The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Council Hires La Harpe Police Dept. Secretary

By: Michael Rodeffer, The Quill

After a long executive session to discuss hiring a part-time police department secretary, the council approved hiring Ashley Flynn for 20 hours at $15 per hour by a vote of 3 yeses and 1 no vote.

At the September 11th regular meeting, Shumaker, Stevens, and Lenix voted to hire a secretary, while David Clover voted not to hire a secretary.

In an earlier meeting, Police Chief Lynn Hoyt had asked if the council would consider hiring a secretary for the police department for 20 hours a week at a wage of $15 per hour as the police department had been unable to keep up with all the paperwork. The Council advertised for the position but at the September 11th meeting, Hoyt stated only 1 applicant had applied for the job.

In other action, Council unanimously approved the August minutes and approved the treasurer’s report and paying of bills.

Council unanimously approved purchasing a Ford remanufactured motor for $6,800 to fix Daniel’s city truck.

The possible wind farm development on city farm ground was tabled until the next meeting, September 25th, when representatives from the Linea Energy Company will be back to discuss the options for the city.

Dave Clover informed the council he had received the claim form back from the insurance company and the city should be receiving $42,834 from storm damage.

Todd Stevens informed the council the city workers had been doing a great job patching the roads and intersections in town.

Shumaker noted decorations at the cemetery would be taken down between September 15th-30th so if anyone wanted their decorations they should get them soon.

Shumaker also noted Friday, October 13th, would be city wide clean up.

Tim Graves informed council that Lavadiere had fixed the tile at the Christian Church corner at a cost of $6,000 which was twice their original estimate. Graves also noted the membranes at the water plant were scheduled to be cleaned in October. Graves also noted the last filters obtained for the water plant were not lasting 200 hours where the previous filters had been lasting 500-700 hours. Graves suggested getting different filters.

David Little informed council that he had enough salt for the winter but would be ordering some chips and sand.

Michael Donaldson asked the council if they wanted him to fix the city shed on city time or hire someone to fix it. Council agreed to let Donaldson do the work.

Police Chief Lynn Hoyt’s August report was 56 calls and 3 arrests. Hoyt expressed a need for an update for the police shield. Hoyt also asked to have the older rifle updated or get a new one. Mayor Hasten-Reed told Hoyt to get quotes for a new rifle and shield.

City Clerk Lucretia McPeak asked for funds from motor fuel tax be appropriated for 3 bills.

City Treasurer Monalisa Graves informed council the audit was planned for October 5th and 6th.

Mayor Hasten-Reed stated a mediation letter had gone out to IMEG concerning the costs related to the sludge removal at the reservoir.

Police chief also noted the impound lot was ready except for having the gate fixed and needing a lock.

Present were: Mayor Kat Hasten-Reed, council members, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, and David Clover; city clerk Lucretia McPeak; city treasurer Monalisa Graves; police chief Lynn Hoyt; city employees, Michael Donaldson, Tim Graves, and David Little; and Dan Gillett and Michael Rodeffer