The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic, April 1, 1926

Media Record in Stronghurst Graphic, April 1, 1926 PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS: The ladies Foreign Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Thos. Howell as hostess. The topic is “Beginning and Development of home missionary work.  The Easter cantata, “Hosanna,” will be Sunday morning at the United Church.  The botany class from Roseville High School with their instructor, Miss Mary L. Dixon, visited the Lewis Seed House where the different species of plant life was explained by Paul Erickson, who has charge of the Agronomy Dept.  Miss Dixson last year was a member of the local high school faulty in charge of Science and Music Departments.  Roy Anders who has been attending Ft. Madison Business College informed his friends that he was leaving for Chicago where he has a position in a prominent firm.  H. A. White is improving the home of Elmer Powell by adding a large room.  Mrs. Emory Eberhardt went to Stronghurst for dental work.  Asa Grate was unable to make the trip to Raritan with the mail and was forced to return to Media.  The next day Emory Eberhadt took him in a wagon.  Emory Cavins was unable to make his route too.  (Probably snowy, muddy roads)

THE MARCH LION ROARS! In like a mildly ferocious feline and out like a raging, roaring “Maneater,” with a 29-day interim of both lion-like and lamb-like weather-such was the month of March in this locality. Those who accepted the appearance of robins, blackbirds and blue jays and the advent of a few balmy days as sure harbingers of spring had their hopes rudely shattered last Monday night when a driving snowstorm set in which continued to grow in intensity until it had developed into the worst blizzard of the winter.  All day Tuesday the snow continued to fall and as it came down it was caught by a stiff gale from the north which converted it into a blinding hazy smear and swept the snow from the exposed spots into less exposed spots and in the roads where hedges and other obstructions stopped the force of the gale.  All Tuesday night and Wednesday the storm continued although there were intervals on Wednesday when the sun made brave attempt to shine through the clouds and haze of snow which filled the air. The temperature on Wednesday rose a degree or two above the freezing point causing the snow to become wet and soggy and stopping the drifting to a large extent.  By Wednesday night the amount of snow fall had probably attained an average depth of 8 inches or more than had fallen during the entire winter.

While traffic on the highways in this vicinity was partially maintained on Tuesday, by Wednesday morning the snow blockade had become practically complete and about the only method of travel possible was by horseback.  The rural mail carriers started out on their routes but were soon turned back by the big drifts encountered and attempts at rural delivery for the day was abandoned…While the snow blockade has not tied up railway traffic in this section to the extent it has in states further West, service has been very irregular most of the trains running from one to three or fours hours late.  Additional help has been employed to aid the Santa Fe section force in keeping the switches in the local yard clear and both day and night shift has been maintained.

While the usual conditions which prevail will retard spring farm work to a large degree, the farmers are facing another source of financial loss owing to the fact that this is the swine farrowing season and many of the young pigs are liable to perish from exposure, especially in cases where the farrowing pens are located in unsheltered places.

THE VOICE OF S.H.S.-Paul Bell, editor:   The people of the village and surrounding community will be privileged to witness one of the biggest events in this year’s school activities on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 9th and 10th at the high school auditorium above the Farmers Cooperative store.  At this time and place the Junior Class will show a real movie of their own making in addition to a Harold Lloyd comedy, “Bashful.”  Also, a short musical program will be given.

These are real moving pictures and besides consisting of comedy action of the members of the Junior Class will include several reels of actual moving pictures of many of the local business men as filmed by Prof. Nicholas.  There will be pictures to make you roar, films that will please everybody and music that will rival that in the finest theaters.  There will three shows each evening so you will be sure of getting a good seat.  The marvel of it all is that the admission will only be 15 cents. (Wouldn’t it be fantastic, if a reel of the film was discovered?)

SCHOOL NOTES: Undoubtedly the unusually large number of absentees yesterday was due to the severe snow storm which rendered even Fords almost useless as means of transportation.  The morning roll call revealed the absence of 27 students. Lois Marshall brings in a report that it snowed out in the country too.  It took two horses and a wagon to accomplish the task of bringing Lois to school.  When Lois came in at 10 o’clock we all decided that two horses must be slower than one.  Anyway, Lois says its great to be a farmer.  We all know that she meant a farmer’s wife, though, we wish to warn her that Max is awfully hard to awaken in the morning.  Bob Pence is thinking about applying for a job as janitor or assistant teacher at one of the various Lomax school next fall.  As yet, we haven’t learned if it is the same school which Miss Mudd has in mind or not. Track practice has been postponed indefinitely to allow the boys time to shovel snow at home.