The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
by Dessa Rodeffer, Quill Publisher
Graduates from 23 classes attended the Stronghurst High School Alumni Banquet Saturday June 22 at the Pzazz Convention and Event Center in Burlington, Iowa.
The High School functioned between 1890 - 1971, before it consolidated to become Southern High School.
The alumni committee members who hosted the event were Candy Duncan, Linda Hartman Hernandez, Patricia Little Peterson, Sally Jacob Fisher, Barb Tatge Leatherwood, and Paula Hartman Hise.
Linda Hartman Hernandez, Co-President SHS Alumni Assoc. gave the welcome and her sister Paula Hartman Hise gave the blessing before the meal.
Shelly Johnson from the Class of 1973, was Master of Ceremonies and recognized the Golden Anniversary Classes of 1972-1973-1974.
There were 76 reservations which included guests and spouses of graduates.
Tom Eisenmayer from Ancorage, Alaska, came the furtherest to attend.
On June 22nd, 5 members of the 1972 class celebrated with the other alumni who attended the Stronghurst Alumni High School Reunion . It was a wonderful evening re-connecting with former classmates and old friends.
(L to r) Lonne Cargill, Peg Ingles, Linda Hernandez, and Sally Jacob Fisher, and Candy Duncan
From the Class of 1973 from left to right: Barbara Tatge Leatherwood, Donna Nichols Link; Sherry Linder McCarty, and Sheldon Johnson.
Present but not pictured from the Class of 1974 was Bill Knupp and Paula Hartman Hise.
The oldest members attending were Ralph Tatge of the Class of 1944, and June Stevenson Galbriath of the Class of 1945.
Sheldon Johnson. class of 1973 was Master of Ceremonies.