The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

La Harpe City Council Reports on FEMA Meeting

At the regular scheduled La Harpe City Council monthly meeting on December 11th, it was report there had been a meeting with FEMA the first week of December. The City buildings, cemetery trees were checked out. The cemetery trees are a threat and there will be a meeting Thursday Dec. 14th with the FEMA manager. Any other projects and quotes need to be sent in by February 15, 2024 for FEMA money.

Other reports:

Tim Graves reported AMP was here and have the new VFD up and running. The electric company came and fixed the pole at the lift station.

It was reported Carthage has all stainless steel pipes, valves, etc.

Graves would like to attend a water conference in Effingham in February. It would cost $190.00 for the conference, and 2 nights in a hotel. This goes towards his continuing education. The council has no problem with him going to further his education.

There was a question involving the American Legion water bill. This will be on the next agenda.

David Little had a price for a pallet of Permapatch for $1,182.50. This will be ordered after the 1st of the year.

Scott Rosson reported his car computer still is not working properly. There were 68 calls in November. There will probably be a towing bill coming from Monmouth. The Police cars are left running to accommodate the computer and electronics in the vehicle.

City Clerk McPeak reported she had a Motor Fuel Tax bill from Midwest Express & Hay Grinding for $441.42.

Unanimously approved to appropriate funds from MFT to pay Midwest Express & Hay Grinding for $441.42.

Council reminded that there will be no 2nd meeting in December due to the Christmas holiday.

Mayor Hasten-Reed gave a shout out to the committee involved with the Country Christmas for a job well done.

Public comment: None

Old Business:

Approved the November minutes unanimously.

Unanimously approved the treasurer’s report and pay all bills.

Lenix made the motion to approve Ordinance #2023-4 (Ordinance Amending Title XV-Land Usage) for the Solar Panels. Donaldson seconded the motion. Motion carried with a 4 to 1 vote, with Stevens, Lenix. Donaldson, and Miller voting yes, and Clover voting no.

Clover made the motion to sign the Wind Energy Lease and Easement Agreement with Linea Energy Land Holdings LLC. Lenix seconded the motion. Motion was voted down unanimously, with all council members voting no.

There was discussion to remove/repair the bandstand in the City Park. This will be tabled for now.

Other business discussed:

It was discussed that garbage trucks will not go onto a private drive.

New Business:

Unanimously approved the 2024 MFT Resolution.

Clover made the motion to have the Employee Christmas dinner, catered by The Annex, on December 19, 2023 at the Union Church Fellowship Hall. Donaldson seconded the motion.

Motion carried unanimously, with Miller abstaining.

Other business discussed:

There was a snowman vandalized in the City Park.

There might be a new business going into the old Tastee Freez building on Main Street.

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm.

Answering roll call were:

Also present were:

Respectfully submitted,
Lucretia McPeak, city clerk.