The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Joy Swearingen, Quill Correspondent
Illini West High School board approved several teachers and coaches for the 2023-2024 school year at their meeting March 15.
Certified staff hired were Molly Edwards, agriculture teacher and FFA advisor, and Jacob Calvin, social studies.
Sports coaches or activity sponsors hired were Amanda Lewis, head coach for cheerleading (basketball); Ashley Burling, dance team head coach; Grant Surprenant, girls basketball head coach; Jacob Calvin, football head coach; Lyle Klein, wrestling head coach; and Elyce Trout, volunteer softball coach.
The motion to rehire Justin Ellison as boys basketball head coach failed in a 3-4 vote.
The board accepted resignations from Courtney Ayers as special education teacher and Jessica Knicl as drama club sponsor, effective at the end of the school year, and from volleyball assistant coach, Alexis Cousins, effective immediately.
Principal Jim Short reported about World Wide Tech Connections, a program that is helping students and their parents, whose native language is not English.
Staff and teachers are being trained to use the app that gives translations of text or live conversations in real time on the students’ computers.
“The program is a really good app. It is real time translation,” Short said. “Talking with Mr. Greenhalge today, after working with students, they were really excited.”
Illini West varies from 10 to 15 students whose native language is not English.
“This addresses our requirement to have a plan for those students,” said Superintendent Jay Harnack. “The great thing is that it is not specific to any one language.”
Each teacher has a “chatroom,” which the student can join. As the teacher is talking, the microphone will pick up the words and immediately translate them into the student’s native language. Students can translate printed material such as study guides or worksheets.
This works with student materials, and equally important, it helps in communication with parents. The school secretary can send information to parents which they can readily understand. The information can be translated and sent as a printed letter or as an email.
“On another platform, we can call parents on a special line, and talk to them in real time and it translates. That’s been a struggle at times, when we have made a call and haven’t been able to communicate,” said Short. “It is a great thing and I think it is going to be very beneficial.”
Harnack said the program could have other applications, such as special education students who benefit from seeing written text as well as hearing oral instruction.
Harnack said the installation of the HVAC system in the gym is nearly complete with a few items to be finalized. The system has been running and has maintained the gym at a comfortable temperature. The list for summer work items is started.
The board approved an overnight student trip for the band to the Bradley University “Bandoramapaloozafest” on April 24 and 25. Band director Jessica Knicl estimated seven students might be selected for this honor band performance.
In other business, the board: