The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Stronghurst Board Discusses Purchase of Property

by Shirley Linder, Quill Executive Editor

At the Village of Stronghurst board meeting on September 3rd the trustees discussed how to proceed with the Rod Phillips property on the corner of Southeast and Third Street.

The house is uninhabitable, with large holes in the roof. Nathan Harden inquired of Attorney Mariah Wallace if it would be possible to see if Phillips would sell the property to the village, which they could then tear down and later, if desired, sell the land. He felt this would be a more amicable way of handling the situation as opposed to going through the courts.

Attorney Wallace said this was possible the village would just need to adopt an ordinance for the purchase. After much discussion, by the board, it was decided Harden would talk with Phillips and see if an agreement could be reached, if not they would turn it over to the attorney.

The meeting was called to order with Mayor Pro Tem Mike Swisher, leading in the Pledge of Allegiance, presiding in the absence of Mayor Brendan Schaley.

David Knutstrom stated that he had presented the newly formed organization last month as the Henderson County Recreational Association and the correct title is West Central Illinois Recreational Association.

Randy Jarvis thanked the board for removing the tree on the Spiker property, which was also partially on him. He then asked the board what he could do about the cats in his neighborhood. He said catching them was no problem but he didn’t know what to do with them after catching them. He stated there are around 30 to 40 cats that are being fed by a neighbor but they are not being cared for as there is a blind one and one with a broken leg. They are getting on his property, in his vehicles, etc. The board, having had this discussion before and knowing there is no legal law for the control of cats, said that if they were on his property it would be up to him as to what to do about it. Attorney Mariah Wallace informed the board they could pass an ordinance in regard to neglect of animals and then charges could be pressed in cases of this nature.

The August police report was given by Mike Bohnenkamp in the absence of Police Chief Arbry Vancil: 52.5 hours worked; 103 miles on squad car; 6 service calls; 10 business checks.

The board had received a quote of $12,000 to repair the sidewalk at the corner of Main and Broadway, (Fisher’s Corner), from Tim Thompson Contracting. After discussing the issue, the board accepted the bid.

In other business the board:

Present were: Trustees Mike Bohnenkamp, Janice Smith, Paige Torrance, Mike Swisher,  Amanda Van Arsdale, Nathan Harden; Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Brittany Smith, Attorney Mariah Wallace, Danny Moore, David Knutstrom, Randy Jarvis, Shirley Linder