The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
By: Shirley Linder, Executive Editor
At the Village of Stronghurst board meeting on Monday, July 1st, the board members approved a request from Police Chief Arbry Vancil to begin e-filing citations. This consists of all citations, such as warning tickets, tickets ordinances, car accidents, etc. which will go to the Henderson County Clerk’s office and the Henderson County Circuit Clerk’s office. Startup cost for this is $1,155 to buy a printer which will connect to the computer in the squad car for the purpose of printing the citations. The Henderson County Sheriff’s office will cover the cost of any other fees.
Guest Randy Jarvis requested a dead ash tree located 90% on Rexetta Spiker’s property, and the rest on his property and city property be removed. After much discussion it was decided to hire a tree removal company to remove it and also a tree on East Street.
Ronnie Gittings reported that the wells have gone up a little with the spring rains. Also he had trouble with the starter motor on the deep well. Due to the EPA’s request that the chlorine needs to be tested and recorded twice every day, he would need another set of scales and is looking into the price. He also reported Matt Hicks has been patching some streets, in preparation of oiling and chipping.
Mayor Brendan Schaley asked Gittings if he had checked with Jeff Nichols regarding the sidewalk at the corner of Main and Broadway (Fisher’s Food,) and Gittings replied he had not. Gittings reported he had been busy with filling out more reports daily as requested by the EPA and they had been putting in 5-8 new water meters per day.
The June police report included: 41 hours worked; 4 training hours; 108 miles on squad car; 1 traffic stop; 3 written warnings; 3 service calls; 18 business courtesy checks
Under new business the board was to “review and approve appropriation ordinance for 2024/2025”. However Attorney Mariah Wallace was unable to attend the meeting. Therefore, the board members agreed on an Appropriation Hearing at 5:30 p.m. on August 5th ahead of the regular meeting at 6 p.m. when an attorney will be present.
In other business the board:
The meeting adjourned 6:40 p.m. until 6 p.m., August 5th, with a special meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Present were: Mayor Brendan Schaley; Trustees, Mike Bohnenkamp, Janice Smith, Amanda VanArsdale, Mike Swisher, Nathan Harden, (Paige Torrance, absent); Employees, Ronnie Gittings, Arbry Vancil; Guests, Randy Jarvis, Shirley Linder