The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The Illini West High School board approved a plan that would replace the lights in the main building, for less than a third of the actual cost.
Taking part in the Ameren Green Edison plan, the school will replace 355 existing lights with LED fixtures, plus some outside lighting. The total cost of the program would be $36,446. With Ameren incentives, the district will pay only $12,000 for the total replacement. There will be additional savings in operating costs to the district over the coming years.
Following a closed session, the board approved a resolution for the non-renewal of the contract for ag teacher/FFA advisor Kelli Clampitt, beginning with the fall semester of 2023.
During the public comments portion of the meeting, Clampitt and her husband, Jeff Clampitt, each spoke, defending her actions as ag teacher and FFA sponsor. Illini West senior and FFA member, Ethan Schlotterbeck, spoke in support of Clampitt.
Samantha Klingler, the parent of two students now in FFA, addressed the board with concerns she has with student safety at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, and other aspects of the FFA program.
The board approved an intergovernmental agreement that allows Illini West to be part of the Western Area Career Systems (WACS).
The WACS unites Illini West with 14 other school districts in West Central Illinois sharing vocational and technical training.
“It makes opportunities available to our students through a larger cooperative,” explained board president John Huston.
The board approved a request by band instructor Jessica Knicl, for an overnight trip by the band to take part in the Peach Bowl in Atlanta, Ga., on Dec. 30, 2023. The five day trip will include the pre-game parade, performing at the Peach Bowl game, a band competition and concert.
The band will raise the funds to cover the cost of the trip for the students. The district will cover only the cost of the bus driver and sponsors.
In his report, Superintendent Jay Harnack told the board that the HVAC unit in the gym is operational.
Work continues with landscaping and a fence around the outside unit. He continues to plan for plumbing improvements.
He noted that board policies and handbooks for students/parents, employees, coaches and transportation have been added to the Illini West Board Docs site.
The Regional Office of Education has completed its compliance visit and report, done every four years. Illini West is fully recommended for recognition.
He said Illinois’s disaster declarations related to Covid-19 will end in May. Funds from two of the three federal ESSR grants related to Covid-19 have been used. The ESSR III funds may carry over to another school year.
Principal Jim Short said he has begun work on revising the 2023-24 Student Handbook. The committee includes administrators, one teacher, two students and two parents, who will review each section of the handbook. It should be ready to give to the board in March.
His office has begun the process of conducting the 5 Essentials Survey. This survey seeks opinions about the district from teachers, students and parents.
The second quarter PBIS Fun Day was a trip to Fun City in Burlington, Iowa, with 154 students qualifying for the trip.
The third quarter PBIS trip will be to a Coralville, Iowa, mall for ice skating and shopping. Requirements for this trip are no tardies or unexcused absences, 90 percent attendance rate, no discipline consequences, and passing all classes.
According to Director of Student Services, Grant Surprenant, attendance for the 21 school days of January was 86 percent. Attendance by grade was 88 percent for freshmen, 92 percent for sophomores, 81 percent for juniors and 79 percent for seniors.