The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the Village of Biggsville meeting on April 2nd, a motion was passed to proceed with moving their offices to the bank building if it would new cost effective.
The meeting was called to order at 6: p.m. by Village Clerk Judy Gravgaard with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes, invoices and treasurer report, was passed.
Streets/Water: Mike and Zack exercised 40 valves. There were 23 valves working and 17 not working. They are planning on putting in new valves this summer. Mike has talked to a construction company to bring the village water to Gibbs Station. They gave an estimate of $7,800.00 for the work. They are going to check with the courthouse to see if the village has an easement on the property. Kathie made a motion to install water to Gibbs pending a quote and easement with provisions to continue to the east, if necessary, Casey 2nd the motion, motion carried. Mike will contact the construction company to get a quote. He will also get a quote to see if they can install the new valves.
Parks: Jamie is going to check with Ameren and see if they can get some help with new lighting at the ballpark. They are still working on a grant to improve the ballpark.
New Business: Trash day will be June 1st. There will be more information to follow.
The board adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Members present: Stephanie Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, James McCabe and Chris Webb. Others present: Judy L. Gravgaard, Village Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Mike West, Maintenance and Zach Spiker, Maintenance.
Respectfully submitted.
Judy L. Gravgaard, Village Clerk