The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Dallas City City Council discussed the condemning of houses in the city limits and what the process is to do this.
The city attorney informed the council that it is a 2 step process. The first step is to send a letter to the property owners and give them a chance to either get the house cleaned up or torn down. If the property owners do not do this, then the second step is to get a court order to allow the city to do the cleaning up and charging the property owners for this service.
The city attorney asked the council to get her a list of the properties that need to be addressed.
The action took place at the regular Dallas City Council meeting on January 20, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Carole McDowell, Peggy Newberry, Harold Northup Jr, and Greg Olson.
Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Tracy Markey, Gary Smith, and Mariah Wallace.
A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Newberry to accept the minutes of the January 6, 2025, meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.
Tracy Markey reported that it appears there is a water leak someplace in town. The city’s employee has been trying to find it, but has not yet been able to. He will continue to look.
Discussed the city’s options regarding the outside cats in town that are causing problems. The city attorney feels that this would be hard to take care of by ordinance. She will check on this to see what options the city has.
Police Chief Gary Smith reported that the coil pack in one of the police cars is being replaced.
Discussed the litter ordinance and the abatement of nuisance ordinance that were discussed a few weeks ago. The city attorney is going to have to make new copies of these because when she originally drew them up, she included the date of the next meeting. However, they were not acted on at that meeting, and the date needs to be corrected. She will have these ready for the council to act on at the next meeting.
Discussed a property owner that removed the water meter and curb stand at his property.
The police chief will talk to the streets employee about the situation to see if any legal actions should be taken by the city.
Discussed the city’s messaging system.
The city clerk has checked with some other companies and has found 4 companies that offer a messaging system that allows the messages to be sent by phone, text, and e-mail.
The following quotes were received:
The city clerk also informed the council that the Rave Alert quote came with the option of a 1, 3, or 5 year contract. Which ever term we took, the price would be locked in for that number of years and would be billed annually. Rave Alert also has agreed to wave their $1,000 Set-Up Fee.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to accept the quote from Rave Alert for $3,500 per year and to sign a 3 year contract with them. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.
The city clerk will notify Rave Alert and get the new messaging system set up as soon as possible.
The city clerk reminded the council that per the city’s trash contract the price is increasing $0.50 this month and will now be $17 per month. This increase will be on the February 2025 water bills.
Discussed the old Hagy’s lot. The city attorney will send a letter to the property owners.
Discussed a property in town that has had a building put on it and has someone living in it. The water has been turned on but there is not a bathroom.
There is a port-a-potty though.
A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to enter executive session to discuss city personnel pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
McDowell-AYE, Newberry-AYE, Northup-AYE, Olson-AYE, and Six-AYE.
The meeting entered executive session at 6:19 p.m.
The meeting re-entered regular session at 6:34 p.m.
A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Northup to give the city’s police officers a 9% pay raise effective with the pay period that began January 14, 2025. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.
A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Northup to adjourn the meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
Steven K Vorhies, City Clerk