The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the November 4th meeting of the La Harpe Lions, Lion Greg Lara (District Zone Chair) was our guest. Lion Lara has been involved with Lions for over 25 years! He mentioned that most school do not have a course in critical thinking which he feels is essential to the well being of people. One way to correct that is using the Lions Quest Program.
Why Lions Quest?
Lions Quest believes the most effective way to implement positive youth development programs and bring about lasting improvements in school climate is to equip educators with current research, materials and strategies for addressing critical issues facing youth. All three Lions Quest programs - Skills for Growing (grades K-5), Skills for Adolescence (grades 6-8), and Skills for Action (grades 9-12) - help foster in young people important life skills, healthy attitudes, strong character, positive relationships, and active citizenship through easy-to-use classroom materials, superior professional development, and important community partnerships.
Lions Quest research-based programs support school-community partnerships by linking local schools with the largest service organization in the world - Lions Clubs International.
The La Harpe Lions voted to give $500 to the Fortress Bank Christmas Tree and made a $125 donation to the Children’s Christmas Craft Donation Project.
November 13, the La Harpe Lions delivered dictionaries to each of the third grade students at the La Harpe Elementary School. It is important for third graders to learn new words! The Dictionary Project has become one of the La Harpe traditions!