The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Biggsville Village Board Met September 6

The Board of the Village of Biggsville met on Wednesday, Sept. 6 and the meeting was called to order at 6:00p.m. by Mayor Eric Craig with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members present were: Kathie Curtiss, James McCabe, Tammy Slater, Chris Webb. Stephanie Craig and Casey Goff were absent. Others present: Eric Craig, Mayor; Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasure and Mike West, Maintenance.

Tammy Slater made a motion to accept the invoices, minutes and treasure report which was seconded by Kathie Curtiss and approved by the board.

Streets & Water:

Mike & Eric checked the pressure on seven fire hydrants. They will have to purchase some fire hydrants. Rock will be put on the low area in Worthy Acres to keep it from washing out.


The voted gave out one zoning permit last month.

Public Relations:

Beautify Biggsville Fall Fest will be October 20, 2023. They would like to have a haunted house. We will check with the insurance to make sure it is feasible. Mike, Peggy, Eric and Stephanie went to Wisconsin to purchase playground equipment for Lindo Field.

Old Business:

The board is looking into a stronger dog ordinance. Kathie made a motion to shut off the water at the end of each month if not paid, seconded by Chris Webb and approved by the board.

New Business:

It was noted that according to Ordinance #317, any INOPERABLE motor vehicle left for a period of seven days on public or private property, in view of the general public is considered a nuisance.

The meeting was approved to adjourn at 8:50 p.m..

Respectfully Submitted

Judy L. Gravgaard