The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Hears Water Supt. Resigns

by Michael Rodeffer,Quill Reporter

At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting April 22, the council heard Alderman Todd Stevens read Tim Graves resignation effective May 15, 2024.

It will be on the next agenda to advertise for a Water Operator.

Also, City Clerk McPeak reminded the council there is only the 1st meeting in May due to Memorial Day, and reminded everyone of City Wide Clean-up on May 10, 2024.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. with the following ansewring roll call: Dave Clover, Marvin Miller, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves and City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak.

Amanda Donaldson and Mayor-Katherine Hasten-Reed were absent.

Also present were: Dan Gillett, Terry Mutton, Michael Donaldson, and Scott Rosson.

After everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance Clover made the motion to appoint Alderman Shumaker as Mayor Pro Tem. Stevens seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no Committee reports.but in other reports;

Scott Rosson reported some activity in town last week. Another Agency had to be called in for help. He gave no details of the situation.

He has posted properties for grass and weeds.

There are 3 properties selling for taxes. He is working on issues at 101 N. B Street.

He is working on dog issues and issuing written warnings. There will be tickets issued after the warnings.

He would like to order Police shirts for the department. The cost would be around $100.00.

He would like to order 2 antennas @$8.00 each through Amazon.

He suggested having 1 Officer a week from the Hancock County Sheriff’s Reserves to patrol during summer ballgames.

He touched on the subject of getting Star radio for the Durango.

Michael Donaldson asked the council to consider purchasing a “Plate Compacter”. It would cost approximately $2,000.00. This will be on the next agenda.

New Business:

Motions were made and approved:

Other Old Business-for discussion only:

New Business:

Motions were made and approved:

Other New Business-for discussion only:

Clover would like to have the Engineers from the Carthage Water Plant to come to La Harpe and evaluate the City’s current Water Plant.

Stevens asked about employee raises. This is usually discussed in June for the July meeting.

Stevens made the motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Miller seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

(The report was taken from the unapproved minutes respectfully submitted by La Harpe City Clerk Lucretia McPeak.)