The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
West Central Board Approves Fees For Coming School Year
At the April 19th West Central School Board meeting, the board approved registration fees for the 2023-2024 school year.
Elementary fees will be $55, Middle School fees will be $65 and High School fees will now be $85.
The high school will no longer have additional fees for specific courses, except for Driver Education.
The following items were shared as Good News to Celebrate District Accomplishments:
West Central Elementary students participated in the OSF Nutrition Poster Contest. The following students were congratualted for their outstanding achievement: Eli Gullberg (1st), Noah Hass (1st), Hailey Thompson (1st), Raileigh Russell (1st), SinCora Hernandez (1st), Oliver Russell (2nd), Russ Chandler (2nd), Nezzy Lodwick (2nd), John Sury (2nd), Elisabeth Smith (2nd), Wyatt Goff (2nd), Evelyn Lewis (3rd), Vivian Higgins (3rd), Aden Swank (3rd), Grayson Gregg (3rd), Ellie Mae Shaner (3rd), and Kenzley Winters (3rd).
Islia Rodeffer earned Best of Day award at IESA Solo and Ensemble Contest.
Brady Lenahan, Islia Rodeffer and Chole Smith are participating in ILMEA EGM in Princeton this coming Saturday with Danna Cory.
Rebecca Hinshaw earned 2nd place finish in overall high points for girls in the 13-14 age group at the 2023 YMCA North Central Regional Championship Swim Meet. Becca is part of the 400 yard free relay State Championship team and new record holders. Becca’s relay team’s time was 3:49.14. Becca tied for a 3rd place finish in overall high points for girls 13-14 age group at the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services Regional Swim Meet.
Rachel and Sally from Country Financial brought drinks and muffins for all of the staff last Monday.
Elementary Spring Concerts were earlier this week and all students did a great job!
The Middle School Play is the WRAM Program of the Month and will be receiving a $150 donation from the radio station.
The High School play, The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens, was a big success!
The following items were approved, by a 7-0 as part of the Consent Agenda:
Regular Meeting, March 15, 2023
Closed Session, March 15, 2023
Payment of Bills
Approval of Activity Accounts
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
Review of District Financial Report
Resignation of Danna Cory as the High School Play Director
Resignation of Adam Boyle as High School Golf Coach
Maternity Leave for Cheyanne Lee
Proclamation Regarding National Teacher Appreciation Week
Approval of WCHS Student, Hannah Parkins, to graduate early
Approval of continued participation in the Illinois High School Association
Approval of continued participation in the Illinois Elementary School Association
There were no FOIA requests for this month.
School Improvement Plans for all three buildings were provided to the Board of Education. They will be presented and formal approval will be voted on at the May Board of Education meeting.
The current Student Random Drug Testing Program was discussed, as it was time to consider approval of continuation of the program. The board discussed the current program and does not wish to make changes to it at this time, so the program will continue as currently in place.
A quick update was given on the work at the football field. A lot of work has been done already, there is still some grading and shaping that needs done and then the sod will be put into place.
A discussion was held on the process for paying people who work at athletic games (gatekeepers, score book, clock, etc). Currently, payment ($15/game) for employees goes through payroll and non-employees receive an imprest check. That results in employees receiving less pay, due to taxes being taken out, while non-employees receive the full amount.
Superintendent Day will check with the auditors if they have recommendations for alternative payment processes and report back to the Board.
A discussion was held about an upcoming board training on June 10, 2023 provided by the ROE.
This training will cover all required board member training, except for FOIA and Open Meetings Act.
It also offers a legal update provided by a school law firm from Illinois. Superintendent Day recommended that all board members attend as a refresher for everyone. Board members will RSVP to Superintendent Day in the next week so she can register everyone for the training.
A short discussion was held to select dates for the upcoming Summer Board Retreat. The purpose of the retreat will be to work on selecting goals for the following year(s) of the school district. Superintendent Day provided July 8 and July 22 as possible dates that the Henderson County Public Library has available. Once a final date is determined, additional details of the retreat will be organized and provided to everyone.
In other business the board:
Heard the monthly reports by building principals, District Technology Coordinator and Athletic Director.
approved a resolution to participate in the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund (ISDLAF). This program allows West Central to work with ISDLAF for investment opportunities. The program researches investment opportunities and provides the best rates and terms. There is no requirement to use the investment options provided, but allows us to cast a larger net to earn the best rates possible for our investments.
approved an agreement for a West Central Trap Shooting Program, starting in the Spring 2023.
approved the 1st Reading of PRESS Issue 111 policy updates. The board will take formal action on the policy updates at the May board meeting.
approved the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Galesburg Area Vocational Center (GAVC).
approved the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Delabar CTE System.
moved to go into Closed Session to discuss Personnel at 6:43 p.m.
The board returned from closed session at 6:57 p.m. and took the following action:
Approved the hiring of Danielle Taulbee as a High School Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year
Approved the hiring of Bethany Nannen Miller as District Band Instructor and Special Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year
Approved the hiring of Nicole Ebert as High School Paraprofessional for the 2023-2024 school year
Approved the hiring of Ariel Dillard as District Social Worker for the 2023-2024 school year
Approved the hiring of Henry Sutton as High School Science Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year
Approved the transfer of Tiffany Byers from Groundskeeper/Custodian to District Head Groundskeeper, effective May 1, 2023
The Board was reminded that the next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. and the Reorganization Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Both meetings will be in the Elementary Cafeteria.
Board members present were: Brendan Schaley, Mindy Clark, Sarah Bigger, Dillan Vancil, Steve Lumbeck, Jodi Arnold and Mike Lenahan. Also present for the meeting were: Superintendent Stacey Day, Recording Secretary Jaime Shultz, District Administrators: Sara Ryner, Kathy Lafary, Jason Kirby, Joel Zaiser, Joe Peters and District Technology Coordinator Jeremy Hennings. Also present at the meeting were
Lauren Chockley, Karl Gullberg, Brenton Gray, Jordan Gray, Danielle Covert, and Beth Weber.
The board adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m.