The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe American Legion Memorial Day Program Included

Dedication Of New Veterans Memorial by Legion Commander

By Chris Little - The Quill

The La Harpe American Legion held a Memorial Day program Monday, May 27th at the Veteran’s Memorial in the La Harpe City park.

Chris Little welcomed a nice sized crowd. She thanked everyone who donated to the new black granite tablets through memorials to Joan Siegworth and Donna Grisham at their passing, and by personal and business donations.

Thanks was given to Mark Stokke, his son Mark and their crew for their donated labor for the new cement, and thanks to everyone who helped Harry Fark in getting program participants, and the La Harpe Christian Church for printing the programs.

The American Legion members, Ken Brown, Dan Gillett, John Lee and Lindsay Shoemaker made up the Color Guard.

Melissa Burt sang the National Anthem.

Rod Burr gave the opening prayer.

Rod and Kay Burr’s granddaughter, McKinley Gebhardt, daughter of Josh and Kayla Gebhardt, led The Pledge of Allegiance.

Special Speaker Terry Avery, who served in the US Marines during the Vietnam War, was the noted Speaker. He spoke of the hardships the military went through in this war.

Darrell Kraft recognized all Veteran’s,  the Gold Star Mothers along with their families who lost children while serving in the military, and Blue Star Mothers, and families who have children who are active military.

Dan Gillett gave a moving speech on Herman Link’s time in the Military during WWI.

Legion Commander Harry Fark in his dedication of the new Veterans Memorial said: "I dedicate it to the memory of those who fell in the service of our country.

"I dedicate it in the name of those who offered their lives so justice, freedom, and democracy might survive to be the victorious ideals of the peoples of the world.

"The lives of those who have made the supreme sacrifice are glorious before us; their deeds are an inspiration," Fark said.

"As they served America in time of war, yielding their last full measure of dedication, may we serve America in time of peace.

"I dedicate this memorial to them, and with it I dedicate this post to the faithful service of our country and to preservation of the memory of those who died that liberty might live."

Rod Burr gave the closing prayer. The Color Gard retired the colors, a twenty one gun salute and the playing of Taps concluded the program.