The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: May 6, 1926

A NARROW ESCAPED:  Ralph Staley who was plowing with a tractor at the Charlie Jacobs farm northwest of town on Tuesday had a narrow escape from being instantly killed.  Ralph had to come to town to get some repairs for the tractor and drove a Ford truck in doing the errand.  On the return trip the wishbone on the truck gave way while he was turning out to pass a wagon and overturned, pinning him beneath the truck.  R. E. Sippel, Harvey Lant and Alva Shook were on the scene in a short time and gave their assistance in righting the truck and bringing it to town.  Ralph escaped with some severe bruises and was badly burned with gasoline.

JUNIORS AND SOPHS TIE IN INTERCLASS MEET:   The weather last Saturday afternoon was ideal for an ideal track meet, and such the Stronghurst High School third annual Inter-class Track Meet held at the old school grounds on that date proved to be.  There was a good crowd present to witness the performance of the almost two score of contestants and the athletes proved to be well trained and all did very creditably.

The Juniors and Sophomores, however, proved to be the best represented and each of the two classes accumulated a total of 60 ½ points.  The Senior Class did very well considering its small number of contestants entered; it three entrees secured 16 points, winning third place in the meet.  The Freshmen placed fourth but accumulated 15 points which is very credible for a lower class….Seven records of the fourteen records were broken, the most notable performances being Harvey in the 100-yard dash, Veech in the high jump and Smith in the javelin.

OBITUARY-PERRY THOMAS COOPER: Mr. Cooper of Crandon, Wis., departed this life at an early hour in the morning of April 29th with stomach trouble.  Perry was born at the old home of the Cooper’s southwest of Stronghurst on July 21, 1869 and resided in the home county most of his life.  For a number of years, he was in the hardware business.  As health began to fail, he consulted a specialist and was advised to be out in the open air so decided to make Crandon, Wis. his home and live on a farm.  As the years went by, he enjoyed the lakes with their fish, his boat and the woods though many times he longed for the old home.

He was united in marriage to Miss Anna Waugh of Burlington on Oct. 16, 1895 and to this union were born four children: Mrs. Elsie Nelson of Lacona, Wis.; Everett Cooper of Crandon; Oliver of Los Angeles, Calif. and Thomas of San Francisco, Calif.  He leaves to mourn one sister, two grandsons and many friends.  His last was a peaceful trust in the Savior of his parents. He enjoyed having the pastor of Crandon and his wife come and pray and sing with him.  It was a feast for his soul.  He was a man of strong convictions, honorable in his dealings and his death is regarded as a great loss to his loved ones, but we meekly say rest from pain and sorrow our dear one.

BAND MEETS HIGHEST EXPECTATIONS: The Stronghurst band proved to satisfy the highest expectations of a large audience in its opening concert last Saturday evening, given on the corner of Broadway and Main Streets.  The musicians and their leader are to be congratulated upon their success as a new organization.  The band is a fine example of what can be achieved through the cooperation of the business men and the townspeople.  To organize and develop a new band takes a great deal of money, especially if the band is ever to amount to much.  The merchants have stood behind the band in the one great way that helps and that is by donating the necessary funds to keep the band going through the winter and up to the present time; however, they have stopped their payments, but the band still has some money to go on.

STAG PARTY:  Mr. Orville Boyd very delightfully entered twelve gentlemen friends at his home last Friday night.  Three tables were arranged for Pinochle, the highest score being won by Mr. Albert Nichols and the consolation prize went to Foster Lazear.  At a late hour, nice refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed by all.

STRONGHURST BETTER LEAGUE MEETS:   Last Friday evening the Stronghurst Better League met at the NuVon Hotel for their monthly banquet.  After justice was done to the fine supper, President Estel Mudd called the meet to order and the question was taken up of changing the name of the league.  After some discussion a vote was taken and the result was that hereafter the organization will be known as “Stronghurst Fellowship Club.”

Ora Smith of Biggsville gave pointers on how the club in his town financed their picnics by creating an attractive money maker in the way of a merry-go-round.  The group decided confer with the Farm Bureau to invite the calf club show to Stronghurst.  C. E. Painter, presenting Terre Haute Township, came before the club to seek aid in regard to helping oil a strip of road from a mile north of Terre Haute to the Ellis Roberts corner; they were short $150.  The proposition was voted on and a committee was appointed to solicit the funds necessary.  This will give an oil road from Terre Haute to Stronghurst.

A FINE PIECE OF MANUAL ART: After a great amount of painstaking labor, Robert Mathers, who lives a few miles northeast of town, has completed a fine piece of workmanship, that of a small Barbary Pirate model boat.  The boat is about 17 inches high, 20 inches long and 5 inches in breath.  It is a thing of beauty and artistic workmanship from its gracefully curved helm to its dainty ship lanterns and cannon gilded to a golden splendor which contrasts pleasantly with the rosy tint of the small sails.

Robert says his main tool was his pocket knife and this makes the exacting qualities of the production all the more wonderful.  Similar boats have sold for as high as $60-100 ($956 -$1,593 in today’s values) and this model would bring a nice price if its owner would feel inclined to sell it.  The boat is now on display in the show window of the W. C. Regan furniture store and is something that will be worth your while to see. (Anyone know what happened to the boat?)

A SCHOOL PICNIC: The pupils of the 3rd and 4th grade with their teacher, Mrs. Boyd, took their supper to the woods last Thursday.  The afternoon was spent in gathering flowers and later a picnic supper was enjoyed.  On their arrival in town, Mrs. Boyd took them to the Worley Ice Cream Parlor and treated them. A very delightful time was enjoyed by 28 children.

C. S. BELL DIES SUDDENLY: Cornelius S. Bell of Galesburg, died suddenly from an attack of heart trouble at his home in Galesburg last Thursday evening.  His recent illness was of less than a week’s duration though he had not been in good health for several months.  On last Wednesday he seemed to be improving and the end came as a great shock.

Mr. Bell was born in Henderson County near Biggsville and grew to manhood there.  With the exception of a short residence in Iowa and Missouri, almost his entire life has been spent in this portion of Illinois.

He was first married to Miss Sara L. Douglas, who died in1899.  She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Douglas, both deceased of Biggsville.  Of this union three children survive: Arthur Bell of Rock Island, A. C. Bell of Galesburg and Mrs. Ethel Snell of DeLong, Ill. 

Eleven years ago, he was married to Mrs. Henrietta Flint Simmerman.  To this union was born one son, Robert C. Bell.  There is also one grandson, Chester Bell, and a step-son, Ernest M. Simmerman at home.  Mr. Bell leaves a brother, Winston L. Bell of Manhattan, Kansas and two sisters, Mrs. Georgia Davidson of St. Louis and Mrs. Ella Palmer of Des Moines, Ia.

Since early manhood, Mr. Bell had been a consistent church member belonging at the time of his death to the East Main Street Congregational Church.  He was also a member of the Modern Woodman lodge of Galesburg and the Painter’s Union.  Mr. Bell was a man of quiet personality; his first thoughts were always for this home and family.  In his death the family loses an affectionate husband and father and the community a citizen of sterling worth.  Funeral services were held at the East Main Street church in Galesburg at 2 o’clock with burial in the South Henderson Cemetery…

PLANNING CHAUTAUQUA:   A meeting of the guarantors of the 1926 Chautauqua was held Tuesday evening at the office of C. E. Fort, Jr. and the following officers chosen:  President-Rev. J. A. Mahaffey; Secretary & Treasurer- C. E. Fort Jr.; and Messrs. Marshall, Jones, Mudd, Grandey and W.C. Regan were appointed on the ticket selling committee.  Charles Fort, Paul Bell, Dick Jones and Jack Regan were appointed the advertising committee.

The Chautauqua this year will be held in the new high school auditorium and any funds left after paying the expenses are to go to the gymnasium and stage fund.  If the high school students will get behind the sale of tickets, the money saved by using the new building together with the special contract price should result in a surplus of from $200 to $250 for this fund. (This is how culture came to rural areas in 1926.)

LOCAL MAN HONORED: A. J. Steffey of this place received official notices last week that he had been unanimously selected to represent Typographical Union 194 of Joliet, Ill. in the national convention to be held at the Printer’s Home in Colorado Springs, Colo. the first week in September next.  The I.T. U.’s jurisdiction covers the United States and Canada. There will be close to 400 delegates present.  Mr. Steffey was a charter member of the Joliet Union which was organized in 1882-44 years ago and was its first secretary. 

NOW IS THE TIME TO KILL GROUNDHOGS:   with the coming of warm weather and consequent activity on the part of the groundhogs, interest in the countywide plan of killing these rodents is increasing greatly.  Arrangements for the distribution of the calcium cyanide have been completed and many people have already secured a supply.

The calcium Cyanide has been purchased by the board of supervisors and it being distributed free to all residents of the county who will use it in the extermination of groundhogs.  It may be secured by takin a pint jar or other vessel with tight fitting lid to the most convention point of distribution.  The following firms and individuals are acting as distributors: Henderson County Farm Bureau, Stronghurst; E. G. Lewis, Media; Chas. Pogue, Media; J. M. Neff, Raritan Township; Willard Kern, Terre Haute Township; Bryan’s Store, Terre Haute; Hoover’s Store, Lomax; Babcook’s Store, Carman; Thos. Dixon, Carman; Wilson Curtis, Gladstone; August Weigand, Biggsville; Biggsville Shipping Association, Biggsville; Emmanuel Peterson, Bald Bluff; D. L. Warner, Rozetta and W. R. Hartgrove, Oquawka.

Full directions for use will be furnished to each person.  As it is desired to make the cyanide go as far as possible, every one is urged to make a close estimate on the number of holes to be treated.  A pound will treat about 15 holes and a pint is approximately a pound.

The success of this campaign will depend on the support given by all who own or occupy land in the county.  Those who do not treat their groundhog holes are not only losing an opportunity to cheaply rid their land of these pests, but they are doing their neighbors an injustice as the groundhogs will spread to adjoining fields.  Old residents tell us that 25 years ago a groundhog was a curiosity.  Let’s all cooperate to make that true again.

FORMER LOCAL BOY MAKES GOOD:   Mr. Harold Lukens, who directed the production of the staging of “Circus Solly” in Attica, Ind. last month deserves a great portion of the success at this venue.  A contract was signed with him for another home talent production to be produced there in November.  Every member of the cast in “Circus Solly” regretted the arrival of the closing chorus and without exception every person who witnessed the performance was highly complementary of the show.  This speaks well for Mr. Lukens.

FARM BUREAU WILL INSURE AUTOMOBILES FOR MEMBERS:   At a meeting held at the Farm Bureau office, arrangements were completed which will enable the Henderson County Farm Bureau to furnish automobile insurance to its members at rates considerably under those ordinarily charged for equal coverage.  (The auto is here to stay!) The constantly increasing automobile traffic is making insurance more necessary, particularly that covering injury or damage to the person or property of other individuals.  Farmers will no doubt welcome this opportunity to secure this service at a reasonable rate.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Miss Fannie Ericson, who has been having a siege with measles, has taken up her duties again at the bank.  The play, “The Curtailed Courtship,” given by pupils of the 8th grade was thoroughly enjoyed by a large audience.  Miss Evelyn Berry of Abingdon is visiting friends here.  She will be remembered as a former student in the high school and is now a member of the Junior Class of Abingdon High School.  Lloyd Stansbary of Montivista, Colo. came for a brief visit at the old home town with his mother, Mrs. S. C. Stanbary of Lovilla, Iowa, and brother Fred Stansbary of Mitchell, Nebr. who are at the home of his sister, Mrs. S. F. Rowley.  Lloyd is on his way to Oxford, Ohio. The funeral procession of Dave Edwards passed through town.

Members of the Commercial classes of the high school made a good showing at the meet at Macomb.  Miss Elizabeth Ackerman placed second in typewriting.  Miss Gladys Rice won third place in shorthand in the short hand team event. The local team place third.  Prof. Everett and Miss Edna Jamison accompanied the pupils to Macomb.  The present staff of teachers at the high school have all been retained for next year:  Prof. T. W. Everett, Glen Pickens, Miss Grace Seibolt, Mrs. Loen Price and Miss Edna Jamison.  Mrs. Lena Kilgore, teacher, will close the Graham school south of town on Friday.

CARMAN CONCERNS:  Mr. Warren Pershain and the Singer Sewing Machine agent of Burlington were callers in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Coffman are furnishing their home with new screens. The Wyman and Rand Co. truck was delivering furniture  in the neighborhood. James Harris and helpers of Burlington are putting in a new cement floor in the Alice Crane garage and also having other cement work done on her property.  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crane report that Link Logan of Dallas City is poorly.  Mr. Abraham Babcook is working on the telephone line for the C.B. & Q.  Frederick Burdy is much improved.  He received a bad kick from a mule a few days ago; he will be unable to attend school the rest of the year.  Miss Marguerite Vaughn is suffering with rheumatism.  Miss Gertrude Dowell, who has been helping care for the John Dowell family of Lomax the past ten days who are suffering with the flu, returned home.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Little Everett Painter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Painter, had the misfortune to fracture his arm last Sunday evening when he fell of the front porch at the home of his parents. Four teachers were rehired: Prof. L. O. Dawson, Supt. of Stronghurst schools as well as professor in the high school; A. L. Nicholas as teacher, principally of mathematics and as athletic coach; Miss Ethel Seaton as English teacher and Miss Mary Adams as history and foreign languages teacher. With the assistance of the American Cyanamide Co. four rat killing demonstrations will be given on Friday: Del Dixson’s corncrib south of town; Paul Stevenson residence south edge of Biggsville; J. U. Vaughn residence one mile south of Lomax; and Chas. Schroeder residence 2 miles south of Media.

Mrs. J. W. Anderson left on No. 22 for Chicago to visit her son and daughters.  On Sunday they drove to South Bend, Ind. for a week’s visit with Mrs. Anderson’s daughter, Mrs. Marion Forbes and family.  She will then go to Philadelphia, Pa. to visit other relatives and spend a few months near that city at a summer resort. Sam Howell is the possessor of a new Chevrolet touring car.  Mr. Joe Huff, rural mail carrier is driving a new Star car.  Mr. and Mrs. Drewis Kern and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boyd are driving new Chevrolet cars.  Mrs. Lulu Riggs of Macomb has ben helping to care for her sister, Mrs. Elsie Crane, who as been confined to her bed for some time.  Miss Mary Lois Mahaffey closed her Ponemah school with a picnic and returned home here. Lyman Ross shipped one load of hogs and the Coop one load of cattle and one load of hogs to the Chicago market.  Dale Davis accompanied the shipment.  Malcolm Smith and Orville McKeown are employed by the Bell Telephone Co. at Kirkwood. After spending time with his father in Grand Island, Nebr., Paul Baker returned to Stronghurst to make his home with his Uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. 

Miss Hazel Kirby gave a picnic to her pupils in the first and second grades at the village park.  Games and contests were indulged in and refreshments served.  Word was received of the death of George Lovitt of York, Nebr. Who is a cousin of Mrs. Naomi Cooper of this place.  Mr. Lovitt was born and raised in Henderson County in the Terre Haute neighborhood.  The members of the Senior Class visited the Tilbey Studio in Burlington where they posed for photographs. Mr. J. B. Milliken celebrated his 76th birthday at his home in the village with dinner guests Mr. James Milliken and family. Miss Amy Peterson returned home from Monmouth where she served as supply teacher for some months.  Mildred Olson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson, was suddenly stricken with pleurisy which later developed into pneumonia; her condition has improved. Mrs. Margaret Reyburn, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Aaron Johnson, was pleasantly surprised by friends on her 72nd birthday. Dr. H. L. Marshall is driving a new Nash sedan.  Marion Smith had the misfortune to have some ribs broken and his face scratched when a pile of hedge posts fell on him while he was in conversation with Mr. O. Randall who was loading the posts on his wagon and delivering them to the local station for shipment. A shower for Miss Helen Landon of Rio, Ill, in the form of a 1 o’clock luncheon was given at the Home of Mrs. F. L. Johnson, Saturday.  Tables were decorated with purple and pink sweet peas.  The afternoon was spent playing 500.  First prize was won by Mrs. Orville Boyd and consolation prize was awarded to Miss May Vaughn of Burlington.  Miss Landon  was presented with a May basket decorated with orchid and peach crepe paper containing many beautiful and useful gifts.  Hostesses were Miss Mary Adams, Miss Ethel Seaton, Miss Merna Vaughn and Mrs. Juliet Johnson.

Media Record in the Stronghurst Graphic May 6, 1926:

THEY ARE WINNERS: Yes sir!  It’s a fact that Media has a wide-awake bunch of boys and girls attending the Media High School.  If you are skeptical, think of the things they are accomplishing in our town.  Everything they attempt is done to the best of their ability. At the Invitation meet held at LaHarpe the boys made a clean walkaway with all the honors.  They won the pennant for the meet and enjoyed all the glory so they carried home the relay pennant also.  As a natural sequence, the declaimers, Gwendolyn Hixson and Graham Pogue, considered it only fair that they should further hold up the record and won two first at the declamatory contest held in the evening of the same day.  Media also won fifth place at the track meet held in Peoria.  We are placing a great deal of confidence in the ability of our boys and girls and while they are learning to play the game now, the gates to the great highway of opportunity are surely swinging open to welcome them.

GARRET RESIDENCE ESCAPES FIRE:   Last Friday the stove in Guy Garrett’s chick house set fire to the building.  This chick is located only a few feet west of the house and the fire was not discovered until had made considerable headway. Assistance was immediately called for and people from Raritan, Stronghurst and Media rushed in aid in extinguishing the fire.  The west side of the dwelling was badly scorched and the window pane broken.  The inside of the brooder house was practically burned up and the shingles were also torn off in order to quench the fire below.  About 140 chickens were burned, some of them weighing as much as two pounds while the majority were small ones.

OBITUARY: D. B. EDWARDS D. B. Edwards, born and reared at Biggsville and a trusted railway employee and prominent Galesburg citizen suffered a stroke last Monday night while waiting in the conductor’s room at the Union Station in Chicago to take out his train.  He passed away last Thursday in the Washington Blvd. Hospital in Chicago.  Mr. Edwards was born May 1, 1862 and would have been 64 years of age last Friday.  He entered the employ of the Burlington Railroad on Jan. 23, 1885 as a brakeman and has been a conductor since 1903, the past four or five years in the passenger service.  He was highly regarded as a faithfully competent employee and numbered host of friends in Galesburg and Biggsville and at other points where his work took him.  Mr. Edwards is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. E. W. Morris.  Funeral services took place from Galesburg home and burial was in the Biggsville Cemetery.

NOTES OF INTEREST: E. G. Lewis of Media was the main speaker at the meeting of farmers and business men at Roseville for the purpose of organizing a Farmer’ and Merchants’ Booster Club for Roseville. A. W. Brown was selected chairman and E.E. Burns as secretary.  Miss Beulah Fisher, former Stronghurst resident, is now a new teacher in the public school of Roseville.  Miss Mary Dixson, formerly of Stronghurst but now engaged as a teacher in the Roseville High School, sang a vocal solo and gave a musical reading as part of the musical program in conjunction with the Corn Supper given by the Co-Workers class of the Baptist Church in Roseville.  Mr. Tomlinson, living at St. Augustine, Ill., planted his field corn last Saturday, May 1st.  Much of the land he is putting to corn this year has not been farmed in corn within the last 40 years.  If the mercury doesn’t go too low, he will have a bump crop this fall.

Stronghurst Graphic, May 13, 1926 SUNDAY SCHOOL TRAINING  SCHOOL:  Plans are under way to hold a S.S.Teacher Normal Training School in Henderson County during the two weeks June 6-20th.  The teaching staff will consist of the Dr. Wm. F. White, Dr. Clarence H. Benson, director of religious education of the Moody Bible Institute and Miss Taylor…

END OF YEAR PICNIC:   The pupils of the Fitz School with their teacher, Miss Anna Ahlers enjoyed a wiener and marshmallow roast along Honey Creek on the last day, Mary 7th, of a successful term of school. Parent and friends to the number of 50 joined the school bringing well filled baskets and enjoyed the day.  Miss Ahlers has been hired for the coming year with an increase of salary which testifies to her ability and satisfaction given the past term.  It will be remembered that the Fitz School burned during the holidays and a new school house is under construction.  It will be ready by the beginning of the new school term.

MOTHER & DAUGHTER BANQUET: The Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of the M.E.Church gave a Mother and Daughter Banquet to the Standard Bearer Society in the church dining room on May 11th at 6 o’clock.  This event was in honor of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Standard Bearer Society.  The dining room was attractively decorated with wild flowers, which give it the appearance of a real springtime bower. A splendid two course dinner was served followed by a short program.  The main speaker of the evening was Miss Faith Clark, a missionary stationed at Muttra, India, who is spending a short furlough at her home in Carthage, Illinois.

GIRLS’ CLUB LEADERS MEET: The women who are to act as leaders for the girls’ 4-H Clothing Clubs sponsored by the Henderson County Farm Bureau met with Miss McKee of the Girls’ Club Department of the College of Agriculture.  Miss McKee outlined the work which to be passed on to the girls during the summer.  This will include care and repairing of clothing, selection of materials, first steps in sewing and the actual making of simple garments.  Leaders present were the following: Mrs. Jennie Melvin of Raritan; Mrs. Harry Ross and Mrs. Otto Steffey of Maple Grove; Mrs. A. P. McHenry and Mrs. Dr. Babcock of Biggsville; Mrs. Will Thompson and Mrs. Guy Welch of Reed; Mrs. J. H. Flatley, Mrs. W. W. Darrah and Mrs. Volmer of the Fall Creek neighborhood and Miss Lois Spears of the Rankin community.  Mrs. August Rehling of Carman was unable to attend.

ALLISON SCHOOL ENDS YEAR:   Miss Esther Lind closed a successful year as teacher at the Allison School last Friday and has been employed for the next term.  About 50 patrons were present to help Miss Lind and her scholars enjoy a picnic dinner.  A very interesting program was given in the afternoon by the pupils.  The following pupils who were neither absent or tarty during the year received honor pins from the county superintendent of schools and a book form their teacher: Roy Smith, Edwin Lewis, Gail Meescher, Elbridge Fort, Jr., Paul Nelson and Carolyn Nelson. (This is quite a feat as flu, measles and scarlet fever caused illness in the county.)