The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1914 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1914

Stronghurst Graphic, December 10, 1914

SWINE SPECIALIST VISITS: That the disease commonly known as hog cholera, the ravages of which have so frequently entailed heavy losses, can be cured by intelligent and scientific methods of treatment is now being demonstrated by Dr. D.W.Nolan of Springfield, Ill., who has been in Stronghurst for the past week or more. The gentleman has already proved to the satisfaction not only of a number of farmers but to our local veterinarians as well, that he has a real anti-hog cholera specific, which if used according to direction and in connection with intelligent and proper care of the animals treated, will cure a large percentage of cases of the disease. He has treated some herds where the disease apparently existed in the worst form and the testimony of the owners of these herds themselves is that the results have been little short of marvelous.

The farmers have been so frequently imposed upon by traveling quacks peddling so called hog cholera remedies, which have failed them in their time of need, that it is somewhat difficult to convince them by any thing less than actual demonstration that their hogs can be saved by any

treatment. This is just what Dr. Nolan does and his object in remaining for a period of days in a community is that he may learn of the bad cases of so called cholera and be given a chance to prove the value of his remedy.

Dr. Nolan is a highly educated gentleman who stands high in the veterinarian's profession and is recognized as one of the greatest specialists in diseases of swine in this country...In addition to his Anti-hog cholera specific, Dr. Nolan is putting on the market a worm powder which is guaranteed to expel worms from stock and prevent constipation and also a special dip for hogs, cattle and sheep. The use of the latter is officially sanctioned by the U.S.Dept. of Agriculture. Dr. Nolan is making his headquarters while here with Dr. R.P.Frans.

1889 Graphic: T.H.McMichael received a call to become the pastor of the U.P.Church at Spring Hill, Ind. The Stronghurst State Bank opened its door for business and the M.E.Church was the first depositor. Bank officers were John Marshall, pres.; W.C.Tubbs, vice-pres.; and C.R.Kaiser, Cashier.

Negotiations had been started with C.E.and J.M.Fort, owners of the Biggsville flouring mill for the purchase of that property and moving of the mill to Stronghurst. The yield of corn in this section was reported at from 40 to 100 bushel per acre at a price of 20 cents a bushel. Si Parsons bought out the Hire and Fenton meat market. Rev. Douglas closed a series of revival meetings at the Baptist Church.