The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1913 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1913

by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, February 20, 1913

THEY SOLD THE LAND: The Crystal Lake Club has sold 1,276 acres of their land included in the Henderson County Drainage District No.1 to a syndicate of Illinois men for $57,000. J.Y.Whiteman and Samuel Stevenson of Gladstone met with club people to agreed upon the price per acre, $45, plus a $30 per acre drainage assessment which will fall upon the purchasers. Considering the value which this land is bound to reach when the drainage system is completed, the purchasing syndicate has apparently made a good deal.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: A.L.Beaver announced that his son Earl was married in Chicago on Jan.22nd to Miss Margie Capper of that city. The bride is the daughter of a clothing merchant of Chicago and the ceremony was performed at the home of her parents. At the Stronghurst Village Board Meeting Marshall Bert Putney presented his bill for salary and killing 5 dogs. (Local law enforcement had many job responsibilities.) The old Rock Island depot in Burlington is to give place to a new, commodious updated structure to be erected on Front St. between Jefferson and Washington St.

The Loyal Women's Bible School Class of the Christian Church will hold a market day sale at Ralph Butler's hardware store. Pies, cakes, home made bread, chickens and everything good to eat will be sold. 97 head of horses and mules will be sold at Pogue and Park's sale. A fine baby boy came as a valentine to the J.W. Rankin home of Stronghurst. H.N. Vaughn and Joe Dixson left on a trip into Iowa to see what they could find in the line of Hereford cattle. Clarence Fisher and family of Arcadia, Neb. have returned to take possession of the farm near Hopper purchased of A.A. Cook. C.M. Wheeler wishes to announce that he will again open up his photography business in the old studio on Mary St. The Wax and Penny grocery store will be moved next week to the Taylor & Sons site, the opera house building on the corner of Broadway & Main St. (Site of present day parking lot of Jack & Jill Store)

Mrs. C.R.A. Marshall and the three younger children left for Newton, Kan., to visit relatives. The children, Henry and Stella, will remain and attend the schools there for the remainder of the school year. Mrs. Almina H. Yoho, the widow of the late Dr. A.B. Yoho of Ellison and a pioneer resident of Warren County, died at the home of her son Melville S. Yoho in Roseville, aged 80 years.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Dr. Gahm, the La Harpe physician who died recently, seems to have been pretty well fixed financially, even for a doctor. He left an estate of something like $57,000. The only heirs names in his will are Miss May Conwell of La Harpe, who gets 75 share of stock in the C.J. Off grocery store in Peoria, ten shares of stock in the La Harpe State Bank, two horses and an automobile; a daughter in Ohio who gets half of the annual income from the remainder of the estate until she is 30 years of age and after that the entire estate.

The city of Bushnell is going to vote on the saloon question again this spring, the necessary number of names having been obtained to a petition for a vote upon the subject. The "wets" were victorious by a large majority when the question was last submitted to the voters of the city, but influences have been at work within the last two years, which have inspired the temperance people with hope of putting Bushnell in the list of "dry" towns next spring.

Ed Parrish has left Galesburg for Dallas City where he will take charge of a barber shop there. Macomb has secured the appropriation of $30,000 by Congress for the construction of a new post office building. Joseph Dobbin of Norfolk, Neb., is in town visiting his brother, David. A great deal of anxiety was created in the Frank Graham home north of Stronghurst by the mysterious disappearance of their 16 year old son Frank. Messages were sent in all directions in the endeavor to locate the missing young man but without avail. The parents hearts were gladdened, however, along in the evening by his reappearing at the home and taking up his usual duties as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Arrangements for Henderson County's second annual horse show were begun when the county committee met at the First National Bank in Stronghurst and appointed a finance committee to take charge of the matter of raising the funds necessary to insure a good exhibition.

In Media, Mr. McCormack and his family left for Kansas City. Mr. McCormack had been in charge of the barber shop there for several months and he raffled off his barber outfit. Mr. Welch seemed to be the one who held the lucky number. He now has Mr. Chas. Miller of Gladstone in charge of business. Mr. Wm. Stewart of south of Biggsville has sold his farm for $37,000 to Ed Pendarvis. Nat Correll of Media vicinity is preparing to erect a barn on his farm north of town which is now occupied by his son-in-law, Ben Shagram.

A box social held at the Olena School house netted about twelve dollars which will be used for the purchase of a new library. O.P. Lovitt has bought the R.W. Upton property opposite the Lutheran Church. Rev. L.P. Bear preached at Dallas City Saturday afternoon and also Sunday morning and evening. The services wre held at the M.E.Church and their object was to unite all the denominations in Dallas City without a pastor into one church. A.E. Peasley of Fort Collins, Colo., stopped on his way to Chicago with a shipment of a train load of sheep. Ernie looks as though the Colorado climate agreed with him and he reports the Illinois colony there as well and prosperous.

ADVERTISEMENT: AUTOMOBILES-We have in the garage at Stronghurst this week six new automobiles. We are agents for four of the leading makes. We can sell you a 5-passenger touring car from $620 to $2700 or a Roadster from $525 to $2000. Knutstrom & McKeown.