The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Mid-year Financial Report Shows IWHS in Excellent Condition

Joy Swearingen, Quill correspondent

The Mid-year Financial Report for Illini West High School stated: “Overall, the district is in excellent financial condition.”

The report was presented and approved by the board during their regular meeting Jan. 15. It shows where the district stands with budgeted expenses and income, half-way through the school year.

While expenses are targeted to be 50 percent of the budgeted amount at this point, the following amounts have been used so far in the key district funds:

Health/Life Safety, 11.42%.

As the district starts the second half of this school year, the board approved the calendar for next year, the 2025-2026 school year. The first two teacher in-service days are Aug. 18 and 19, with students attending on Wednesday, Aug. 20.

The school year would end with the last student attendance day on Wednesday, May 20, unless added emergency days are required. Graduation is planned on Sunday, May 17.

The 2025-2026 calendar is a collaboration between Illini West High School and the Carthage Elementary, Dallas City Elementary, and La Harpe Elementary school districts. It is an effort to align non-attendance and teacher in-service days for all four districts.

Harnack noted that the Regional Office of Education is encouraging districts to do calendar planning two years in advance for the convenience of school staff and families. The board will begin 2026-27 School Year planning later this spring.

The board approved buying Teacher Ease from Common Goal Systems, Inc. as the district’s student information software program beginning July 1, 2025. Last month the district approved a financial software by the same company.

The district administrative team requested the change, saying it will help in communication with parents on a wide range of topics including academic and behavioral issues.

The cost for the program for 2025-2026 is $13,404, which includes set-up and training costs.

“We anticipate an overall reduction in costs in subsequent years,” said Superintendent Jay Harnack.

“It has some really nice features for teachers in their gradebooks, for parents to access grades and get notifications. This program dovetails well with our financial software.” He added that it is compatible with the special education program and creates a single portal to access all kinds of information.

McKenna Merritt was approved as a certified agriculture teacher. She had been hired to begin the school year as a permanent substitute in ag.

Harnack reported on the progress of several building projects. The lockers for the dressing rooms, being built in the former district office, will be assembled and installed as soon as the floors have been painted and sealed. The window and door glass covering will begin as soon as outside temperature is above 45 degrees.

He is working on bid documents for resurfacing the parking lot this summer. The tentative date for a bid opening is April 1.