The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Booster Club Plans Community Potluck

At the Stronghurst Booster Club meeting held on January 9th, at 4:30 p.m., a discussion was held on the Community Potluck to be held January 27th, at 5:30 p.m. in the American Legion. The Booster club will supply drinks and paper products and also need to advertise the event further. They need to clean the legion kitchen prior to the event.

Virginia Ross was present representing the Senior Citizen Center. The Senior Citizens had voted and approved the booster club to help organize the storage space in the back of the Senior Center. They requested Bonnie be present when the booster club begins this process to confirm the designated spots for the booster club decorations and Senior Citizen decorations.

The booster club will host Bingo Night on March 10th, at the American Legion. There will be a dinner of hotdogs, drinks, chips, and dessert served at 5:30 with the game to begin at 6 p.m. Small donations for prizes are needed.

The Doc Pogue Run will be held on Saturday May 27th.

In other business the club:

Committees have been formed and are as follows:

If you would like to be involved in a committee please reach out! The booster club will still need volunteers for our events even if you are not on a committee.

Meeting adjourned at 5:05.

Attendance: Amanda Jack, Shelly Gittings, Sara Lefler, Jim Blender, Peyton Jack, Mara Bessine, Melanie Annegars, Jade Parker, Christine Deverell, Virginia Ross, Donna Painter, Lori Taylor.

Next meeting is February 13th 4:30 p.m. at the American Legion