The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the March 20th West Central Board of Education Regular meeting, they discussed considering building a new athletic facility in the future. The space would allow for additional PE/Personal Fitness Class space and ability to change their programs. The building could be used for additional practice space for the district as well. The Board discussed, briefly, the two out-buildings on the Middle School campus as possibilities. The architects estimate that to make the needed repairs to those buildings in order to allow students to use either of those spaces it will cost about $500,000 for each building. The Board will continue to talk about this potential project in the coming months to determine the need, specifics of design and feasibility of the build.
The meeting was called to order by President Schaley at 6 p.m. President Schaley led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following items were presented as Good News:
Alyssa Hawk was present to talk with the Board about needed upgrades to the elementary and middle school playgrounds. She shared with the Board the hope from the Elementary PTC Group to make improvements for the elementary playground and the need for equipment and a space at the middle school.
The following items were approved as part of the Consent Agenda by a 6-0 roll call vote. Board member Gullberg abstained from the vote as he arrived as the vote was taking place.
There was one FOIA request for the month. The request was from SmartProcure, which is a recurring request for vendor information (name, cost, items purchased). The request was completed in the needed time frame.
A discussion on the 2024-2025 Registration Fees was held. The recommendation is to leave registration fees the same as the current school year (Elementary $55, Middle School $65 and High School $85) and incorporate a $30 Technology Fee annually for students. The fee will replace the optional chromebook insurance and cover some repairs of damage to chromebooks and when a student graduates from West Central, they will be able to keep their chromebook at no charge. Superintendent Day and the Tech Department will work on creating a plan for the Technology Fee to present with the Registration Fees for final action at next month’s Board meeting.
Discussed considering building a new athletic facility in the future.
The building administrators, District Technology Director and HS Athletic Director presented their monthly reports to the Board.
The Board approved an updated lease agreement with Bruce Foote for the Drivers Ed Car to use during the 2024-2025 school year, by a 7-0 roll call vote.
The Board approved the Health-Life-Safety amendment for the MS Locker Room Remodel Project, by a 7-0 roll call vote.
The Board then adjourned at 7:17 pm to enter into Closed Session. When they returned at 8:35 pm, the following action was taken:
Bryan Taylor was hired as the WCES Assistant Principal by a 7-0 roll call vote.
Payton Clark was hired as the WCHS Girls’ Track Coach by a 6-0-1 roll call vote, Board Member Clark Abstained.
Payton Clark was hired as a District Special Education Teacher by a 6-0-1 roll call vote, Board Member Clark Abstained.
The following Personnel items were approved as part of the personnel agenda by a 7-0 roll call vote:
The following Fall Coaches were approved for rehire by a 7-0 roll call vote:
There was no action taken on the Superintendent Contract.
The next meeting is April 17th at 6:00 P.M.
Board members present were: Mindy Clark, Sarah Bigger, Dillan Vancil, Lauren Chockley, Brendan Schaley and Josh Higgins. Absent was Karl Gullberg, who arrived at 6:16 pm. Also present for the meeting were: Superintendent Stacey Day, District Administrators: Kathy Lafary, Jason Kirby, Sara Ryner, Joel Zaiser and Joe Peters, Recording Secretary Jaime Shultz and District Technology Coordinator Jeremy Hennings. Additional visitors for the meeting: Bethany Nannen, Lauren Hinshaw and her Dad, Adalyn Haynes and her Dad, Alyssa Hawk, Amy Toops and Bryan Taylor and his family.
The Board was reminded that the next Regular Board of Education Meeting will be on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.