The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Volunteer Work Appreciated In Biggsville

At the Village of Biggsville meeting held on August 2, Eric Craig noted he had been recently been made aware of the amount of volunteer work Jim Goff has and continues to do at the ballfield. Jim is truly appreciated for all his hard work, and donations such as the grader, and years of support. This kind of generosity is imperative for small villages such as Biggsville to attract and provide for our youth sporting events. People like Jim are what make small town living our secret gem!

Streets/Water: Two (2) main valves, one in front of Hotel Ella Grace and on West Street controlling Worthy Acres, were successfully replaced at the cost of just under $9,000.00 for both. This was the reason for the last boil order. The lift station pump is not working on Arthur St.

The blower at the lift station needs to be replaced. It has been ordered. There are branches on the power line by the lift station on E. Main. We need to call Ameren to see if they will take care of it. Pressure testing and flushing of the hydrants will be done sometime between the middle and the end of the month. You may experience a small bit of sediment in the water for a brief period if time.

Public Relation: Beautify Biggsville had activities at the ballpark August 5, 2023. They hope to be able to repair the bleachers at the ballpark.

Old Business: Andy will contact Jake with the railroad to go forward with the contract so the bridge can be taken down. Andy has checked into our ordinance and we can turn the water off after 30 days with a notice. Notice will be sent on the 16th of each month and a red tag will be put on your door seven (7) days in advance of the disconnect. If not paid it will automatically be shut off.

New Business: We are going to have to get a new auditor. We are looking for someone in the area.

Stephanie made a motion to adjourn, Kathie 2nd, motion carried.

Members present: Stephanie Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Jamie McCabe, Tammy Slater and Chris Webb. Others present: Eric Craig, Mayor; Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Mike West, Maintenance and Andrew Youngquist, Attorney At Law.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy L. Gravgaard, Village Clerk