The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
La Harpe City Council Reports On 2nd FEMA Meeting
Submitted by Lucretia McPeak, City Clerk
Mayor Hasten-Reed reported at the November 27th La Harpe city council meeting on the 2nd FEMA meeting. They had gone through damages from the storm and submit all charges, including donated time. The city would pay 25% and FEMA would pay 75%. Any donated time would go towards the 25% that the city would owe. They would allow $25,000.00 to make repairs to the cemetery road that was damaged due to the storm. Anything spent over insurance money would be reimbursed to the city. The next meeting for this will be December 6, 2023. It should take 60 days to finalize, with a $250,000.00 budget.
The Mayor also read a statement she had written concerning the Police Department.
Committee reports:
The Police Squad car computer needs a little work.
Other reports:
Tim Graves had sent pictures of membranes from the Water Plant. There are filter issues. He will test membranes. It is thought it might be due to magnesium in the raw water. Cleaner might work on this. He explained how the Water Plant works with a diagram of the La Harpe Plant and the Carthage Plant. He pointed out the differences in the placement of things.
Michael Donaldson reported the transmission shift sensor in Carpenter’s City truck needs fixed/repaired for approximately $300.00 to $400.00. The backhoe needs an oil change.
city clerk McPeak reported on a bill from Central Stone Co. for $219.31, and asked the council to appropriate funds from MFT to pay this bill. It was unanimously approved
Treasurer Graves asked that receipts from city workers be put in the envelope downstairs.
Public comment:
Ken Foster addressed the council to inform them of selling their building to the Township. His grandson is taking over repairs, but he is using the building on the property to sell cars. He wanted to know if it was possible to pay 1 water bill, since it is on the same property as his grandson’s house. It was unanimously approved to have the 1 water bill in the Grandson’s name.
Old Business:
Unanimously approve the Treasurer’s report and pay bills.
There were comments from people in the community concerning the new garbage bins. It was brought up LRS is missing a lot of people at different times for garbage pickup.
Shumaker will have a conversation with Alex, from the old Jackson Disposal, and Steve, from LRS.
Clover reported there is still a stump remaining from where the tree was cut down in front of his residence.
The pickleball net and equipment has been purchased. There needs to be a way of storing the equipment.
New Business:
Clover made the motion to give the employees Christmas bonuses. ($100.00 for part time employees, and $200.00 for full time employees.) Lenix seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Other business for discussion only:
Clover made the motion to pay Crossroads $3,634.17 for repairs done to the city shed. Lenix seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. (This had been discussed at previous meetings.)
Next Agenda:
Solar Ordinance
Bandstand repair/removal
There was discussion on the wind turbines on the Johnson ground. Linea Energy will be building on surrounding ground regardless if the City approves the use of Johnson ground. Representatives will be at the next meeting.
Executive Session
Shumaker made the motion to go to Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific city employees (OMA Sec. 2(c)(1)), to consider the performance of an occupant of a public office (OMA Sec. 2(c )(3), probable/imminent litigation (OMA Sec. 2(c)(11), and any other topics allowed. Clover seconded the motion.
The regular meeting adjourned to Executive session at 8:30 pm.
The regular council meeting resumed at 9:37 pm.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Marvin Miller, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed.
Also present: Tim Graves.
Old Business:
There was no action needed on the Mediation.
The regular council meeting adjourned at 9:41 pm.
Answering roll call were: Dave Clover, Marvin Miller, Randy Shumaker, Todd Stevens, Jim Lenix, Treasurer-Monalisa Graves, City Clerk-Lucretia McPeak, and Mayor Katherine Hasten-Reed. Amanda Donaldson was absent.
Also present: Tim Graves, Ken Foster, Dan Gillett, Michael Donaldson, Lynn Hoyt and Christopher Scholz.