The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1915 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915

Stronghurst Graphic, April 8, 1915

HORSE SHOW INCORPORATED: As a result of the meeting last Saturday afternoon, a permanent Henderson County Horse Show Association will probably be incorporated under the laws of the state. That there is strong sentiment amongst the farmers and horsemen of the county was evidenced by the large number out for the meeting in the village hall. C.E.Fort was selected as chairman with Del Dixson as secretary. Mr. C.E. Peasley made the motion for incorporation and C.C. Painter, C.E. Peasley, C.E. Lant, C.B.

Vaughn and J.E. Amerman were named as members of the committee.

PLENTY OF WATER: The most essential element in the city waterworks system, namely, an abundant supply of pure water, seems now assured for Stronghurst. Drilling in the deep well was suspended at a depth of 1000 feet after the drill had penetrated the St.Peters sandstone strata to a depth of more than 100 feet.

The water was then standing in about 65 feet from the surface. A testing pump was inserted by the drillers to a depth of 150 feet and run continuously for about 6 hours, delivering from 150 to 175 gallons of water per minute with no indication of a diminution of the supply at the close of the test. The water is apparently of excellent quality.

WANTED: I am young, fine looking and affectionate and have $10,000 in my own right; I want to marry some nice young man on condition that we go to Wisconsin and buy us a good farm at from $15 to $30 per acre. For particulars inquire of Dr. J.P.Riggs, Media, Illinois. (The original lonely hearts column? First time such an ad appeared; hope we learn the outcome.)

TOWNSHIP ELECTION: The annual township election was not marked by any unusual display of interest, the total vote being a little over half that cast at last year's similar election. The democrats elected Dobbin for supervisor and Marshall for highway commissioner while the republicans put in Vaughn as school trustee and Putney as constable.

The election polls closed at 2 pm and the annual town meeting proceeded. The reports of C.A.Curry, township supervisor- treasurer, and of the board of highway commissioners were read and approved. About $431 remained in the dog tax money and it was moved to the general town fund. As the report

showed a balance of $253.31 in addition to that amount so no levy would be needed to run the township for the ensuing year. The group moved that a levy of $5,000 be made to meet road and bridge expenditures and it was passed. On a motion by J.F. Mains, W.J. McElhinney, C.E. Fort, and Joseph White were selected trustees for the Watson Cemetery.

WEDDING BELLS: Charles E. Painter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E.Painter of Terre Haute neighborhood and Miss Bessie Corzatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.E.Corzatt of Raritan were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents. About 35 relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony conducted by Rev. Smith of Terre Haute.

1890 Graphic: F.E.Simpson had just sold the Henderson County Democrat at Oquawka to Mr. L.I. Hutchins. Jos. Dixson and C.E.Fort were down in Kentucky looking over blooded stock with the view of purchasing a fine horse. Ed Kemp of Olena shot himself through his left hand. 20 members were added to the Olena Presbyterian Church.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: N.H.Vaughn came down from Chicago in a new Grant car; he was met in Galesburg by J.W.Stine. Thomas Williams residence southwest of town was considerably damaged by a fire which originated from an overheated flue. Mrs. Elmer Mark shipped three Mammoth Bronze turkeys to Ossining, N.Y. A glove and mitten factory has been added to the list of business enterprises conducted in the village of Media. William Dannenburg of Minneapolis, Minn., came home to attend the funeral of his mother. A young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dannenburg at their home east of Carman.

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Dannenburg was held at the Carman church by Rev. J.B.King of Lomax. She was a member of Carman Rebeckah Lodge No. 525 and they took charge of the funeral. The floral offerings were beautiful.

The Carman township election results are as follows: G.W.Howell, supervisor; Geo. Dewein, road commissioner; Tom Clark, justice of the peace; and Wm. Vaughn, constable.

Two tragic events occurred on the same day shocked the little town of Ipava. One was the accidental death of George Clemens aged 59, whose neck was broken in a fall from a horse and the other was the suicide of Isaac Littleton, aged 69, who cut his own throat with a razor.

C.C.Collins recently purchased of James Wolf the house situation on the lot on the corner of Nichols and Mary Streets, which Mr. Wolf purchased some time ago from Mrs. Ella Parrish. Mr. Collins has moved the house to his own lots in the east part of town and will add to it and fix it up for a home to take the place of the one destroyed by fire last winter. Mr. Wolf, a resident of Terre Haute neighborhood, will build a new house on the lots he owns and move his family here.

NOTICE: Electric service will be given Tuesday mornings on and after April 13 (Wednesday mornings, if Monday be rainy), until notice appears of discontinuance, operating from 7:30 a.m. until such time as load shall warrant it, but not later than 12 noon. Schierbaum

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Rev. T.G.Morrow of Burlington, Ia. preached two very acceptable sermons at the Stronghurst U.P. Church. He will serve as supply until Rev. Kenneth R. Anderson arrives.

Sparks from a chimney started a blaze in the shingles of the roof of the Joe Huff house on Elizabeth St. An alarm was turned in, but before the fireman arrived, the fire had been extinguished by those in the vicinity. Fred Kershaw met with a painful accident when his older brother, Rudyard, in attempting to thrust a manure fork into the ground and struck Fred's foot with one tine passing clear through and indenting the sole of the shoe. The wound was cleansed and dressed and serum treatment given to obviate the danger of tetanus developing.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Harold Richey who has been traveling in the East with the Monmouth College Glee Club has returned home, having completed their tour.

The supper and entertainment benefit for the Virginia and Tennessee picnic raised about $38.00. (Does anyone know what this was?) Col. Fred Gray was operated on in the Monmouth Hospital for appendicitis and has returned home. (Another one went under the knife.)

Mrs. Knisley and daughter Wynetta are going to Biggsville for the summer to keep house for Mr. Burrus.