The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Elevator Ceremony, April Election, Online Senior Citizen Sale, Topic at City Council

By Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher/Owner

At the October 28th meeting of the La Harpe City Council City Clerk Lucretia McPeak had several items to inform the council of after their 7:00 p.m. meeting approved its usual opening business.

McPeak said a call was received from Mike Fauk, manager of Roquette’s La Harpe Elevator, inviting the Mayor and the city council members to attend their ground breaking ceremony at the elevator site on Wednesday, November 6th at 10:00 A.M.. The elevator had suffered extensive damage from the Derecho that hit La Harpe on June 29, 2023.

McPeak also reminded the council that following the Nov. 5th General Election there is the upcoming Consolidated Election, which will be April 1, 2025. La Harpe will have City Council seats up for Election which are:

McPeak said that Independent papers for circulation are available from the Clerk and that Petitions can start being turned in November 12 through November 18, from 3 – 5 pm to the City Clerk.

McPeak also reminded the Council of the Sr. Citizen real estate auction, which will be held at 10:00 am, November 21st online.

Committee reports

Training for Body cams are in progress.

Other reports

City Clerk McPeak reported on Motor Fuel Tax bills. She asked council to approve appropriating funds from MFT to pay Midwest Express & Hay Grinding - $734.49.

Stevens made the motion to appropriate funds from MFT to pay Midwest Express & Hay Grinding $734.49. Shumaker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer Monalisa Graves informed the council the bill for WIRC membership dues for $705.00, were not on the list of bills to be paid.

Mayor Hasten-Reed reported on behalf of the City Attorney. He has been working on the ADA Compliance, and a proposal to release fines, for ownership of property from Jim Hilton.

Public comment

No comments were offered.

Old Business

Shumaker made the motion to approve the 2025 City Insurance with RMA for $41,614.65, which include the $250.00 yearly dues. Lenix seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Shumaker made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s report and pay bills.

Donaldson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Rob Biondolino, with Memorial Hospital, approached the council with plans for a Medical Clinic on the East side of the Park where the empty lots are located.

Shumaker made the motion to sell up to 3 lots on the East side of the City Park for $1.00 per lot, pending Memorial Hospital build a Clinic on the lots. If the Clinic is not built, it changes to $1,500 for each lot to Memorial Hospital. Donaldson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The moving and placement of the old Hospital sign will be on the next agenda.

There was no action needed on the Ordinance on Semi’s and Trailer’s around the City Park.

It was discussed that possibly they could check with the Township for parking.

Other business for discussion only:

The progress with water sales at the Water Plant was discussed.

New Business

The ADA Compliance was discussed. This will be on the next agenda.

The Tax Levy was discussed. This will be on the next agenda.

There was discussion on where to plant trees in the City Park. The council will look into where trees need to be planted to replace what has been damaged or taken down.

Other business for discussion only

There was discussion on solar panels on residential homes.

There are still ongoing garbage issues that need to be addressed.

Shumaker made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Donaldson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The regular council meeting adjourned at 8:23 P.M..

Answering roll call were: Amanda Donaldson, Marvin Miller, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed. Dave Clover joined the council at 8:16 pm.

Also present were: Dan Gillett, Eric Little (RMA), and Rob Biondolino (Memorial Hospital).

The next scheduled meeting was set for Monday, November 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at La Harpe City Hall.