The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Charlie Allaman Receives Quilt of Valor

Quilts of Valor Presentation

On Sunday, August 18th, The Hancock-Henderson Quilts of Valor ladies presented a Quilts of Valor quilt to Charlie Allaman age 97, from the Rozetta area.

Charlie served in the U.S. Navy from February 14, 1952 - 1954. He then was in the Reserves for 3 years for a total of 5 years, 5 months and 5 days. Charlie served on the USS Ackerman in SE United States. When he returned home, he farmed. He was married in 1956, and out of that union they had 4 sons, 8 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. The ladies said, "It was an honor to present Charlie with a quilt of valor in appreciation for his sacrafice and his service to our country."