The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: April 29, 1926

THIRD ANNUAL INTER-CLASS TRACK MEET: The Stronghurst High School Inter-class Track Meet will be held at 1 pm Saturday afternoon, May 1st on the old school grounds. A total of 40 students are entered in the 13 different events.  Last year over 600 tickets were sold and present conditions indicate that the sales will be even greater this year.  The ticket selling has been made a contest between the different classes with each being awarded points in the meet as to number of tickets sold.  Four places will be awarded in each event and ribbons given to those placing.  As only two entries can be made from each class and one individual cannot enter more than two contest, there is a favorable chance for all contestants to place in at least one event. 

Besides the ordinary rewards for placing in events, the members of the team of the winning class will have their names engraved on a beautiful, tall slender, graceful silver cup which is expected to serve the same purpose for a number of years and will be a fine memento to the school. (A list records set by individual follows-look up this article at the library to see if your grandfather is listed.)

TO RID COUNTY OF GROUNDHOGS: War has been declared on the groundhogs in Henderson County and a ton of calcium cyanide which is the ammunition to be used in the campaign, has been received in Stronghurst and stored at the Farm Bureau office.  At the Supervisors meeting held in June last year, the bounty on groundhogs was removed and an appropriation was made for the purchase of calcium cyanide to be distributed free to residents of the county.  Calcium cyanide is a flaky material which when placed in the groundhog hole, combines with the moisture in the soil and liberates a gas which kills the rodent instantly.

How to Use: The holes are treated by placing a large mixing spoon full (about 1 ounce) of calcium cyanide well down in the burrow which is then closed with sod or weeds to keep the dirt from rolling in on the cyanide after which the entrance is well covered with dirt.  Holes which are opened should be treated again in a week.

Care should be taken to avoid treating dens of fur bearing animals as they are protected by law.  A groundhog hole is freshly cleaned out and the dirt heaped up in front of the entrance.  Grass and other vegetation are nibbled short about the hole.  Skunk holes are never cleaned out and fox holes usually have feathers and bones scattered about the entrance…

WEDDING BELLS-VEDELL & KIRBY:   Miss Agnes Kirby, daughter of C. W. Kirby, formerly of this place but now a resident of Dallas City and Tug L. Vedell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vedell, Gilbert Ave. of Galesburg were united in marriage at high noon on April 24th by the Rev.  James Watson of the Central Congregational Church at Princeton, Ill.  The bride was charming in a suit of blue twill with gray slippers, hose, hat and gloves.  Her bouquet was a honey dew Ophelia roses and orchid sweet peas-the brides chosen colors. Mr. and Mrs. Vedell left for Chicago and points East and will be at home to friends after May 1st is a pretty new home at 1084 Baird Ave, Galesburg.

Mrs. Vedell, formerly of Stronghurst, has made her home in Galesburg for the past three years and has been employed at the Shrick Motor Co.  She graduated from the local high school with the class of ‘ 21 and later at Brown’s Business College.  Mr. Vedell graduated from the Galesburg High school with the class of 1920 and is employed by his father.

BANK CONCERT: at 8 pm Saturday evening, May 1st, the Stronghurst band under the leadership of J. H. Korner of Burlington, Iowa, will give its opening concert.  This band is an organization of 20 members, some being veteran musicians while others having little experience but are advancing rapidly.  This combination of old and new players assures Stronghurst of a real live, worth-while band.

PLAY AT MAPLE GROVE:   The little play, “Mother Mine,” was given by the Maple Grove talent for the last time Monday night to a capacity crowd.  They gave the same play at Lomax, Terre Haute and Carman during the past two weeks.  April Showers diminished the number of attendees there.  The play centered around the home life of Miranda Peasley and her friends.  Mother Mine (Miranda Peasley) loved all the younger folds and wanted to make them happy. The play was given under the direction of Mrs. A. E. Davis and Rev. Meyers.  Proceeds will go to the Maple grove Sunday School and church budget.

ATTEND STATE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION:   The writer accompanied the Henderson County delegation to the state republican convention at Springfield last week and was an interested spectator of the events connected with the gathering through the courtesy of Mr. C. R. Pendarvis, chairman of the delegation from Henderson County, and Mr. G. C. Rehling, who took part of the delegation over to the capital city in his car.  The writer and delegation had seats well up toward the platform where it was possible to see and hear everything that transpired…

8th GRADE FINAL EXAMINATION GIVEN: (For some this would be the end of their education while others continued onward.)  The eighth grade final examination for the township was held last Saturday afternoon at the assembly room of the Stronghurst High School.  There were some schools represented outside of the township and a total of 25 pupils took the examination under Prof. L. O. Dawson, Supt. of Stronghurst Schools. (List by school and pupils included in this article.)

ATTENDING CONVENTION:   Rev. Elmer J. Holt left to attend the 74th Illinois Convention of the Illinois conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America being held in Paxton, Ill.  This conference has a constituency of over 62,000 members, including children and has 160 congregations and 116 pastors.  All of these pastors and one lay delegate from each congregation re expected to be present…

WEDDING BELLS-RANKIN & SWANSON: At two o’clock on April 28 occurred the marriage of Mr. Lloyd Rankin and Miss Anna Swanson.  The ceremony was performed at the Lutheran parsonage by the Rev. Elmer Holt with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Regan as witnesses.  The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hannah Swanson of this place and is well known to people of the community with whom she has long been a favorite.  The groom is one of our home boys having lived among us all his life except a few years spent in New Mexico (Lloyd told me he raised carrots there) and the time spent in service during the world war.  At present he is in the employ of the government as a mail carrier.   A short wedding trip is planned to nearby cities.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Quite a few of area farmers have begun plowing for corn while others are getting fields ready for plowing.  Quite a bunch of young people enjoyed a wiener and egg roast Saturday evening in the timber west of Olena.  Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carlson have begun keeping house on the Peter Dahl place and they were given a real old-fashioned charivari to which the responded with cigars and candy.  Mrs. Carlson is finishing her term of school in the Heisler district.  Mr. and Mrs. Acil Dowell and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gittings and babe who have been spending sometime near Wichita Kansas, returned home to Illinois.  Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burrell have returned to their home in Olena after several weeks’ absence.  The extreme cold nights are delaying gardening.  Quite a number of pupils from the Olena School, Hopper School, Heisler School and Marshall School went to Stronghurst Saturday to take the final examination in 7th and 8th grades.  Quite a number made the grade. On Sabbath Day, May 9th, “Mothers’ Day” will be observed in the Olena Church with appropriate sermon and song service.  If your mother is living, wear a red carnation and if she has passed, a white carnation.

RARITAN REPORTS: Messrs and Mesdames Garold Gipe and Lyle Thrush drove to St. Louis.  The Gipes continued on to Maryland while the Thrush returned home.  Roy Cavins is attending school in Chicago.  Howard Goodman, who spent several weeks in Virginia, returned home. A miscellaneous shower was held Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman. Although a bad evening, a goodly number were present and many pretty and useful presents were received.  Mrs. Sarah Mc Limans of Hot Springs, South Dakota, is visiting her cousins, Mrs. George Mathews and Miss Naomi Cooper.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Dr. Emerson of Lomax is now caring for Mrs. Rozetta Brodway who has been confined to her bed with the flu.  Her husband returned to Albert Lee, Minn. as his uncle is still very poorly.  Harry M. Gillis of Vital, South Dakota is visiting relatives after an absence of three years.  Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hind of Burlington, Ia. mourn the loss of an infant born to them Thursday of this week; the body was brought here for burial.  Dredging of Silver Lake is now in progress.  The dredging crew deepened the slough leading from the river and will begin constructing the levee that will prevent deposits of dirt from filling the fishing reserve.  This has long been contemplated by the members and will be completed in about two weeks.  The work of filling in the low spots in the lawn and playgrounds have been completed and the grounds surrounding the club house are made more spacious and beautiful than before. Mrs. Cyril Good is a patient at St. Francis Hospital in Burlington. Church services will be held on Sunday evening at 7 pm. 

LOMAX LINGERINGS: W. R. Gaddis returned home from Kentucky where he had been called by the illness of his mother.  Colman Garrett and wife of near Stronghurst have become citizens of Lomax.  Mrs. Doug Freeland and son Steve attended the funeral of her sister near Blandinsville on Saturday.  Mrs. Frank Miller, who underwent an operation at a hospital in Oklahoma, was able to return home.  The children of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Hopkins who have been seriously sick for several days are slowly improving.  Arthur Smith and family who have been living in the south part of town have moved to a farm south of town and will farm this year.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Arthur Forbes left for South Bend, Ind. where he visited his brother Marion and family.  A daughter was born on April 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Annegers who live west of Stronghurst.  Mrs. John Hicks of Olena has been suffering from an infected finger which required lancing twice.  Chester Trimmer who underwent an operation for appendicitis a couple of weeks ago at a hospital in Peoria is home for a season while he recuperates.  The women of Henderson County are invited to meet in the Community Room Thursday evening for the purpose of organizing a Home Bureau in the county.  Ralph Dickerson, who has been doing electric work at the high school, left with his family for Hannibal, Mo.  James Sanderson is substituting as rural mail carrier for Lloyd Rankin while the latter takes a vacation. James Brewer of Olena has just finished drilling two wells on the Dean Cortleyou farm southeast of Stronghurst.  One well is 70 ft. deep and the one they drilled 50 ft. is overflowing. Albert Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gust A. Swanson, east of Stronghurst, who is attending Augustana College at Rock Island, won second place in a declamatory contest there.  The contest was held in the Swedish language and was sponsored by the Olaf Rudbeck Society.  Four years ago, Albert won 1st place in the declamatory contest for high schools in this county.  J. P. Huppert is adding to the appearance of his residence by the addition of a room and a porch.  At his place of business, the harness shop, he is putting in some new cement steps as a new means of entrance to that establishment.  Morgan Parish left for Chicago where he expects to secure stenographic work.  Grandma Trimmer is recovering from an attack of the flu.  She is being cared for by her granddaughter, Mrs. Pearl Dyer of Ellsworth, Kans. Dr. W. W. Milligan and wife have returned from Florida and were visitors at the A. S. McElhinney home.  Mrs. Will Stine purchased of Mrs. L. E. Pogue the property in which Mr. J. F. Mains and family now reside.  The Mains will move to the Hollingsworth property in the west part of town.

Miss Hattie Taylor who is making her home with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Allison of this place, is spending the week at her country home southwest of town. Perry Simpson has purchased of the W.B. Gregory the building Mr. W. A. Kenner has been using for a coal office and also a lot south of the L. E. Simpson residence and is moving the building to the rear of the premises. Mr. August Herman of Butler, Mo. accompanied Mrs. Martha Moshier to Stronghurst the latter part of last week where she will visit for some time at the home of her nephew, Mr. C. H. Curry.  Mrs. Moshier will be remembered by some of the older residents of the village, having taught school in this vicinity when only fifteen years of age. Warren Frazell, an uncle of Mrs. John Staley passed away Monday evening, April 26 at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ray Gardner of Colbrook, Ill.  The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 pm at the Christian Church there. At the Swedish Lutheran Church, the Luther League will sponsor the showing of a travel film entitled, “See Sweden,” at the church on Tuesday evening.  This ought to be of interest to all who were raised in Sweden and to all whose origin may be traced to that beautiful county.  Likewise, the general public will like a travel film that is instructive.

Through Mr. A. S. McElhinney we learn of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Robt. J. Price, who passed away at Los Angeles, Calif. hospital on Monday of this week.  Mr. Price is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jean Rankin Price and two children, Rankin and Esther.  Rankin is expected to arrive in Springfield, Ill. Friday with the remains.  Interment is in the Oak Dale Cemetery of that city.  Some 26 or 28 years ago, Mr. Price acted as local Santa Fe Railway Agent.

THE MEDIA BROADCASTER, April 29, 1926: E. S. Mathers of this place suffered a severe injury Monday afternoon when the middle and forefingers of his left hand were crushed by coming in contact with the swiftly revolving fan of a tractor.  Dr. Hoyt of Raritan was called and decided very close attention was necessary to save the injury from infection.  A large group of children which make up the Junior Choir of the local church enjoyed a wiener roast down at the Wever Lakes Friday evening accompanied by Rev. Cross.  A series of illustrated Biblical lectures will be given in the United church by Dr. Murray of Monmouth beginning the first week of May. Rev. Wm. Cross was present at the celebration of the 107th anniversary of the I.O.O.F. lodge at Oquawka on Monday night and at Monmouth on Tuesday night.  He spoke to the fellow lodge members on these occasions, his subject being, “The Majestic Service.”

MAMMOTH CIRCUS COMING TO MONMOUTH:  Robbins Bros. Big 4-Ring Shows is to appear on Tuesday, May 4th at Monmouth; it is to have the world’s largest circus giving a street parade on May 4th.  It is a big event for this section of the country.  The circus has been increased to twice its former size through augmentation by purchase of U.S. Circus corporation properties.  Hundreds will go over from here to attend.  Already there are a number who have made up parties to go over to Monmouth to attend one of the two performances.

Among the distinctive features are two mammoth pageants requiring 300 people in its cast of characters; three herds of elephants; a mammoth hippopotamus just imported from Africa; marvelous herd of performing animals; Ponce Bill’s Wild West shows; 50 Sioux Indians from off the reservation; 50 cowboys; Count Cimmerjotta’s dancing horses; acrobatic acts; Japanese families recently brought over from Japan; Arabian tumblers from Teheran, Arabia; 40 clowns with the highest salaried clown in the world as producer; trained dogs and ponies; parade of nations which for oriental splendor excels anything produced up to the present time; 200 wild animals, 400 horses; 600 men to man the show; and wonders galore; and feats without parallel. The circus is one of the most successful in the country having for half a century played principal in the east and is now making the second western tour enlarge to such an extent that it stands in the front ran and is worth it in every way. (Wow! What an opportunity!)

BUNDLE DAY, MAY 5TH: Imagine a young girl in her teens who has never had a pair of ballroom slippers refusing to wear a proffered pair of white satin dancing pumps of the latest model?  There are thousands, now barefooted who would be forced to forego such a gift. They are the girls in the refugee camps of Greece and in the Near East.  Relief orphanages in the Bible Lands who, for the next 12 months, will wear the cast-off clothing sent from this country on Bundle Day, May 5th.  And, their refusal of footgear finery is by reason of the fact that they have never worn shoes of the shape that encase the attractive feet of the American miss and the high heels now in vogue would only serve to send them sprawling forward to their faces.

So is its appeal to the people of America to remember Bundle Day on May 5th, Near Est Relief emphasizes that shoes cannot be used.  However, all other articles of apparel will be welcomed and there is no limit to the size.  Clothing for babies and for grown-ups is needed. School children throughout the city, state and nation will collect bundles and if unable to locate a bundle station near their homes are asked to forward contributions by express or parcel post to Near East relief in care of the Western Warehousing Co. 323 W. Polk St., Chicago.  (This area was still suffering from the effect of World War I.)