The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Firemen's Fundraiser brings Food and Fellowship

by Dessa Rodeffer – Quill Publisher/Owner

Lomax Volunteer Firemen bring a lot of good things to their community... number one – fire protection, number two – aide in emergency crises, and life saving efforts. But another thing they bring is their annual fundraiser events such as Saturday evening's annual pancake and sausage supper.

It gives the community a chance to have a great hot meal and socialize, but more importantly, an opportunity to contribute to their own fire safety with a donation and say "thank you" to these dedicated volunteers.

When you think about all the hours of training and service plus taking care of the fire station, and equipment which requires regular maintenance and testing, these volunteers are priceless. The firemen also gather up a lot of door prizes for their annual event.

So, not only do they gather food and supplies, set up tables and chairs, prepare the fire station with lots of extra cleaning, and then buy the food, and cook the meal for this fundraiser, but these selfless volunteers also solicit and gather gifts to give out to the community members who come to support them!

These protectors of their community love to serve, and it seems rather ironic they also put on their own fundraisers, but they wouldn't have it any other way! The youngest firemen serving is Austin Worley who has been on the department six years, he said. He said there were 16 firemen when he came on at 18 and now they are down to 8. Anyone 18 and older can join. They also have a Junior firefighters program for 16 year olds. Austin's Eagle Scout project helped refurbish the inside of the kitchen. Other Eagle Scouts have contributed improvement projects to the building as well.

Randy May, one of 8 firemen working Saturday.

Lomax Volunteer Firemen from left: Assistant Chief Robert Berry, Kelly Worley, Austin Worley, Fire Chief Gage Blake, Assistant Chief Jack Scott, Brian Grisham, and Timothy Jones. (not pictured is Randy May). Anyone 18 or older may join as a volunteer.