The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the December 14, 2022 the West Central Board of Education meeting, there was an update on the football field work, the architect is working on determining what the needs are and will get updated information to them soon. The plan is to start any approved work for reshaping the field as soon as the weather turns in the spring.
The following items were shared as Good News to Celebrate District Accomplishments:
a. West Central hosted their annual music concerts, which were amazing!
b. We appreciate the support of Marissa Gibb in leading a community Go Fund Me to purchase new microphones for the high school gym to help during ou concerts.
c. WCHS has 3 Illinois State Scholars this year! They will be recognized at a later board meeting.
d. Henderson County Handicapped Children’s Trust, Charles Vaughn, TTEE donated $3500 to our special education transportation fund.
e. The 2022 Angel Tree helped 27 families with 63 children in our district. Deb Gillam, Joanne Hilligoss and Kris Pearson (all retired teachers) and multiple businesses and organizations helped organize donations.
f. Kaiden Droste was named to the All-Star Shrine Football Game and will play in June at IWU in Bloomington.
g. Coach Kirby will be inducted into the Illinois High School Football Coaches Association Class of 2023 Hall of Fame in April!
The consent agenda was approved 5-0, by a roll call vote on the following items:
a. Approved the meeting minutes from the Special Meeting on November 15, 2022
b. Approved the closed session minutes from the Special Meeting on November 15, 2022
c. Approved the meeting minutes from the Regular Meeting on November 15, 2022
d. Approved the closed session minutes from the Regular Meeting on November 15, 2022
e. Approved payment of all bills
f. Approved monthly activity accounts
g. Approved the resignation of Dylan Voyles as High School Assistant Softball Coach
h. Approved the resignation of Joshua Higgins as High School Assistant Baseball Coach
i. Approved removing Jodi Arnold and Paula Markey from the Gerling Scholarship and adding Brendan Schaley and Stacey Day
j. Approved the presentation of the 2022 Audit
In other business:
The board entered closed session at 7:17 p.m. to discuss Personnel, Negotiation and Litigation matters. The oard returned from closed session at 8:36 p.m. and took the following action:
a. Approved resolution for closed session minutes listed in Exhibit A to be declassified, minutes listed in Exhibit B to remain classified and the verbatim recordings listed in Exhibit C to be destroyed per 5 ILCS 120/2/06 (c).
b. Approved Bailie Ferguson as a volunteer 6th grade volleyball coach.
c. Approved Megan Schaley as a volunteer 6th grade volleyball coach.
d. Approved Jimmy Register as a volunteer HS Bowling coach.
The board adjourned at 8:38 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 6:00 pm in the Elementary Cafeteria.
Board members present were: Brendan Schaley, Mindy Clark, Sarah Bigger, Dillan Vancil, and Mike Lenahan. Absent from the meeting was Jodi Arnold and Steve Lumbeck.
Also present for the meeting were: Superintendent Stacey Day, Recording Secretary Jaime Shultz, District Administrators: Jason Kirby, Sara Ryner, and Kathy Lafary, and District Technology Coordinator Jeremy Hennings.
Also present at the meeting were Jennifer Mills, Ray Mills and Whitney Finley.