The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board Approves Bass Fishing Team 15 School Buses Leased

The West Central School Board approved the creation of a WCHS Bass Fishing Team with a majority of ayes on a voice vote.

They also approved the 3-year lease of 15 new school buses through Midwest Bus Sales out of Litchfield on a 7-0 roll call vote.

The buses are scheduled to be delivered at the start of the 2024- 2025 school year.

The board took this action during the West Central School District #235 Board of Education Regular Meeting October 18.


Prior to the Regular Board of Education meeting, a Facilities Work Session was held at 5:00 pm.

The Work Session was called to order at 5:04 pm by President Schaley.

Board members present for the hearing were: Brendan Schaley, Mindy Clark, Lauren Chockley, Sarah Bigger, Karl Gullberg, Dillan Vancil and Josh Higgins. Also present for the Work Session were Superintendent Day, District Administrators: Kathy Lafary, Jason Kirby, Sara Ryner, Joe Peters and Joel Zaiser. A discussion was held about projects to consider for the FY24 ISBE Maintenance Grant and projects to consider on the upcoming 10-year Health Life Safety Survey. Superintendent Day will gather more information regarding the following projects for consideration for the Maintenance Grant:

Elementary Drop-Off Canopy, Middle School Bathroom Remodel, Elementary Exterior Door Replacement and Middle School Asbestos Tile Flooring Replacement.

Superintendent Day will provide updated price estimates at the November Meeting for Board Action. Then the Maintenance Grant application will be submitted to ISBE.

All remaining projects will be considered for completion with the 10-year Health Life Safety Survey. Board members were reminded to send project ideas to President Day or Superintendent Schaley. The Work Session adjourned at 5:55 pm, with a motion by Clark and a seconded by Chockley.

Regular Meeting

The Regular Board of Education Meeting was called to order by President Schaley at 6:04 pm. Board members present were: Brendan Schaley, Mindy Clark, Lauren Chockley, Sarah Bigger, Dillany Vancil, Josh Higgins and Karl Gullberg.

Also present for the meeting were: Superintendent Stacey Day, District Administrators: Kathy Lafary, Jason Kirby, Sara Ryner, Joe Peters, Joel Zaiser, and Recording Secretary Jaime Shultz.

Good News

After President Schaley led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance, the following items were presented as Good News:

  1. Thank you to the WCHS FFA for Ag Day on Wednesday, October 11th. Due to the weather, not all students were able to attend, but it was fun for those who made it out before the rain.
  2. Illinois Principals Day is on Friday, October 20, 2023. We want to thank all of our district principals for all they do for our district.
  3. The Homecoming Alumni Event was a HUGE success! Miranda Gullberg and her team worked tirelessly to plan the event and we had over 140 alumni attend!
  4. Miranda Gullberg earned a 3rd Award for Continuing Education by completing 70 hours of continuing education in less than a three year span.
  5. The Biggsville and Gladstone fire departments came and helped with the North Campus Fire Drill and provided safety tips to our Pre-K-2nd graders.
  6. The Middle School Softball team received an IESA Sportsmanship Award by the game officials for receiving ‘Superior’ Ratings from the officials for their sportsmanship during the State Series in September.

Consent Agenda

The following items were approved as part of the Consent Agenda on a 7-0 Roll Call vote:

  1. Meeting Minutes of the FY24 Budget Hearing Meeting, September 20, 2023
  2. Meeting Minutes of the Regular Meeting, September 20, 2023
  3. Meeting Minutes of the Closed Session, September 20, 2023
  4. Meeting Minutes of the Special Meeting, October 7, 2023
  5. Payment of Bills
  6. Approval of Activity Accounts
  7. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
  8. Approval of 2 Year CO-OP Agreement Bowling with Monmouth-Roseville

FOIA Requests

There were two FOIA requests presented: SmartProcure (requesting information about vendors, items purchased, contact information and costs) and AluimData (requesting information about district insurance policies, summaries and costs). Both requests were responded to with the needed information.

Board Convention

A reminder that the Triple I Conference (Board Convention) is coming up in November and Board Members Clark and Bigger will be attending, along with Superintendent Day.

The conference provides a variety of learning sessions and an opportunity to meet with vendors for potential projects in the future. Board Member Bigger encouraged all Board Members to try to attend in the future as there is lots of interesting and informative sessions to participate in.


The building principals and Athletic Director presented their monthly reports.

The FY23 Audit was presented. The District maintained its 4.0 Recognition Rating with a clean audit completed by Wipfli. The audit was accepted on a 7-0 roll call vote. The audit will be posted on the district website, submitted to the ROE and all state required postings.

Other Business

The Board approved updated Job Descriptions for the following positions: School Nurse, School Psychologist/Special Education Coordinator, Speech Language Pathologist, School Social Worker, Elementary Guidance Counselor and High School Guidance Counselor with a majority of ayes on a voice vote.

Board members requested that an update on the new teacher mentoring program be placed on the November Agenda.

Closed Session

The Board moved to go into closed session at 7:13 pm and returned to open session at 7:59 pm. After returning from closed session the Board took the following action and approved the following items on the Personnel Agenda by a 7-0 roll call vote:

  1. Volunteer- Dickie Goff - WCMS Boys’ Basketball
  2. Volunteer - Bryce Bigger - WCMS Boys’ Basketball
  3. Volunteer - Andy Lumbeck - WCHS Boys’ Basketball
  4. Volunteer - Darci Heap - WCHS Girls’ Basketball
  5. Employment - Danielle Taulbee - WCHS Spanish Club Sponsor
  6. Employment - Trey Goff - WCMS 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach
  7. Employment - Casey Goff - WCMS 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach
  8. Employment - Allen Tomson - District Custodian
  9. Employment - Hallie Eisnnicher - WCHS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
  10. Employment - Tina Shafer - District Cook
  11. Employment - Destine Allen - Part-Time District Cook
  12. Employment - Loren Fox - Elementary Enrichment Sponsor

The Board did not take any action on the 7th Grade Boys Basketball position.

The Board adjourned at 8:01 pm with a majority of ayes on a voice vote.

Next Meeting

The Board was reminded that the next Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 6:00 pm in the Elementary Cafeteria. Please note the change in date from normal, due to the Triple I Conference being held later that week.