The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe Council Is Facing Police Employee Decisions

By: Dessa Rodeffer, The Quill (from unapproved minutes)

The La Harpe City Council was told at Monday's May 13th meeting by La Harpe Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed that Lynn Hoyt will be resigning as Chief of Police of the La Harpe Police Department until he can get his health concerns under control, and then would like to return when he is recovered.

Under New Business discussion only, it was felt that La Harpe would be without a Police Officer if Lynn Hoyt’s resignation on the next agenda is accepted, and that appointing Scott Rosson as Chief of Police will be on the next agenda as well.

Also, to discuss and take action on The Chief of Police salary will be on the next agenda if needed as well.

In other employment discussion of Old Business, Water Operator Tim Graves announced he would like to rescind his resignation of last month, so no action was needed for a Water Operator.

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting was called to order at La Harpe City Hall at 7:00 pm with the following reports and action:

Committee reports:

Public Property reported the garage door at City Hall has a broken spring and the opener is nor working properly.

Rosson had taken the laptop to CCC. The old laptop needs to be replaced. It would cost around $475.00. It needed anew mounting sydtem for the new laptop, and K & C Enterprise donated one to the City. City Clerk McPeak will send them a thank you.

Other reports:

Daniel Carpenter reported Sam, from Amp, came and checked the electrical filter box for the VFD drive. There is a need to get an estimate to send to the Insurance Co., since this issue stems back to when the light pole came down on Main Street awhile back.

Mayor Hasten-Reed reported for the City Attorney and stated that the last email he received from IMEG attorney, they did not accept the 85%, and had a counter offer. The next step would be Mediation.

She reported on the final signoff with FEMA. She is now waiting on IEMA. The City should be receiving around $116,000.00 for storm damages.

There was no public comment.

Old Business:

-Shumaker made the motion to approve the April council minutes. Stevens seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

-Clover made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s report and pay bills. Shumaker seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

-Shumaker made the motion to purchase a Plate Compactor up to $2,500.00. Stevens seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously

–The Budget Appropriation Ordinance will be on the next agenda.

–Shumaker made the motion to approve Amending Solar Ordinance #2024-2 (Land Usage). Lenix seconded the motion. Motion carried with a 5 to 1 vote, with Donaldson, Miller, Shumaker, Stevens, and Lenix voting Yes, and Clover voting No.

There was discussion on trees to be planted (replaced) in the City Park.

New Business:

There was discussion on an issue on Willow Drive. There is a homeowner that wants the City to redo the driveway. Since this isn’t a City street, and considered a private drive, the City would not be responsible.

Other business discussed:

-Lenix made the motion to go to Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific city employees (OMA Sec. 2(c)(1)), to consider the performance of an occupant of a public office (OMA Sec. 2(c )(3), probable/imminent litigation (OMA Sec. 2(c)(11), and any other topics allowed. Shumaker seconded the motion.

The regular meeting adjourned to Executive session at 8:02 pm.

The regular council meeting resumed at 8:46 pm.

Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Amanda Donaldson, Marvin Miller, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed.

New Business:

Other business for discussion only:

There was discussion concerning ADA.

The council went over the mowing list.

There is a hole in the sidewalk in front of the bank. It will be filled with rock for now.

The meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucretia McPeak,

City Clerk