The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Booster Club To Provide Flowers For Park And Downtown
Stronghurst – At the Stronghurst Booster Club meeting, held on Monday, April 10th, it was unanimously voted to approve a budget up to $1,000 for flowers for the village park and downtown area. The payment will be split between the Spray Park account and the Fall Festival account.
The upcoming events were discussed:
Doc Pogue Run will be held on Saturday, May 27th. The sponsorship forms have been mailed out, T-Shirt color is to be determined, and the fliers for the event are done and will be distributed.
Farmers Market is set for: May 22, June 5, June 19, July 10, July 24, Aug. 7, Aug. 21, and Sept. 11. The Farmers Market received a Compeer Grant of $1,000 to use towards advertising.
A 50th Anniversary Celebration is planned for Saturday, June 3rd. The park has been reserved for the day. Discussion took place regarding activities and other details for the day. A budget for the event will need to be decided on.
Members of the Booster Club approved:
March minutes
Treasurer’s report
A payment to Doran Insurance
Transfer of a portion of the money in the Money Market Account to a 9-month CD at the Bank of Stronghurst at a matching interest rate of 4.18%. Interest from this CD will then go into the General Account.
Heard the Membership Drive’s response was good this year. Will have totals to report next month.
In attendance were: Shelly Gittings, Amanda Jack, Sara Lefler, Char Fisher, Melanie Annegars and Lori Taylor.
Next Meeting will be Monday, May 8, 4:30 p.m. at the American Legion.