The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Booster Club Prepares For Christmas In July

At the Stronghurst Booster Club meeting held on June 12th, the Christmas In July Rummage Sale to be held on July 15th was discussed. The event will be from 7:30 a.m. until noon. The booster club is still collecting donation of used Christmas items.

It was announced the village will also hold city wide garage sales that day.

The treasurer’s report included bills to be paid of $120.15 to Fishers for food for the 50th celebration, $18.76 to Fishers for potting soil, $355 to Johnsons Plumbing for opening the spray park, $72 to the Quill for Farmers Market Ads. Motion approved to accept the treasurer’s report.

Farmers Market: July 10, July 24, Aug. 7, Aug. 21, Sept. 11. A discussion took place regarding a vendor requesting to set up at the markets that does not fit in the scope of the established Farmers Market Rules. It was decided more information and pictures were needed from the vendor before a decision could be made.

The 50th Anniversary Celebration was held on June 3rd. There was positive feedback from those that attended. Boy Scouts had a very successful movie in the park night.

In other business the club:

The meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m. with the next meeting to be held at 4:30 p.m. on July 17th, at the legion hall.

Attendance: Amanda Jack, Shelly Gittings, Sara Lefler, Linda Hernandez, Char Fisher, Lori Taylor, Donna Painter, Jade Parker, Mara Bessine, Peyton Jack, Christine Deverell,