The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Discusses A Trap Shooting Team

At the West Central Board of Education meeting on March 15th, Brenton and Jordan Gray talked with the board about starting a Trap Shooting Team for West Central.

They will work with the high school administration for student eligibility.

Shooting will take place at a farm in Stronghurst. Brenton and Jordan are licensed and insured through the Scholastic Clay Target Program.

A parent meeting will be held in the near future to discuss the program and expectations for everyone interested in participating.

The following items were shared as Good News to Celebrate District Accomplishments:

  1. Ms. Lewis, along with her 5th grade helpers, raised over $600 during the Send a Sucker to a Friend event, which has been donated to the FOCC and the Almost Home Animal Adoption Center in Oquawka.
  2. The Elementary PE Staff coordinated the Kids Heart Challenge and raised $9,724.35 for the American Heart Association. By doing so, WCE earned $1000 to purchase new PE equipment.
  3. The Lion’s Club continues to support our students by providing vision screenings at our PK Screening events.
  4. WC third grade students participated in ag related activities provided by Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau as well as our local FFA members.
  5. Melinda Frakes is fully retiring at the end of this month. She has been an asset to West Central as a teacher and technology support. We will greatly miss her and her wealth of knowledge.

There were no additions/deletions to the agenda.

John Johnson addressed the board with plans for the dirt work on the football field that will be completed by volunteers in the next few weeks.

The consent agenda passed on a roll call vote (7-0) on the following items:

  1. Approval of the February 15, 2023 regular meeting minutes
  2. Approval of the February 15, 2023 closed session meeting minutes
  3. Approval of the February 28, 2023 special meeting minutes
  4. Approval of payment for all bills presented
  5. Approval of the activity account reports presented
  6. Approval of the January and February 2023 treasurer’s reports
  7. Approval of the resignation of Steve Lumbeck as HS Assistant Football Coach
  8. Approval of the resignation of Cody Eaton as HS Special Education Teacher, HS Baseball Coach and HS SIP Team Member
  9. Approval of the resignation of Dustin Brooks as HS Paraprofessional and HS Head Boys’ Basketball Coach
  10. Approval of the resignation of Pam Moore as long-term substitute
  11. Approval of Melinda Frakes as Part-time Technology
  12. Approval of the 2023-2024 School District Calendar
  13. Approval to direct the Superintendent to being work on the FY24 District Budget

There were no FOIA requests this month.

A discussion was held about registration fees for the 2023-2024 school year. Currently, at the high school some of the elective courses have course fees attached to them.

Superintendent Day recommended that those fees be looped in with the general registration fee, instead of being separate based on course enrollment. The current registration fees are $55 for elementary, $65 for middle school and $75 for high school students (plus additional course fees).

The recommendation is to increase the high school fee to $85 and remove the additional course fees, except for driver education and keep the same fees for both the elementary and middle school.

In other business the board:

The board adjourned to Closed Session at 6:46 p.m. to discuss the personnel matters (Superintendent Evaluation).

The board returned from closed session at 7:34 p.m. and took the following action:

  1. Approved Joshua Higgins as Volunteer HS Baseball/Softball Coach
  2. Approved Mike Seitz as a Volunteer HS Softball Coach
  3. Approved Darren Steel as a Volunteer HS Baseball Coach
  4. Approved moving Jesse Molyneux to a full-time paraprofessional
  5. Approved hiring Samera Lesher as a WCE Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year
  6. Approved hiring Brian Sterett as District Maintenance Director
  7. Approved hiring Bob Stockham as MS PE and Athletic Director for the 2023-2024 school year
  8. Approved hiring Lene Lox as MS Boys Track Coach
  9. Approved hiring Doug Brooks as a long-term substitute at the high school
  10. Approved hiring James Wagner as a MS Special Education/Physical Education Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year
  11. Approved hiring Amy McGowen as a high school teacher for the 2023-2024 school year
  12. Approved a $250 stipend for Ross Parcel for interim MS Boys’ Basketball Coach

The board adjourned the meeting at 7:38 p.m. with the next meeting to be held Wednesday, April 19, at 6:00 p.m.

Board members present were: Brendan Schaley, Mindy Clark, Sarah Bigger, Dillan Vancil, Steve Lumbeck, Jodi Arnold and Mike Lenahan. Also present for the meeting were: Superintendent Stacey Day, Recording Secretary Jaime Shultz, District

Administrators: Sara Ryner, Kathy Lafary, Joel Zaiser, Joe Peters and District Technology Coordinator Jeremy Hennings. Also present at the meeting were Adam Annegers, John Johnson, Brenton Gray, Jordan Gray, Danielle Covert, and Beth Weber.