The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1926 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross

Stronghurst Graphic: February 25, 1926

EQUAL TO THE OCCASION: The C.B. & Q railroad advertised a special round trip rate of $3.25 between Galesburg and Chicago for Monday February 22nd on account of the Miracle Play and the Borah mass meeting in that city.  Tickets purchased at the special rate were advertised as being good only on a special excursion train leaving Galesburg at 7 o’clock Monday morning.  The officials of the road had evidently not expected such a large number of people ready to avail themselves of their liberal offer and the chair car accommodations of train No. 10 proved inadequate for the occasion.  The train officials, however, met the situation by throwing open two Pullman coaches which the train carried for the accommodation of the passengers who failed to get seats in the chair cars and these passengers enjoyed the unusual privilege of traveling in luxury on a crack train with dining car service available at a cost of less than one cent per mile. (Today on Amtrak, only sleeper passengers are allowed use of the dining room and the cost is in the price of the ticket.)

BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CLUB WILL HOLD CONFERENCE: Boys and girls of Henderson County will have an opportunity to take part in two different lines of boys’ and girls’ club work during the coming year according to plans worked out by the county club committee appointed by the executive committee of the local Farm Bureau.  Out of the list of projects which the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois offers to youngsters of the state, the local committee selected the Baby Beef and Clothing Clubs as the ones to be pushed in this county during 1926.  The Baby Beef work is already under way with 52 members.  Three standard clubs have been organized with Page Randall, J.M. Kilgore, Jr., Clarence Hartquist and Chas. Painter as leaders.  The Girls’ Clothing Club is now being organized in interested communities and leaders are being selected.

BOX SUPPER ENJOYED: The Box Supper of the local Modern Woodman of America in the Community Club rooms last Monday evening proved to be a social and financial success.  Features of the affair were a group of songs by the Peerless Quartette composed of Albert Nicholas, Estel Mudd, Harry Painter and Douglas Prescott.  A number of instrumental selections by Estel Mudd’s Sabbath school orchestra and a violin selection by Mr. G. E. Lant accompanied by Mrs. Walter Gregory were enjoyed by the group.  The receipts from the sale of boxes amounted to something over $30.  Among the boxes was one in the design of which the insignia of the Order were effectively made use of while another box was very cleverly constructed to represent a log cabin home.  The process of the affair will be used in the purchase of sewing paraphernalia for degree work in the lodge.

LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Delbert Fornell and family are moving from the Bainter farm south of Stronghurst to their old home in the north part of town.  Mrs. C. M. Harris of Florence, Ariz. is making two weeks visit at the H. D. Lovitt home and with relatives here.  Mrs. Harris’ husband is a brother of Mrs. Lovitt.  Rev. R. C. Myers has been a sufferer from an attack of tonsilitis during the past week and was unable to fill his preaching appointments at the M.E. Church last Sunday.  Clarice Jean, one of the children in the home, is also a victim of the epidemic in the nature of LaGrippe which prevails in the community.  G. W. Worley was in Peoria this week at the convention of the Rexall Company representatives. Mrs. Ethel Shults of Powell, Wyo. visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Brokaw and left Tuesday for her western home.  W. D. Shain and daughter Mrs. Mabel Shaffner of Iona, Mich. were visitors in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Highfield.  Mr. Jack Hatton is moving from Macomb to Springfield, Mo.  Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McElhinney were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Amerman in Alpha, Ill.  Mr. Amerman has not been enjoying the best of health lately although he is able to report regularly at the bank where he is employed as casher and to look after the duties of that office. 

Mrs. Jennie Sutton, a 65-year-old woman of Dallas City, who for the past 30 years or more had charge of the transfer of the mails between the two railway stations and the post office there, was stricken with a heart attack last Thursday while delivering a sack of mail at the Q depot and passed away shortly afterward at her home to which she had been removed.  Home from Monmouth College for the weekend were Misses Agnes Findley and Doris Dixson and Joseph Dixson and Frank Wilcox.  Mr. H. B. Fort celebrated his 49th birthday at a noon hour dinner party given by his wife in his home.  Dixson Jones, who is employed with a Galesburg wholesale grocery firm, was a Sunday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jones. Miss Ethel Jenkins attended the family reunion at the home of her parents in Terre Haute.  Keith Stratton and Harold Bainter took advantage of the low excursion rates by the C.B. & Q. and spent Sunday and Monday in Chicago. (see above article) The local I.O.O.F. lodge is expecting to hold initiation ceremonies and an oyster supper at their lodge rooms tonight with invited guests from Carman, Terre Haute and other nearby lodges.  C. R. A. Marshall has been at Urbana, Ill. attending a short course for county highway road officials conducted by the extension department of the State University.  The condition of Mrs. J. Mahaffey is so as to require the attendance of a trained nurse, which is being supplied by Mrs. Charlotte Holstein.  Neighbors dropped in on Mrs. John Gilliland to help her celebrate her birthday.  J. W. Stine and family are moving from the Chant property in the west part of town to what is known as the Campbell house on east Main Street recently vacated by the Carnes family.  E. A. Crapnell and family are expected to move into the vacated Stine house.  Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Beardsley gave an evening’s entertainment consisting of games, dancing and the serving of nice refreshments at the Lyric Theatre last Friday evening to about 40 young people in honor of their son and daughter, Edward and Blanche Beardsley. Mr. and Mrs. John Mink have moved from the Putney property in the west part of town to the tenant house on the Sanderson farm south of town.  Ernest Putney and family are moving from the R. N. Marshall farm southwest of Stronghurst into the house vacated by the Minks.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The Junior Class of the high school under the direction of the English teacher, Miss Eva Gibb, are busy rehearsing a play, “Little Miss Jack,” which they will present at the high school auditorium on March 2nd.  (List of actors included in this article.)  Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carter received word that their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Keck of New Windsor who has been very ill with the flu for the past three weeks was taken to the Galesburg Hospital.  The evangelistic services conducted by Dr. L. K. Peacock came to a close last Sabbath evening at the United Presbyterian Church.  Some $185 was raised for him.  Eli Westlake is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Lyons at Coloma.  Miss Winette Knisely returned yesterday to her duties as bookkeeper in the local telephone office but will not work at the switchboard yet. Miss Anna Burrus who has been a patient at the Burlington Hospital the past two weeks with a severe attack of sinus was reported not so well.  Mrs. Andrew Renstrom, who has been ill for a long time, has been much worse this week.

LOMAX LINGERINGS: Ernest Staley and family are moving back to Lomax and are occupying the Jasper Logan property.  A new steel ceiling is being put in the Christian Church; G. L. Ream and Clarence Burkett are doing the work.  Elmer McBride is moving from a farm southeast of Dallas to the Mrs. S. E. Vaughan farm east of town.  The roads have been impossible by the snow and thawing weather the past week.  The broom factory was compelled to close down this week on account of light order for their product.  Geo. Roth has built a new porch on his residence and R. E. Wyatt is doing likewise this week.