The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
BETTER STRONGHURST LEAGUE MEETING: The Better Stronghurst League held its regular monthly luncheon and annual business meeting at the NuVon Café last Friday evening. After full justice had been done to the menus which consisted of baked chicken with all the usual accessories and trimmings. The road improvement question was brought up and discussed at considerable length. While it seemed to be the unanimous opinion of all the members present that the present condition of the roads in the immediate vicinity and leading into Stronghurst was such as to constitute a hindrance and drawback to business, there was a difference of opinion as to what course should be pursued in order to remedy matters. There seemed to be a strong sentiment, however, that intelligent dragging of the roads at the proper time would be a big aid in the solution of the problem and it also seemed to be the opinion of the league members present that this dragging should be done at public expense under the supervision of the township road officials rather than by private donations or the use of the league funds.
The outcome of the discussion was the appointment of a committee of three members of the league whose work it would be to give attention to improvement of the main roads leading into the village for a distance of two miles out and the securing, if possible, of the cooperation of the road commissioners of the townships…Following this discussion the annual business meeting and election of officers was held. Mr. Estel Mudd was elected president for the ensuing year and G.C.Rehling, J.F. Mains and E. G. Lewis were elected as directors for two years. The other officers and the members of the various committees will be selected by the board of directors at their first meeting.
SWINE DAY MEETING: A meeting of particular interest to hog raisers will be held at the Community Room in Stronghurst on Feb.8 at 10:30 am. E. T. Robbins, Livestock Specialist of the College of Agriculture will assist Farm Adviser Walker in putting on a Swine Day program. The forenoon will be given over to a general discussion of swine raising and in the afternoon the McLean County system of swine sanitation will be thoroughly explained. A feature of this discussion will be personal experiences given by the men who followed the system last year…
KILLED NEAR LOMAX: Edward Waterman, a farm hand who worked for Wm. Fisher of Lomax, was killed on Wednesday when the team which he was driving, hitched to a wagon loaded with hogs took fright while passing another wagon and ran away. The wagon overturned at the Main Street corner in Lomax and Waterman was pitched out alighting on his head. He passed away just 30 minutes after the accident occurred. The victim was 40 years of age and survived by a wife and four small children.
TRAGIC DEATH IN DALLAS CITY: Dr. E. E. Nordeen, chiropractor, who had been located at Dallas City since 1922, died at his home last Saturday morning, Jan. 30th at about 5 o’clock. On last Christmas day he was cranking up his automobile when the engine back fired and he was struck in the head. His injury did not appear to be serious at first, but it appeared from an autopsy which was held to establish the cause of his death that an abscess had formed in the brain beneath the spot where the auto crank had struck him causing his death. Dr. Nordeen was 35 years of age is survived by his wife and a young son.
OBITUARY-REV. J. A. KENNEDY, D.D. -Rev. Kennedy died suddenly about noon on Tuesday at the P. M. Carnahan home in Monmouth where he and his wife had been making his home for some time. Dr. Kennedy passed away while resting on a couch after returning from a car ride about the city. The cause of death was given as heart disease. His age was 77 years.
The deceased minister has been acting as supply pastor for the Sugar Tree Grove U.P. congregation, which is at present without a regular pastor. He was pastor of the Little York U.P. congregation for many years, moving later to New York state. He and Mrs. Kennedy returned to Illinois last June and took up residence in Monmouth. Beside his wife, he is survived by one son, Rev. W. G. Kennedy of Rochester, N.Y.
***JOHN W. LOVITT***John W. Lovitt, well known retired farmer and citizen of Terre Haute, passed away at his home last Sunday evening, Jan. 31st at the age of 78 years, 10 months and 28 days. He is survived by his wife and three children, namely, Harry and Loy Lovitt of Terre Haute and Mrs. June Knight of Carthage, Ill. Funeral services were conducted at Terre Haute Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 3rd at 2 o’clock.
CARLOAD OF HOGS BRING $2,487.45: Mrs. Ella McKeown of the Olena neighborhood informed us that she had just received a draft for $2,487.45 as the net proceeds from a carload of hogs recently shipped by her to the commission firm of Conover and Co. in Chicago. This record for a single carload shipment of hogs from this point has, perhaps, not been exceeded in recent years. Mrs. McKeown was naturally feeling pretty good over the handsome returns received from this shipment, and she thinks that the corn which was used in fattening the bunch of porkers was marketed at a price of not less than $1.25 per bushel. (In today’s values=$20.93 per bushel).
WEDDING BELLS-SMITH & MILLARD: From the Monmouth Daily Review-Atlas of Feb. 2nd:
“Maynard Alfred Smith of Smithshire and Betty Millard of Stronghurst were united in marriage yesterday evening at 5 o’clock at the Christian parsonage by Rev. John P. Givens. The attendants were Dorothy Engle and Clarence Goodman.” The bride has made her home for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of the neighborhood south of Stronghurst and has many friends here about who will wish the newly married couple abundant prosperity and happiness.
LOCAL MAN EDITOR OF PAPER: Raymond Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of this place and a student at Hedding College, has recently assumed the editorship of the Abingdon Argus, a community newspaper devoted to publishing news of Abingdon and vicinity and printed in Galesburg. Judging from the copy of the paper which reached our desk, the Argus under Raymond’s management is calculated to take the place amongst the successfully conducted newspaper in the Military Tract. While a student in the local high school, Raymond acted as reporter of school affairs for the Graphic and his work here gave evidence of considerable journalistic ability.
After entering Hedding, he was chosen as editor of the college paper and made an excellent record acting in that capacity. His assuming the editorship of the Argus is another step upward in a career for which he seems especially fitted and in which he will no doubt score a success should he decide to follow it after completing his college course.
VALENTINE PARTY: Mrs. G. W. Worley entertained a company of the school friends of her niece, Ida Ruth Sandy, at the Worley home in the village, Friday evening, Jan. 29th. Valentine colors in symbols and decorations were tastefully used in the rooms. Partners were found by matching the several halves of valentines, and a pleasant program of parlor games was enjoyed. A delightful luncheon consisting of oyster bouillon, wafer, pickles and hot coffee was served by the hostess.
CARD PARTY THURSDAY EVENING: Miss Hazel Stine and Sarah Shaw entertained eight girls at a party given at the home of the latter last Thursday evening. The time was spent playing cards, the prizes going to Miss Margaret McElhinney and Miss Lena Morey. Other guests of the evening were Mesdames Pat Billups and Elmo Yeoman and Misses Blanche Sullivan, Alice Shaw, Audrey Marsden and Rhoda Howell. Dainty refreshments were served late in the evening and the hostesses were voted the best of entertainers.
NEWS FROM THE VOICE OF S.H.S in the Graphic: The new school building is undergoing rapid construction. Already the roof is nearly completed and before the next school term arrives, Stronghurst will have one of the most up to date school building in this part of the state. J. F. Mains. Local postmaster, delivered a very interesting lecture on the post office to an assembly. Some of the would-be sheiks are curling their hair. Herbert Brook, one of them, says he can already notice a difference in the ladies’ attitude, especially Miss Seaton. (Rudolph Valentino, a movie star was famous for his portrayal of sheiks.) The S.H.S. orchestra had a splendid orchestra rehearsal Monday evening. Chester Brooks has a new combination sweater. The Junior English class has established a bulletin board. This is a great help to the class and it makes the subject much more interesting. The class is divided into five groups of five each. Each week one group puts up their topics or interesting things taken from magazines and newspapers. Dorothy Moore does not like to have people gaze at the moon when steering a Ford. Ask Oscar if the moon rose in the east last Friday.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: The Standard Bearers Society of the M.E. Church met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. L. O. Dawson. A light luncheon was served. Dr. D. S. Stewart, who was a practicing physician at Biggsville some 12 or 14 years ago, passed away at his home in Galva, Ill. on Jan. 30th at the age of 48 years. Julius Danielson was exhibiting a three-foot snake of the “Blue racer” variety about town. He found the reptile crawling along the roadside east of the village-another indication of an early spring. Mrs. Doug Steffey reports having a brood of 11 young chicks hatched out; they will certainly make early “friers” provided they survive the vicissitudes of our late winter and early spring climate. D. Headen and wife left on Train No. 1 from California. They expect to be gone about two months during which time they will visit relatives at Long Beach, Bakersfield and other places. Mr. Headen’s place as local pumper for the Santa Fe will be filled during his absence by a man from Galesburg (steam trains had to have water.) A. C. Spencer, deputy district head counsel for the M.W.A. organization, whose home is at Knoxville, Ill., has been here endeavoring to secure new members for the society. (Belonging to such as the Modern Woodmen were fashionable at this time period).
Mrs. C. M. Bell was taken to the Burlington Hospital last Saturday for examination and treatment for intestinal trouble from which she has been a sufferer for some time. Her condition at present is reported to be encouraging. C. E. Peasley returned from his trip to Florida to see his son George at Tampa. Evangelist Grady Cantrell is having wonderful success in Hamilton. The church he is holding the meetings in is not large though and overflow meeting are being held at two other places. To date. his conversions number over 70 and he has two weeks to go. From Hamilton he goes to Colchester and then to Plymouth. Mrs. Hugo Johnson and her sister, Mrs. Algert Nolan, went to Chicago for a week’s visit with their sister, Ethel Hartquist, who is now employed in a Chicago bank, and Miss Ellen Hartquist. They also expect to visit the families of Rev. W. P. Anderson at Cicero and Rev. G. O. Lindstrom at Berwyn, Ill., both former pastors of the local Lutheran Church. Dr. W. G. Neilson, veterinarian and well-known citizen of Monmouth, died suddenly at the wheel of his auto last Saturday night on the Monmouth-Galesburg hard road about 5 miles east of Monmouth. He had turned the car off to one side of the road before expiring and was found slumped over in the driver’s seat dead by two boys who had stopped their own car to see if they could be of assistance to one whom they supposed was having auto trouble.
CARMAN CONCERNS: A house warming at the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coffman house was given by the members of the Thursday Club. It was a complete surprise to the occupants. Members present were mesdames Mae Emerson, Goldie Babcook, Grace Crane, Susan Rehling, Louisa Brown, Dorothy Pendry and the invited guest, Mrs. Martha Rehling of Stronghurst. All came with well filled baskets and at the noon hour the table was laden with the best of eats. The afternoon was spent in conversation.
Mr. Wm. Babcook installed a Delco light plant in his home. Mrs. Lottie Dixon returned home from Albert Lea, Minnesota where she had been caring for her daughter and family who have been down with scarlet fever; she reports them better. Masters Joseph and John Clover have been on the sick list. Mr. August Rehling who had been a flu victim the past ten days is now able to be about again. The ice harvest was finished around here last Friday. (People needed ice for iceboxes as few had refrigerators.) Mrs. Edna Babcook is still very poorly suffering with rheumatism. A play will be given here by the Lomax home talent on Wednesday evening entitled, “A Poor Married Man.” The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dixon fell out of her high chair and received a sprained arm.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mrs. Headley passed away at the home of her son, Charles of Mississippi Valley at the age of 78 years. Funeral services will be conducted in the Olena Church with interment in the Olena Cemetery. Reports say that Mr. and Mrs. Mace Pendleton of Carman neighborhood have welcomed a young son into their home. Mrs. Pendleton has been cared for at the home of Mace’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Dixon. Jan. 27th a young son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Palmer who reside on the farm leased by H. S. Lant. Butchering seems to be the order of the day in the neighborhood. Mrs. Ed Carlson who had a finger crushed in a sausage grinder, is getting along quite nicely, but has made several trips to Stronghurst to have the finger dressed.
LOMAX LINGERINGS: G. E. McMininy and family have moved to Monmouth where he has accepted a position as representative of a newspaper. John Kliting and family will move into the house they vacated. Born to Laurence Nixon and wife on Jan. 27th a daughter. Robt. Gitting and family are planning to move to Fort Madison. Jos. Walker will move to the farm vacated by them.
NEWS FROM THE MEDIA RECORD IN THE STRONGHURST GRAPHIC: The girls high school glee club will give a concert in the future. Wilfred Johnson is a victim of inflammatory rheumatism. He is being cared for in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Johnson. The Community “Get Together” meeting is being postponed until Friday of this week. Mrs. C. C. Sullivan has been quite ill and is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Johnson and family have moved their household goods to a farm near Bowen, Ill, which they have rented for the coming year. Paul Gibson had the misfortune to dislocate his hip while skating; he had been taking treatments in Stronghurst. Mrs. George Calhoun is still very ill and there has been little change in her condition. Mrs. Thomas Howell left for Oquawka where she will spend several weeks assisting county clerk, J. J. Barnes, on the tax books.