The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: October 14, 1926

BILLY SUNDAY TO SPEAK HERE TUESDAY, OCT. 19TH:  (Billy Sunday was a nationwide, famous evangelist.)  Stronghurst is to be favored from two well known evangelists within the next few days.  On Sunday, Oct. 17th, evangelist Loren P. Pecaut, better known as ”Red,” will deliver the sermon from the pulpit of the United Presbyterian Church.  “Red” will be remembered as the well qualified “singer” who was with Grady Cantrel during his evangelistic meetings conducted here several year ago.  He is now a successful evangelist and has conducted many meetings.

Everybody knows “Billy” Sunday and it will, indeed, be a privilege for this entire community to get to hear him and to see him.  As perhaps you already know, Mr. Sunday is conducting a series of evangelistic meetings in Monmouth.  Through the influence of Rev. J. A. Mahaffey of the local U.P. Church, this noted evangelist has consented to come to Stronghurst Tuesday, Oct. 19th and give one of his sermons so that the people in this vicinity who find it impossible to attend his services at Monmouth, may have the opportunity of hearing him.  A silver and paper offering will be taken up with the proceeds to go to the Winona Bible School building fund of which Billy Sunday is the manager.  The meeting will be held in the high school auditorium.

Odds and Ends:  Seventeen hind quarters of beef, 1,800 buns and 100 gallons of coffee were consumed at La Harpe’s second annual free barbecue held at the fair grounds Oct. 6th.  It’s over.  The great struggle for the World’s Baseball Championship between the New York Yankees and the St. Louis Cardinals is over.  The Midwest now boasts the world’s champion baseball club, the St. Louis Cardinals having won the series with 4 victories out of 7 games played.  With its issue of last week, the Raritan Reporter began its 43rd volume.  Mr. E. O. Barnes, the publisher, has been in the business for 42 years in Raritan and has given his town and community a newspaper.  Here’s hoping his health, which has not been the best for several months, will improve that he may continue to chronicle the news of his home town and the community for years to come.

SUPPORT THE BAND: :  Every business, however, small profited by the Stronghurst band last summer.  They began last spring before any band in the country and people from Oquawka, Roseville, Raritan, Blandinsville, in fact from all our neighboring cities, came to hear the concerts.  Most of them traded here those nights buying their week’s supplies. Are you a wise business man?  Can you afford to lose the band?  Its’s nothing more than a business proposition.  There will be a man around to get your names down to support the band…The members of the C. E. Society of the Christian Church enjoyed an “automobile party” at the church last Friday evening.  A fine time with lots of goods eats was reported.

SCOUT NEWS: :  Herbert Brook ruined a perfectly good meeting by reciting his French lesson.  Kenneth Sanderson may be the patrol leader of the Fox, but Ida Ruth Sandy is teaching him how to box.  The patrol of Girl Scouts is called the Bob Whites.  Bob Gerber is a Panther in the Boy Scouts and this Panther’s greatest desire is to capture a Bob White.  Sad tidings have reached the ears of our new Scoutmaster.  A letter from Rev. Myers stated that one of the family was killed-Toby, Myers’ pet poodle, the camp mascot who went insane and they were forced to kill him.  Robert Gerber is the new scout scribe.  He makes a typical looking scribe with his long nose, spectacles and large ears for gathering information.  He will make a good scribe as he is always “just hanging around.” 

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: :  The heating furnace for the Olena Church purchased through Nichols & Co. of Burlington was brought out and placed in position a few days ago; it was installed free from debt.  Mrs. Ruth Browning was called to Stronghurst to nurse in the John Johnson home, three of their young children being on the sick list.  Elmer Carlson and wife motored to Monmouth Sabbath pm to attend the Billy Sunday meetings.  A lady from Ottumwa has been paying a visit to different members of the Dowell families of whom she is related. Mrs. Jessie Hicks remains quite poorly.  Virgil Davis and son are picking winter apples at the Weir Fruit Farm and report a tremendous crop.  Farmers are thinning out their hog crop as they have received word that many herds in different localities were suffering from cholera and no serum obtainable.  Sheriff Davenport of Oquawka has been sighted in this community the past week playing hid and seek with some, giving others a strenuous week, and the end is said to be not yet.  Truly, “the way of the transgressor is hard.”  (Looking for booze?) Master Joseph Moore who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever is improving as well as could be expected and sits up an hour in the morning and afternoon.  Mr. Ed Berry of Colorado Springs, Colo. left for his home after a few weeks visit with his nephew, E. D. Brewer and family.

OBITUARY: MARION EDWARD PRIER: - Marion Edward Prier, only son of George E. and Elsie Ada Prier, was born Nov. 7, 1910 and passed away at the home of his grandparents near Carman, Ill. on Oct. 8, 1926, aged 16 years, 11 months and 1 day.  A severe hemorrhage was the immediate cause of his passing.  He had been a patient at the Ottawa Tubercular Sanitarium from Sept. 15, 1924 until the latter part of July 1926.  Here he was a general favorite as well as in the community in which he lived.  He was of a bright, cheerful and fun-loving disposition and ‘twas said he furnished “pep” for the whole colony. As a child, he always loved the Bible, saying I can always understand it better when you read it.

The deceased was an orphan, his father passed away at Arkansas City, Aug. 1, 1910 and his mother passed away to her eternal home from Hopper, Ill. April 27, 1914.  The funeral services were held in the Olena Church Sabbath day at 3 pm by the pastor, Rev. Hubbs, who gave a very comforting sermon.  The casket bearers were young men.  He was laid to rest beside his parents in the Olena Cemetery. 

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS:   The Standard Bearer Society met at the home of Doris Reynolds on Oct. 5th.  Mite boxes were given out for the coming year and after the business meeting, a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess.  Mrs. Guy Cogswell and children of Fort Madison, Iowa returned home from a visit with her brothers, Guy and Pat Hulet and families near Stronghurst. Fine new furniture is being installed in the Lutheran Church this week.  The M.E. congregation held a reception for their new minister, Rev. McClure and family Wednesday evening at the church.  Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Lem Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Logan and daughter attended the 89th birthday anniversary of Mr. Lem Logan’s father, Mr. Jasper Logan which was held at his home in Lomax.  A number of his children and friends were present to help him celebrate.  On the following evening Mr. Logan was taken ill while downtown and was taken to his home.  It was feared he suffered a slight stroke. Mr. Earl D. Taylor left for Galesburg where he was called by the Santa Fe roadmaster to relieve one of their employees.

RARITAN REPORTS: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brokaw and two daughters of Michigan arrived here for a week’s visit with friends and relatives.  Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Voorhees are the proud parents of a baby girl born Sept.  30th.  Dr. Hoyt has been laid up for several days with the flu.  A number of schools were closed last Friday in order that the pupils might attend the Calf Show at Stronghurst. 

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Rev. Wm. Lormier of Alexander, Pa. spent Saturday here with friends before preaching at the First Church Monmouth as a candidate for that place. Francis Rankin of Monmouth spent the weekend helping his father with the store work.  The Women’s Missionary Society of South Henderson Church met Friday at the home of Mrs. Elmer Jamison.  A good attendance was present.  The regular lesson in the study book was taken up after which the hostess served a lunch.  At this time the society arranged for an all day meeting and Homecoming to be held at the church on Oct. 21.  A basket dinner will be served at the noon hour and all are asked to bring their baskets, their own table service and bread and butter sandwiches. Mrs. Mable White has moved her household goods to Monmouth where the family will make their home.

OQUAWKA NEWS: Atty Paul Gordon of Springfield came Friday for a few days visit with his father, Judge Gordon.  Milo Brown is moving his family from Monmouth into the Wm. Huss property.  Mrs. Esther Bricker who fell last week at her home and injured her hip quite badly is very much improved.  Her son, Wm Bricker and wife who have been with her a few days returned to Raritan.  Raus Cooper is suffering with a severe cold.  Mrs. Bess Boyd is absent from her duties at the F. W. Schlotzhauer Store with an attack of intestinal flu.  A drainage hearing was held at court here Saturday.  The Harry N. Vaughn land was sold at the court house Saturday by Master-in-Chancery J.W. Gordon.  Mr. P. J. Braun has been suffering with a severe cold.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: A number of children were entertained Saturday at the George Lewis home in honor Verna Ashbury’s fifth birthday.  The after noon was spent in playing games after which refreshments were served.  The Hartman family, who lived south of town, moved to Burlington last week.   The fried chicken supper given in Bryan’s Hall Friday evening met with great success, there being 63 individuals from the Boesch Store in Burlington and a number form the Economy Store besides a number from this vicinity.  The proceeds from the supper were $65 ($1,097+ in today’s values).  The C.B. & Q. claim agent was in town; Will Stevenson had some hogs killed by the train.  Mr. and Mrs. George Furnald are the proud parents of a baby boy born to them Friday. 

Media Record in the Stronghurst Graphic: SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS:   J. E. Campbell of Chicago visited home folks over Sunday.  Several out-of-town students who were able to be home for over the weekend were Ruth Howell from Macomb and Lillian Mink, Goldie Hean and Wm. Pogue from Monmouth. Mrs. Gram received word of the arrival of a new grandson, Robert Graham, born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith on Oct. 12th at the Burlington hospital.  The first social meeting of the young married people’s newly organized group took place Thursday evening at the United Church in the form of an oyster supper.  Mr. and Mrs. Eldon White will be hosts to the club on Oct. 28th.  Mrs. A. Burg entered the Burlington hospital last Friday and on Saturday morning underwent an operation for gall stones.  Her friends are glad to know that her condition was not as serious as thought to be and that she is doing as well as could be expected.  Their son, Dickie, is being cared for by Mrs. E. R. Grandy and Little Beth is with her aunt at Gorin, Mo.

NEW TO THE AREA: Roy C. Bell of Mt. Hamill, Iowa has moved on a five-acre farm near Media and expects to follow the business of chicken raising on an intensive scale.  Mr. Bell is a wide awake young man who knows the business and is determined to make a success.  He is installing a 10,000 egg incubator and will want to contract eggs for hatching from those of this community who keep good pure flocks of chicken.  The community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Bell to Media with their three children.

Many people wonder what become of the graduates of the school.  Here are the locations of the class of ’26:  Elsie Ahlers-Teacher’s Training at Macomb Normal; Lorraine Anderson-nurse’s training at Burlington Hospital; Paul Bell-editor of the Stronghurst Graphic; Chester Brokaw-Fort Madison Business College; Sarah Brook-student at Bradley, Peoria, Ill.; Lucile Butler-teaching Heisler School; Bessie Curd-at home in Park Ridge, Ill.; Sheron Gregory-Illinois Wesleyan at Bloomington, Ill.; Joe Howell-at home at Carman, Ill.; Florence May Findley-a student at Monmouth College; Richard Howell-at home at Carman, Ill.; Irene Kershaw-at home in Stronghurst; Gladys Lant-at home in Stronghurst; Frances Mahaffey-a student at Monmouth College; Pauline Marsden-nurse training at Cottage Hospital, Galesburg; Lois Marshall-teacher’s training at Normal, Bloomington, Ill.; Alma Mills-business college at Burlington; Gladys Mudd-teaching Pleasant Grove School; Robert Pence-at home, Lomax; Alfred Shallenberger-Fort Madison Business College; Frances Sweasy-nurse’s training at Burlington Hospital; Alice Powell-teaching school at Stronghurst and Max Veech-student at Monmouth College

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mr. Alvin Burnett has been on the sick list this week but is some better.  Mrs. Clara Coffman still remains very poorly.  Mrs. Cora Pendry is better; she has been a flu victim.  Mrs. Richie Vaughn and daughter are down with typhoid fever.  They have a nurse caring for them.  Several farmers near here have been finishing planting wheat.  Mrs. Charles Kirby is now working at the Burlington Hotel.  After visiting relatives and friends, Jake and David Cargill are returning to Texas.  Louis Dannenberg will attend the I.O.O.F. state convention at Springfield as a delegate for the Rose Lodge No. 409.  Mr. Walter Howell, a delegate for the Carman lodge, went to Chicago Masonic convention.  Mrs. Della Jarvis, who has been spending the past two months in Colorado, returned to the home of her brother, A. C. Babcook and then left for her home in Dallas City. Mr. D. Billups and sons of Stronghurst are shingling the James Bevins home.  The community extends their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and family for the loss of their grandson who passed away at their home east of the village.