The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: April 8, 1926

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: The annual congregational meeting of the Stronghurst U.P. Church was held Wednesday evening following a dinner served in the church dining room.  The attendance was unusually large considering weather and road conditions. The report of the congregational treasurer showed a healthy financial condition with one feature which was especially gratifying was the announcement that the debt which had been hanging over the group for several years had finally been cancelled and that the new church year was being begun with a clean slate.  The wiping of the church debt was celebrated by the burning in the presence of the audience of cancelled notes representing indebtedness incurred and paid off during the last 6 years amounting to over $4,600 ($73,462 in today’s values)…

WINS HIGH HONORS:   The Misses Gail Brook and Marjorie McKeown of this community, students at the Illinois University were amongst the 32 Seniors of the College of Liberal arts and Sciences to be elected to the Honorary Scholarship Fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa.  That these two Henderson County girls should be found worthy of membership in this exclusive fraternity is an occasion for congratulations.

NEW OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF GRAPHIC:  With this issue the control of the Graphic passes from the hands of A. R. and Nellie V. Kershaw, past owners and A. H. Kershaw, editor and business manager, to Mr. C. M. Bell, who for the past 20 years has been at the head of the mechanical department of the printing plant.  By terms of the agreement, the former owners and Mr. Bell, he assumes control and management of the plant and equipment and will also direct the editorial management of the paper. Impaired health has forced the editor and manager of the past 14 years to retire and when Mr. Bell signified his desire to change his status from employee to owner and manager of the plant, negotiations were started which resulted in a deal for the transfer being affected.

The Graphic was established in September 1888 by Mr. J. M. Thornber.  In April 1889  Mr. J. F. Mains purchased a half interest in the business and three weeks later became the sole owner.  He guided the destinies of the paper, unaided until December 1910 when A. H. Kershaw purchased half interest in the business.  The partnership lasted until October 1912 when Mr. Mains disposed of his interest to his partner, who has since that time, with the exception of an interim of one year, given his best endeavors to the task of steering the craft over the uncertain sea of journalism. (The interim was from March 1922 to March 1923 when Mr. L. E. McAndrews operated the paper under a lease.)

Mr. Bell has for the past 20 years been more than a mere employee in this establishment.  Although working on a salary, he has always taken what has virtually amounted to a partner’s interest in the business and has been loyal and devoted to the ideals and principles which the Graphic has tried to maintain.  He has thoroughly familiarized himself with all the branches of the newspaper and job printing business and with the assistance which he will have from son, Paul, who is a member of the Senior Class of the local high school and editor of the “Voice of S.H.S.” department; they will no doubt maintain a high and satisfactory standard of efficiency in his conduct of the paper…

SIREN TO BE SOUNDED DAILY:  In order to be assured that the village fire siren is in working order at all times, the village board has decided to try it out at 12 o’clock noon each day hereafter beginning on Friday, April 9th.  Do not become excited, therefore, when you hear the weird wailing of the apparatus at the that hour.  We do not know whether or not the board considered the contingency of a fire occurring at noon, thus requiring the sounding of a real alarm, but such a contingency could easily be provided for by arranging for the use of a signal code distinct from the regular non time blast.

EASTER OBSERVANCES: Easter in this locality this year was marked by snow and slush and chilling winds and with the usual indications of awakening life in nature absent to a large degree.  The Easter spirit was, however, in evidence in considerable measure in the various church services held in the village, which seen many of the snow-bound people living in the country found it possible to attend.  Easter lilies and other floral symbols of the resurrection were in evidence in all the houses of worship and special sermons were delivered by the pastors and special music rendered by the choirs.

The young people’s organization of the Christian Church held a sunrise service at the church at 6 am followed by a breakfast in the church dining room.  There was a special Easter program given at the M.E. Church in the evening in which there were some fine musical numbers consisting of solos, quartettes and full choir selections rendered.  The pastor also delivered an excellent short sermon on the “Gospel of the Burning Heart.”  The regular evening services at the U.P. Church were dismissed in order to give the members who desired an opportunity to attend the special M.E. services.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The horseshoe club met and organized for the season.  Dr. M. J. Babcock was elected president and Chas. Dixon was elected treasurer.  As soon as the weather will permit, the grounds will be put in shape.  The club has nearly 40 members.  Taylor Woolsey moved his grocery and meat market to the new building from the Wiegand building which he has occupied since the fire.  The new building is very convenient and commodious and Mr. Woolsey is now well fixed to handle his trade.  The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church held an all day quilting yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kilgore.  Fifteen were present and a sumptuous pot luck dinner was served at the noon hour.  Two fine tables were decorated with birthday cakes in honor of the birthdays of Mrs.Kilgore and Mrs. John Gibson.

Mark Trumbull, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trumbull who has been quite ill is better.  Thomas Buchanan of Linden, Kans. and brother of Mrs. Garrity, is a guest in the home of the latter.  The Junior Mission Band of the U.P. under the leadership of Mrs. F. M. Cauhey, met on Sabbath evening and elected officers: Ruth Burrus, President; Vice-president, Gertrude White; Secretary, Gertrude Gibb and Treasurer, Edna Mae Mahr. Mrs. Ruth Wilson Waite of Burlington spent the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson.  She was joined by her husband, George Waite and they left that day for Sarasota, Florida where they will make their future home.  Miss Olive Noyse taught in the primary room last week in absence of her teacher who was ill. 

Preparatory services for communion were held on Saturday afternoon at the United Presbyterian Church conducted by Rev. F. M. Caughey.  Baptism was administered to several.  Following the service elders were elected.  Sam Glenn, Walter Cochran and Paul Stevenson were re-elected and Lloyd Whiteman was elected to fill a vacancy.  On Sunday morning communion was observed.  Nineteen were received into the membership of the church, six by letter and thirteen on profession. 

The marriage was announced in the Monmouth church of Miss Eva Gibb and Leon Price, the wedding having taken place April 11, 1925.  Mrs. Price is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gibb and a graduate of the township high school and attended Knox two years.  For the past three years, she has been teaching in the township school. 

ROCK ISLAND ATTORNEY CHARGED:   The Illinois Supreme Court ruled that Harry M. McCaskrin, Rock Island lawyer, must answer to seven of the eleven counts against him charging criminal libel, extortion and black mail.  The Court gave McCaskrin until the first day of the next term to answer seven of the counts which have relation to alleged illegal acts within the last five years.  The other four counts were disregarded by the court which characterized them as stale and dormant.  The Rock Island Bar Associations sought to file information for disbarment.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS; Earl Huppert has taken a job as switchman for the Northwestern R.R. Co. and left for Chicago where he will be employed.  A fine 7 ˝ lb. boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cadle in the west part of the village on April 5th.  Miss Evelyn Hartquist was home for Easter from teaching employment at Mendota.  Mrs. W. C. Ivins has been confined to her home by illness for the past two weeks; she is considerably better now.  Mrs. Ella Davis, who has been engaged in Lyceum Bureau work for some time has been quite ill and is at the home of her brother, Mack Dickey. Grandma Trimmer, who is a very old resident of Stronghurst, has been critically ill at her home.  Her grandson Harley from Keokuk has been in town several days.  W. J. McElhinney was at Galesburg attending a meeting of the Farmers’ State Re-Insurance Co.  Under arrangements made with this company, it is now possible for the first time for the farmers of Henderson County to obtain hail insurance through their local company.  Mr. F. C. LeCroy and sister, Mrs. J. L. Sans and son Carroll of Fairfield, Illinois, came for a visit with their brother, Dr. Wm. E. LeCroy and family

LAHARPE MAN DIES:   Samuel H. Tilton, one of La Harpe’s oldest and mot highly respected citizens, passed away at his home April 3rd. Mr. Tilton was a building contractor and one of the last jobs which he supervised was that of the building of the new Christian Church at Old Bedford a few years ago.

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS FROM THE MEDIA RECORD: Both the Fish Fry and Easter Cantata was postponed on account of weather and bad roads.  The Cantata is rescheduled for April 11th, but the Fish Fry has been cancelled.  Paul Gibson was in Monmouth where he is taking osteopathic treatment.  The United Church was completely cleaned last week by Mrs. Everett Lamb, Mrs. Bernice Rodin and Mrs. Clifford Campbell.  Mrs. Frank Hendrickson was a caller at the dentist’s office in Stronghurst.  Lewis Miller is still confined to the Burlington Hospital recovering from appendectomy.