The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. by Mayor Brian Sterett with the Pledge of allegiance. Roll call was taken
Member present: Eric Craig, Kathie Curtiss, Casey Goff, Tammy Slater & Nanci Sterett. Others Present: Brian Sterett, Mayor; Judy L. Gravgaard Clerk; Marilyn Simmons, Treasurer; Mike West, Maintenance.
Elections were held for two Trustees and Mayor Pro-Tem. Kathie made a motion to elect Christ Webb for trustee. Tammy 2nd, motion carried. Tammy made a motion to elect Jamie McCabe for Trustee, Kathie 2nd motion carried. Nanci made a motion to elect Eric Craig Mayor Pro Tem. Kathie 2nd motion carried. Judy L. Gravgaard swore in Eric Craig as Mayor Pro-Tem. Eric Craig Mayor Pro Tem swore in, Chris Webb, Jamie McCabe, Tammy Slater and Stephanie Craig as Trustees.
The minutes, treasures, and invoice reports were approved.
Streets/Water: Mike reported Advanced Plumbing has been notified to do the valves, one valve at a time.
The turnaround in Worthy Acres needs rock put in it and the bank shaved. When they redo the street the turnaround needs to be seal coated.
Ross Bigger has had information from Ameren that he has to bury the wire for the new pole at Lindo Field. That takes his estimate up to $6,500.00. Kathy made a motion to go ahead with repairing the electrical box, Nanci 2nd, motion carried.
Mike will be purchasing some roundup for this summer.
Public Relations: Anyone wanting to rent the Community Building can leave a message at the office, 309-627-2210, or call Judy, Village Clerk, at 309-337-3122 who will be handling all the rentals.
Chris made a motion for Stephanie to take over the Public Relations Committee, Tammy 2nd, motion carried.
Zoning: One permit was given out this month.
Parks: New flags are needed at all the parks and playground equipment at Reid Park needs removed.
Stephanie will look into the possibility of getting a grant to help with new playground equipment and how we go about writing a grant.
The trees for Lindo Field need to be purchased as soon as possible.
Also, work is needed down on the shelter house at the ballpark.
Old Business:
There has been some interest in purchasing the Bank building.
Eric will contact the village lawyer and see what the procedure is for the village to sell it and have it appraised. The air condition needs checked as well.
New Business: The board planned to look into renting a buffer to work on the floors in the Community Building and in order to finish the office they need to find a cabinet for storage and must decide on what to do with the floors.
The Beautify Biggsville Committee scheduled Music Bingo on April 22, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m. at the Barn with live music from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30p.m.. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m..
Respectfully submitted
Judy L. Gravgaard, Clerk