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Campbell of Good Hope, sister of J. V. D. Perrine, passed away as the result of a paralytic stroke. A state food inspector is said to be quietly traveling about and getting after the merchants who leave fresh fruit exposed to the elements in front of their places of business. Dr. Harter is treating Mr. J. T. Stinemates for a sore of a cancerous nature on the side of his face.

June 9th marked the 40 anniversary that Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hendrickson first set foot upon the soil of this their adopted country. The Wever-Media academy will open next fall; they will employ three teachers and an instructor in music. Mrs. W. P. Anderson will attend the graduation of her daughter, Mildred, from Tuft's College in the East. An old and respected resident of Pontoosuc Township, Hancock County, Samuel Avery, died at age 64; he was a brother of Joseph Avery of this vicinity.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Raleigh Wyatt had what might have been a fatal accident while loading the showman's trunks at the Sike's theater. He was sitting on top of the load and started to the depot when one of the trunks fell off taking him with it between the horses. The horses became frightened and started the wagon, running over his body, breaking three ribs and bruising his body. He was gotten out and taken into the theatre and Dr. Emerson along with Dr. Loomis was summoned . A telegraph message was sent to his father who came as quick as possible and took Raleigh home. The horses escaped unhurt but the wagon was a wreck. The planning mill will soon be changed to the new building in the west part of the New City. The Clifford Dry Ore, Concentrating Co. of Ottumwa, Ia., will locate here.

Last Wednesday, June 4th, was one day to be remembered by the New City. It was set apart for a day for business and it certainly was. People from several states were present and partook of the good opportunity that lay before them. Mr. Love spoke to the people at the Sikes theater at 10:30 and 2 o'clock. A goodly number were present and listened to the truth as it was laid before them. At 12 o'clock they were all invited to the Hotel Lomax where they sat down to a sumptuous dinner with 150 registered. Everyone present showed great interest and thought the proposition one of the best that was ever mapped out to them which is right. A great opportunity lies before all. States that were represented were Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio. Over $17,000 worth of business was done. (Pictures of these buildings as well as their history are in the Smith-Lionberger book.)

A number of buildings are going up on 8th Street. Roy McCoy has sold out his share in the store to Gilbert Stronquist and it will be Stronquist instead of McCoy and Stronquist. Geo Crane is driving his delivery wagon for this store.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Andy Gram is working for a brewery in Peoria. Mr. Newell, the new operator here, purchased the Baily house and has been having it papered and painted. Edgar Gram has a position as a stenographer in Peoria. The new roof on the academy is almost completed. Mrs. David Mathers and children of Kimball, Neb., made a short visit to relatives. Oscar Johnson of Gladstone vicinity, a brother of Mrs. Oscar Malmburg, started for Sweden to visit his aged father who is 74 years old at the old home place.

ATTACKED BY DOG: Mr. Samuel Galbraith met with a very serious accident when he went to Mr. Singledecker to take him a rheumatism cure. He put his hand on the gate to open it when a dog jumped and bit him on the nose and face. It was a vicious brute; it almost tore his nose off. It also cut two long gashes down each cheek from the eyes down making a terrible wound. Dr. Ditto at once dressed the wounds. As Mr. Galbraith is up in the 80's and slow to get around, it will make it pretty hard on him as he is in poor health and feeble. James Sutliff got a shot gun and went to the house and shot the dog as he was a terror to the community and every one will be glad the brute is dead.