The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1913 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913

by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, February 13, 1913

LIFE IN COLORADO, a letter from R.C.Emmett: (Like many people who had tuberculosis, Mr. Emmett was advised to go West where the air was dryer and climate more conducive to good health for breathing problems. Working for the Santa Fe, He was able to transfer from section foreman at Stronghurst, Ill., to Morley, Colo. where he became first road master's district New Mexico division section foreman.)...Morley, Colo., is a fine little flourishing mining town up in the mountains at an elevation of 6654 ft. situated on the main line of A.T.&S.F. When I left Stronghurst I only weighed 117 lbs. and my friends and family as well as myself had begun to be alarmed. I now balance the scales at 137 lbs. good and strong and feeling fine. We had a fine little snow, 3 ft. on the level; consequently, myself and a little gang of Mexicans, 12 in number, had to busy ourselves scooping the white mantel from switches and station platform. I am stationed 2 miles distant from the famous Raton Pass that so many people speak of on their way out West. In early morning at 6654 ft. it is pretty frosty, but by midday it is very summer like and one is comfortable in shirtsleeves.

The town of Morley is composed of all nationalities, I being the only full blood Irish, and to the best of my knowledge, the town wasn't complete until I arrived. The Santa Fe officials here are like all over the system, gentlemen in every respect. I expect to come back down the mountain March1st to Trinidad, Colo. where I go to take foremanship of the Trinidad yards. This is a freight division point and plenty of hustle there. At this point is situated one of the famous Fred Harvey eating houses, noted along the Santa Fe system for its excellent service. All through trains as well as locals stop here 25 minutes for meals there. I expect to move my family here in the spring"...Robert Emmett

CHRISTIAN CHURCH SOCIAL: The home of Mr. and Mrs. C.C.Butler was the scene of a very pleasant social gathering given by the Loyal Women's Class of the Christian Church honoring Washington Birthday. The house was tastily decorated with the class colors pink and white, and the proverbial cherry tree and hatchet was also among the decorations reminding the guests that another year had passed into history. After guest had assembled, Mr. Ralph Butler, master of ceremonies, began the order of the evening's entertainment, this consisted of various parlor games and amusements. At 9 o'clock the guest were invited to the dining room where all partook of an excellent two course supper prepared by the class ladies. Various games followed and all departed with many happy recollections of the event. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames C.C.Butler; Almer Negley; A.H. Mizneer; Wood Hobart; Dr. H.L.Marshall; Jay Foote; Ralph Butler, William and Lucille; Ed Stine and children, Guy and Pauline; Wm. Bovey of Dixon, Ill.; Frank Crenshaw; Len Wilson; Amos Ogden; A. Waugh, Gus Peterson; Rev. and Mrs. C.L. Stauffer and daughter Berneice; Audry Foote; Mrs. Susie Baxter; Mrs. Susie Morrow; Marie Morrow; Marie Dice; Mrs. Ella Hutchins, Callie Clark, Garnet Clark, Mrs. Effie Gristy.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Miss Holstein, the nurse, has been called to the Carl Painter home to take care of an infant child which has scarlett fever. A.A.Cavins is moving this week from the farm he has been occupying 2 1/2 miles southeast of Stronghurst to one 4 miles southeast of Raritan. Joe Werner and wife who recently operated the hotel here left for Biggsville where they will take charge of the hostelry there. The opening of the new basement of the Stronghurst M.E.Church was celebrated by a church social. The heaviest snow storm of the season left 8 or 10 inches covering the ground with the weather growing colder. Mrs. Effie Gristy has been employed to finish out the term of teaching in Barry School northeast of Raritan; Miss Jessie Crickett resigned. W.J.Kemp and family have moved from Gladstone to the residence on the John A. Brook farm north of Stronghurst recently occupied by A.C. Anders and family who have moved into the home place on the Brook farm.

An old veteran of the Civil War who had been traveling about the country picking up odd jobs at painting became stranded in Stronghurst and was taken in charge by Marshall Putney. Later a purse was made up by the citizens of the town, sufficient to buy the man a ticket for Topeka, Kan., where he claimed to have relatives who would care for him. Wm. Lloyd of Superior, Neb., is visiting J.E.Harden. Mr. Lloyd's wife is a sister of Mrs. Harden. Clate Logan has moved into the butcher shop in the old town of Lomax.

DECORRA DAYS: All the sick are some better at this writing. Ben Powell is able to sit up. Rhoda Anderson lost three more of her baby teeth at Stronghurst. Frank Miller and Delbert Kemp were at Dallas between trains. Mrs. Evans is erecting a new house on her place for her hired man.

NEWS OF THE COUNTY: Mr. Will Galbreath of Gladstone area made his brother Clyde a birthday present of a butchered hog weighing nearly 300 lb. He also presented Rev. Jackson of Biggsville with one. In Gladstone the Woodmen gave a musical entertainment at the Woodman Hall. Mr. Frys are caring their goods to ship to Tennessee where they expect to make their home. (Southern term meaning" to haul") In Biggsville James Kilgore will soon have his fine new block house ready to occupy; it is a modern bungalow. The Thimble Club banqueted their husbands at the Biggsville Hotel. Mr. Burrus is about to sell his store to Arthur Gilmore. C.P. Evans and sons of the Hopper neighborhood have taken the contract to saw 40 acres of timber for the Illinois syndicate who purchased 1,276 acres of the Crystal Lake Club. Rumor says that Mr. Leslie Perdue and Miss Maggie Jacobs were married in Oquawka on the 25th.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Ray Shull of Canada and Ed Richards of Firestone, S.D. are in the area visiting. Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Burrell of Olena neighborhood are the parents of a daughter. Miss Esther Johnson, sister of Miss Hilda, has just arrived from Sweden to remain for some time. August Danielson has sold his residence in Stronghurst to J.R. Marshall. August has leased Mrs. Dr. Marshall's farm 2 1/2 miles south of Abingdon and will move there in a short time. J.W. Schenck has rented his farm southeast of town to Dan Slater and he and his wife expect to go to Canada in the spring.

A Mexican by the name of Jose Roeregdriz who had been working on the section here for some time tanked up on the American substitute for Mexican mescal and went down to Decorra to settle accounts with one of his countrymen against whom he had a grudge. A blow on the head from a pick handle wielded by his compatriot, however, put Jose hors-de-combat and he was brought back to town on a shutter and placed under the care of a physician. Osia Reynolds was arrested on an assault and battery charge preferred by J.R.Francen, Jr. The evidence showed that Reynolds had made an unprovoked assault upon young Francen while the latter was escorting a young lady home last Sunday evening and had beaten him up and inflicted a number of painful injuries. Reynolds attempted to prove an alibi but was unsuccessful and the jury assessed a fine of $30 and costs. Audrey Foote, who has spent the last four years learning the engravers art, has finished the course and came from Louisville, Ky., for a visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Foote.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: The ice men have been busy this past few days harvesting their summer crop. The new agent at the C.B.& Q. depot is Fred Ausburn of Carthage. B.F. Waggener has his new building almost completed. It was dedicated last Thursday evening with a dance. On Friday evening, N.H. Sikes gave a fine dance in his theater. The Dallas City orchestra with Mr. Jones of the New City at the piano gave elegant music. A large crowd enjoyed themselves tripping the light fantastic step until a late hour, departing with the promise of a big Masquerade ball on Valentine evening. The telephone system as been installed in its new quarters and will now do business in the New City located in the Town Co.'s office. Calls are answered day or night Sunday included. They have a three trick force: Dora McKim is still the old operator with Miss Minnie Heff of the New City as noon hour and Sunday forenoon girl with Dana Cevenger of New City as night man. Anyone wanting a telephone, call Ernie Wells at the central office who will make and install you one. Mr. Love returned from his lecture trip to Springfield and Jacksonville.(He was the promoter of the New City.) Clate Logan will open a new butcher shop in the Waggener building. Everybody is learning to skate at the Sikes theater. The young ladies are going to organize a basketball team. The Durham basketball team will play with a Lomax team at Sikes Theater next Wednesday evening. W.Q. Crane's new house is now ready for occupying and as they are about ready to leave their old neighborhood where they have lived so many years. Their friend, Mrs. Fred Smith, took it upon herself to give them a little surprise so she went to work and invited a goodly numbers to spend the day and give them a farewell dinner before going to their new abode in Lomax.