The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1915
Stronghurst Graphic, March 25, 1915
BARNEY ORPHANS GO TO IOWA: Mr. Elmer Davidson from Hillsboro, Iowa, returned home with Myrtle and Virgil Barney, one of the twin girls and the little boy made orphans recently by the death of both his parents, Frank and Mary Barney. Mr. Davidson is a prosperous farmer living near Hillsboro and he and his wife, having no children of their own, became interested in the Barney orphans through some friends here.
After seeing the children at the home in which they had been staying, Mr. Davidson was so favorable impressed that he decided to take them home with him. The children seemed very much pleased with the appearance of their would-be-benefactors and the matter was soon satisfactorily arranged with the children's guardian, C. R. Kaiser.
If future developments prove mutually satisfactory, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will probably adopt the children as their own.
TOWN WATERWORKS SUSTAINED: At an adjourned hearing held at Oquawka, Judge Robinson entered a decree confirming the assessment roll which had been filed in the county court in the Stronghurst village waterworks proceedings. Although a number of the tax payers of the village had signed a petition asking the court to set aside the roll, alleging that their assessments were inequitable and unjust, none put in an appearance to present proof or argument respecting their contentions. Upon motion all objections were stricken from the files.
With the matter of the assessment roll disposed of, the letting of contracts for the system of mains, pipes and hydrants provided for in the plans, can commence.
PURCHASES HARDWARE STOCK: T. A. Nichols, Burlington's popular hardware dealer who started his business career in Stronghurst some 20 years ago, will again engage in the business here. He has made a deal with C. F. Hurburg for the R. Butler stock of goods and intents to restock the store in the lines of merchandise which have been allowed to become depleted. R. L. Begley is in charge of the store at present and Tom will direct affairs for the present from Burlington.
NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT: The entertainment given at the U. P. Church under the auspices of the high school last Friday evening filled the church. A number of fine selections were rendered on the Victrola which was recently purchased by the school and Prof. Pope gave an interesting illustrated talk on a trip through the Yellowstone Park using a radiopticon, a machine which projects post card pictures upon a screen and which was something of a novelty to most of the audience.
A feature of the program which created much amusement was the showing by means of the same machine of pictures of a number of the citizens of the community taken when they were children. Between $30-40 was realized from the affair and will be applied upon the deficit which was incurred in conducting the lyceum course last winter.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Lorenzo Foote, who is taking a course in Agriculture at the state university at Urbana, Ill., splashed some acid on his face-some entering his eyes. At first it was feared that his sight had been destroyed, but now it is thought he will be spared of that affliction.
Local sportsmen who have felt that Congress had no right to interfere in the spring shooting of wild water fowl when state laws permitted the same, will be interested that a case recently tried in Kansas by Federal Judge John C. Pollock which held that Congress had no jurisdiction over game in any state and that the separate states only have the right to enact laws for the protection of game. If local sportsman decide to ignore the federal law locally, they will be taking a risk until the U.S.Supreme Court renders its decision.
Gust Hendrickson who lives in the east part of the village sustained severe injuries when he fell down a flight of stairs at his home. Mr. Hendrickson is well advanced in years and is supposed in his sleep to have approached the head of the stairway and missed his footing. His fractured arm was set by Dr. Bond , but the patient has been semi-conscious as a result of a slight concussion of the brain. .
D. D. Robbins has sold his 80 acre farm one mile north of Biggsville to Elmer Epperling for $17,000. The price, which is $212.50 per acre is said to establish a new record for land in that vicinity. Several churches in the LaHarpe area are discussing uniting under one federation. The little town of Bowen in Hancock County boasts a handsome new hotel, modern in every respect, with large rooms, office, dining room, lobby, kitchen, open stairway, twenty large bedrooms and five bath rooms. Four hundred people attended the opening banquet and paid $2.50 a plate. The hotel was built by a stock company.
In Roseville citizens decided that the streets of that village should be oiled again at least twice during the coming season. A company to be known as the Economy-Electric Light and Power Co. has been incorporate in Blandinsville by C. R. Huston, O. M. Roberts, and E. W. Haydter. The last will and testament of George H. Butler of LaHarpe has been admitted to probate. Mr. Butler left all of his property to his wife during her lifetime and at her death it is to be equally divided amongst the surviving children.
Mrs. Carolyn Dice died on March 24th after a stroke of apoplexy which left her helpless and unable to speak. J. F. Mains while in Oquawka purchased a Shetland pony from Leonard Schell. He will give it away in a contest he is running in his newspaper at Knoxville. Blake Stevenson is home from Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Ia., on vacation. Darius King of Raritan area sold to Jos. Campbell, a former Fall Creek citizen and now living in Oklahoma, five head of horses of his own raising. Mr. G. W. Worley of Kewanee closed a deal whereby he becomes the owner of the Hobart drug stock and expects to carry on business at the old stand. G. W. James, Galesburg Dist. Supt. of the Anti-Saloon League of Illinois was in town to arrange a mass meeting in the interest of the work to be held in April.
WEDDING BELLS: Wesley R. Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Barnett and Miss Vern B. Douglass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Collins Douglass of Biggsville were married March 17th at the U.P. Church parsonage...
S. Grant Miller of Terre Haute neighborhood and Miss Katherine Justice of Newcastle, Pennsylvania, were married there on March 17, 1915...Grant is one of the substantial up-to-date agriculturists of this section of the state and of late years has given considerable attention to buying and selling Canada land. His bride is a sister to J. R. Justice, the Galesburg horse buyer and importer. They were accompanied to La Harpe by the gentleman's daughters, Harriet and Mary Miller, students at the Jennings seminary in Aurora.