The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
A discussion was held on creating an Athletic Training Program for our students.
At the regular meeting of the West Central School Board on January 17th a discussion was held on an Athletic Training Program. Board member Higgins asked for this item to be on the agenda, as he has done some research on a couple different programs (Overtime Athletes and PLT4M) to consider for the PE and athletic programs to use.
Mr. Kirby provided information on a Feed the Cats program he has researched and looked into from Camp Point Central. He will work with coaches and PE teachers to determine what program and how to implement it for students to participate both in and out of school time.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Vancil at 6:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following items were presented as Good News:
The following items were approved by a 4-0 roll call vote as part of the consent agenda:
There was only one FOIA request for this month from Legal Action Chicago asking for information about unpaid meal money balances throughout the district. The request was responded to in the needed time frame.
Superintendent Day provided the board with an update on the MS School Improvement
Project they are working on with ISBE. Mrs. Ryner and Superintendent Day meet with an ISBE assigned School Coordinator once a month.
Middle School staff have completed the Illinois Quality Framework Rubric (IQF) and Mrs. Ryner is working to compile all of that information into one document for the SIP to review. The SIP team
Those results, along with the information we receive after the Needs Assessment completed by the American Institute of Research later this spring, will be used to complete a Root Cause Analysis.
The board will continue to be provided updates as they work through the planning year the rest of this semester.
A discussion about projects on the 10-year Health-Life-Safety Survey was held.
The board agreed to not include paving all of the parking lots throughout the district (an estimated cost of $1,200,000). Possible Life Safety Bond information was provided and the board was asked to provide Superintendent Day with projects they feel must be on the list and projects they feel should not be included before the Building and Grounds Committee meet to put together the final list for the architects.
The Building and Grounds Committee will meet (they were unable to do so prior to this meeting due to the holidays and the weather) to determine final projects and share that information with the architects. Then the architects will present the final list, with estimated costs, to the board at the February meeting for approval.
Due to scheduling conflicts with athletic events, Mrs. Lafary was the only administrator able to attend the meeting and present her report. The remaining reports were presented on paper to the board members.
The following personnel items were approved on the Personnel Agenda by a 6-0 roll call vote:
The next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 21st at 6 p.m. and a special meeting will be held on Wed., January 24th at 6 in the District Office Conference Room to discuss Superintendent’s Evaluation. This meeting will have a closed session only. No action will be taken.
Board members present were: Mindy Clark, Sarah Bigger, Dillan Vancil, and Josh Higgins.
Absent was Brendan Schaley. Lauren Chockley arrived at 6:06 p.m. and Karl Gullberg arrived at 6:15 p.m.
Also present were: Superintendent Stacey Day, District Administrators: Kathy Lafary, Jason Kirby, Joe Peters and Recording Secretary Jaime Shultz. The board adjourned at 7:45 pm.