The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The La Harpe City Public Property committee reported on helping to tear out memorial bricks at the Veteran’s Memorial in the City Park, and the City crew has been working on the cemetery road, and Tim Graves reported turning in the cans from the recycle at the City Park, and getting around $200.00.
The action happened at the regular scheduled monthly meeting of the La Harpe City council was held October 23rd, at the La Harpe City Hall.
Lynn Hoyt had a quote from Motorola for body cams for $6,000.00 annually. He will look into other options. He had purchased a few items and will be reimbursed.
City Clerk McPeak had invoices from Midwest Express and Hay Grinding for $895.29 and $549.68 totaling $1,444.97. She asked the council to approve appropriating funds from MFT to pay these bills.
Shumaker made the motion to approve appropriating funds from MFT to pay Midwest Express and Hay Grinding $895.29 and $549.68 totaling $1,444.97. Motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer Graves reported paying IMEG $16,483.33 to close out Rural Development.
Mayor Hasten-Reed reported IMEG had to be paid in order to close out the Rural Development account.
The attorney is still working on the lagoon issue.
Mary Ann Siegworth spoke to the council about the Country Christmas. She requested trash cans at the Park for the event. She went over some of the activities that will be taking place during the afternoon and evening.
The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously.
Kim Cross and Nick Epstein, with Linea Energy, had a lease for the council to look over.
The council expressed concerns of having the wind turbines in the fields. Nick Epstein listened to the concerns and wrote down issues the council had with the wind turbines, and would like to come back with answers. There was no action taken at this time.
The parade resolution for Country Christmas was approved unanimously
It was unanimously approved to make a monetary donation of $500 towards Country Christmas.
Kiersten Sheets talked to the council re: a Solar Ordinance. She suggested following the Brimfield, IL Ordinance. This will be on the next agenda.
In other business:
Other business for discussion only:
The meeting adjourned at 8:31p.m.
Present were:Amanda Donaldson, Randy Shumaker, Jim Lenix, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed. Dave Clover joined the council at 8:25 pm. Todd Stevens was absent. Also present were: Dan Gillett, Nick Epstein, Tim Graves, Lynn Hoyt, Mary Ann Siegworth, Josie Thomas, Jadrien Van Fleet, Kiersten Sheets, and Kim Cross.