The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Stronghurst Booster Club Set Bingo Date
At the February 12th meeting of the Stronghurst Booster Club, Bingo was set for March 15th at the Stronghurst Legion from 6-8 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
The Booster Club will provide hotdogs, chips, dessert, and lemonade. The theme will be St. Patrick’s Day. Any donations of small items and baked goods for prizes would be appreciated.
In other business:
December minutes approved.
January Minutes were reviewed individually and approved.
Treasurer’s report was reviewed by Shelly and approved. Shelly was able to move the CD account, 25235 over to a 9 month at 4.75% at the Bank of Stronghurst, Char motioned to reimburse Shelly for the purchase of paper products and decorations for the Community Potluck on February 16th, Melanie -2nd, motion approved.
Old Business:
A potluck was held on February 16th 5:30 pm at the Legion.
New Business:
Committees: As with previous years the Booster Club will be forming committees. If you wish to be on a committee please reach out to Amanda.
Farm Market: Amanda, Peyton, Melanie, Sara, Donna, Christine
Park: Peyton, Christine, Jade
Membership: Amanda, Christine
Doc Pogue Run: Sara, Mara, Melinda
Fall Fest: Shelly, Peyton, Char, Lori
Christmas open house: Rachael, Melanie, Jim, Char, Donna, Amanda
Fundraiser for Legion: Amanda presented the idea to sell customized wooden engraved ornaments to Veterans to hang on the Christmas Tree in the Legion. Discussion took place regarding the product and process of selling. Char made the motion to approve the selling of customized wooden ornaments with Veterans name and branch of service. Ornaments will be $10 each and plan to start selling as soon as April, proceeds will go back to the Stronghurst American Legion. Shelly 2nds the motion, all in favor, motion approved.
Meeting adjourned @ 5:05 p.m.
Attendance: Amanda Jack, Shelly Gittings, Donna Painter, Jim Blender, Melanie Annegers,
Christine Deverell, Donna Painter.
The next meeting will be Monday, March 11th, 4:30p.m. at the Legion.