The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Joy Swearingen, Quill Correspondent
The Hancock County Board reorganized Monday, Dec. 2nd, following the Nov. 5th election, and the start of the new fiscal year that began Dec. 1st., Joe Boyles was installed as a new member of the board.
Other re-elected members of the board installed at the meeting were Alex Blythe, Steve Lucie, Mark Menn, and Josh Turner.
Boyles grew up in Nauvoo and now lives in Niota. He is retired after serving 24 years in the Navy and is active with area volunteer work. He was elected to fill the seat of Tom Bergmeier, who did not seek re-election.
The meeting began with closing out any business for FY24, including approving bills due by the end of November.
With County Clerk Holly Wilde-Tillman presiding, Mark Menn was re-elected as county board chairman. Wayne Bollin was chosen as vice chairman. The committee appointments and meeting schedules were approved.Board committees were named as follows:
Finance Committee: Wayne Bollin, chairman; Alex Blythe, vice chairman; Harry Douglas; Steve Lucie; Dennis Castlebury; Lee Ann Lambert; and Joe Boyles.
Highway, Road and Bridge Committee: Dennis Castlebury, chairman; Wayne Bollin, vice chairman; Mark Harrison; Alex Blythe; Tom Rodgers; RyanWeeks; and Mark Hanson.
Health and Miscellaneous Committee: Harry Douglas, chairman; Steve Finney, vice chairman; Michelle Merritt; Joe Boyles; Josh Turner; Mark Harrison; and Steve Lucie.
Building, Grounds, Insurance, Permits and Energy Committee: Mark Hanson, chairman; Michelle Merritt, vice chairman; Tom Rodgers; Josh Turner; Lee Ann Lambert; Ryan Weeks; and Steve Finney.
Menn urged members to attend meetings and to notify the committee chairman when they can not attend, so the chairman can be assured a quorum will be present. A lottery was used to determine the order of roll call voting.
The board approved adoption of their established rules of order.
County Clerk Holly Wilde-Tillman is installing new and re-elected county board members. From left are Josh Turner, Mark Menn, Joe Boyles, Steve Lucie, and Alex Blythe.