The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Oquawka Village Board held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 4th. Present were Trustees Don Rice, Brock Miller, Tammy Bundy, Troy Jern, Scott Ray; Village President Lori Lipes; Village Attorney Andy Youngquist; Village Clerk Callie Thacker-Matsko; and Village Water Clerk Carey Thacker. Trustee Shawn Hurt was absent.
Resident Bruce Ruberg addressed the board about getting new lights at the ball diamond. Bruce mentioned there are new lights waiting to be installed. The board informed Bruce they are waiting on an estimate from their electrician to install the lights and can’t move forward until they receive that.
Lipes stated some citizens, along with some Post Office Staff, requested that the first parking spot west of the alley in front of the Post Office be designated a handicapped spot. It was explained that spot can’t be a handicapped spot due to logistics including how close a sidewalk ramp is to the driver’s door, the alley; etc. Ray went on to say that when the new street project was engineered back in 2012, the closest spot that could be designated handicapped was around the corner from the old Hamilton’s building.
It was noted that new flags have been installed at Memorial Park.
Engineer Mike Greenlief addressed the board about a permitting issue for Phase 2 of the water project. The EPA has denied a permit for a new secondary well that is planned on the same property as the Municipal Pool. The denial is because the Pool’s septic system is too close to the new well location. There must be at least 400 feet distance between any municipal well and commercial septic system. It was noted that the main well may also be in violation and the EPA may force the Village to address that issue in the near future.
The board has looked into buying property near by to install new septic tanks along with a sewage pump which would comply with the 400 foot of distance issue but due to the status of the property, it doesn’t look like that option is going to work.
Greenlief suggested the board consider digging out the pool’s septic tanks and leach field, along with the tank at the Norma Jean Park restrooms which were built by the boy scouts, and use porta potties in their place. It was noted that the pool has two tanks and one is currently under a concrete slab.
The only other option presented was installing the well at a different location all together which would be very expensive.
Lipes will contact the Pool inspector to see if using porta potties and not having showers is allowed.
Police Chief Tim Edwards stated two citations were issued to the property owners of 1006 North 4th street for trash. The house has since been demolished and trash is scattered everywhere worse than it was before. There have been multiple complaints about the property since it was demolished. Edwards has informed the owners they have until June 24th to clean up the property.
After a long discussion, it was decided that Brock Miller would become the new Oquawka Baseball commissioner, effective immediately.
It was noted the Municipal Pool is averaging 26 people per day so far this year.
The board is still waiting on engineering before they can apply for the Campground permit.
The board approved the placement of a bench at Riverside Park in memory of Oquawka Resident James “Jimmy” Thye.
The board would like to move the 4th of July fireworks back to the river. Several ideas were discussed on how to do it while complying with the law. They will discuss further at the work session.
The board decided unanimously not to make any improvements to the alley between Mercer and Clay Streets.
Henderson County has shown some interest in purchasing the old ambulance building across the street from the courthouse. Youngquist explained the process of a municipality selling property. No action was taken.
Jeff Tee
River Rat News
“Just the facts, Ma’am”