The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
FUNDRAISER, A SUCCESS: The Boy Scout Tag Day was, every thing considered, quite successful. Something over $70 was received, not so large an amount as was taken in some 18 months ago, but with the small amount still on hand, it may suffice for another year…Great credit is due to the high school girls who sold the tags. These were Eileen Jones, Pauline Stine, June Smith, Agnes Mudd, Margaret berg, Irene Shallenberger, Edith Salter and Irma Curry.
WEDDING BELLS***FORT & CLARK: Mr. John B. Fort, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fort was married today at noon at Burlington, Iowa to Miss Perl Clark of Keithsburg who has been employed as a nurse in the Burlington Hospital. Particulars of the wedding are lacking at this time, but the paper is informed that the happy couple will go to Fort Madison immediately following the ceremony and board a Santa Fe train for Los Angeles, Calif., where John has accepted a position.
The groom was born and has spent the greater part of his life in this vicinity where he is well-known and highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. He is a graduate of the Stronghurst schools and is a well-qualified accountant and bookkeeper, having held positions in various banks and business institutions in this section of the county. He was a member of the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe during the World War and was amongst the last of the soldiers to be recalled to the United States, having been with the Arm of Occupation which remained to guard the bridge heads on the Rhine while Germany was getting back to a peace oasis. Since his return from Europe, he has spent the greater part of his time at Dallas City. The bride is known too but by comparatively few people in this community but is said to be a young lady of fine character and calculated to make a most excellent helpmate to the groom.
LIVESTOCK AND IMPLEMENT SALE: Vaughn Bros. of this place will hold a public sale of 25 head of pure-bred Polled Hereford cows with calves; 8 head of grade cows; 3 head of horses and a quantity of farming implements at the stockyards in Stronghurst on Oct. 27th. Watch for the catalog.
STRONGHURST NEWS: It is a rare thing for plays given by Stronghurst local talent to fall either in the point of interest manifested by the general public or in merit of performance. Last Thursday and Saturday nights presentation of the comedy-drama, “A Poor Married Man” was no exception to the rule. (All the particulars and discussion of cast are in this issue.) Stronghurst is well represented in number of employees of the Hyde Park Bank in Chicago. (Again, read this bit of news on microfilm at the Henderson County Library.) The monthly meeting of the Daniel McMillan Chapter of the D.A.R. was held at the home of Mrs. A. H. Kershaw in Stronghurst. Dr. and Mrs. Harter attended the Illinois Products Exposition in Chicago. He says, “Exhibits are fine. Within 15 years Illinois will be the center of manufacturing. From the standpoint of transportation facilities, Illinois IS NOW the center of the United States. When we look at the map of Henderson County, we find that there is not another county in the state better located for industries than this county.” (Long list of those who help bear the expense of the local exhibit.)
SCHOOL NEWS: Monday morning assembly-an inter-class singing contest was held with the faculty as judges. The Freshman class were given the honor as champion singers of S.H.S. and as a reward received the privilege of choosing the songs to be sung by the school at the next four assemblies. Stronghurst played football at Roseville last Saturday with the Roseville High School team defeated 47-0. (List of all students by class enrolled in high school included in school news.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Bell motored to Washington, Iowa to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walker of Kirkwood entertained a company of eight guests at dinner given in honor of Miss Pearl Clark of Keithsburg and Mr. John B. Fort. The uncertainties which are attached to high school football is indicated by the fact that while Stronghurst defeated Biggsville this season by a score of 6 to 0 and were then defeated by La Harpe by a score of 13 to 0, Biggsville defeated La Harpe last Saturday by a score of 3 to 0. County Farm Advisor E. D. Walker went to Chicago to see the selling by the Producers Association of the baby beeves raised and fattened this year by the members of the Boys and Girls Calf Club of Henderson County. Dr. and Mrs. Highfield are the parents of a fine young man born at the Burlington Hospital Oct. 9th. A. E. Jones went to Washington, Iowa for the funeral of John A. Jones, a relative. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schenck are out at the farm with their son Glenn whose wife is in the Burlington Hospital for an operation for appendicitis.
The canning factory at Lomax is reported to have put up 24,000 cans of tomatoes this season. They paid 42 cents per bushel for the tomatoes at the factory and the average yield per acre is said to have been over 200 bushels. The truth of the adage that where there’s a will there’s a way so far at least as the getting of an education is concerned, is being exemplified by three Knox College students who finding other work scarce, took jobs of housework and caring for children in private homes. A son was born Thursday morning at the Burlington Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stewart of the Carman neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fort and Miss Ida Davis started this afternoon on an auto trip to Kansas where they will visit relatives at Anson. Mr. R. S. Humphrey of Anton, Kansas, says that wheat seeding in the Sunflower state is about over and that an unusually large acreage is coming up fine. The Raritan Reporter celebrated the beginning of its 42nd year of existence by issuing a special 12-page edition full of interesting news and display advertising of home and surrounding town merchants. Mr. George Dixson and family report that they are settled in their new home in Rochelle, Ill.
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Rain and bad roads again interfered with the arrangements of the annul Henderson County Bible School Convention at Raritan which was postponed to Oct. 14. Only about 25 people from the county outside of Raritan were in attendance. The principal speaker was Mr. C. N. Benson of the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. J. E. Duncan, one of Raritan’s best-known citizens, nearly met his death when a scaffolding on which he was standing while engaged in re-shingling the Raritan Opera House, gave way and precipitated him to the ground. Several of Mr. Duncan’s ribs were broken and other external and internal injuries sustained. Joe Voorhees, who was on the scaffold with Mr. Duncan was rendered unconscious by the fall but did not sustain serious injuries. The suit of Clarence J. Dixon and others against the Commissioners of Drainage Dist. No. 2 in Henderson County for damage to crops alleged to be due to the breaking of a drainage district levee last summer during the flood was concluded when the jury brought in a verdict in favor the drainage district. Relatives at Biggsville were notified of the death of John Millen in Santa Ana, Calif. He was a former prominent Henderson County man from Biggsville.
MEDIA MEANDERINGS: The Media High School football team engaged in another good practice game with the Stronghurst team at Sanderson Field. The teams seem to be very evenly matched thereby affording lots of work and interest. Practice games are to occur once a week; however, the local school does not feel efficient enough to engage in any schedule games this season as this is their initial year at the game. The Media High School represented this township in the pantomime feature at the County Calf Club Show in Stronghurst and won first prize. The name of the stunt was “Wanted, a Wife.”
Miss Ruth Moon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moon and Archie Heap, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heap, were quietly married in Peoria on Oct. 3rd. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burkett. Mr. and Mrs. John Hickman are moving from near Stronghurst to the farm east of town recently vacated by Emory Cavins. Miss Laree Mather’s Sunday School class of young ladies enjoyed a wiener roast Thursday evening in the United church basement. The entire menu consisted of wieners, buns, pickles, marshmallows and coffee. Later in the evening those present made up a theatre party and enjoyed the home talent play in Stronghurst.
CARMAN CONCERNS: People are getting ready for the cold weather, filling silos and will begin shucking corn. The women of the neighborhood are busy slipping plants(cutting off a branch and putting them into water to root) and taking them into the house and doing many odd jobs before zero weather. Mrs. Eliza Brown entertained the Thursday Club at her home on Oct. 9th. Members present were Mollie Dowell and Georgia Bowlyou of Lomax; Minnie Rehling, Goldie Babcook, Grace Crane, Mayme Clover, Pearl Coffman, Carrie Rehling. The invited guests were Addie Gudy of Burlington, Iowa; Delia Jarvis of Dallas City; Susan Rehling and Mayme Marsden of the village. The afternoon was spent in conversation and at 5 p.m. a dainty two-course luncheon was served. Duck hunters from Berwick, Chicago, LaHarpe, Monmouth, Blandinsville, Roseville, Galesburg, Stronghurst and Burlington, Iowa were seen in the village. Mr. Fred Clover, rural route carrier, is taking a ten-day vacation and his assistant, Abraham Babcook, has been delivering the mail. Mr. Ralph Butler of Stronghurst is putting in some plumbing in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coffman home east of the village. Mrs. Phoebe Wisbey who has been suffering from lumbago is able to be out again. Mr. George Brooks of Smithshire and his sister, Mrs. A. Johnson of Hamilton called to see Mrs. Martha Mains, a relative, who took suddenly ill. Mrs. Mains had just returned from a six-week long visit at Peoria where she had been at the bedside of her only sister. Mrs. Mains has been making her home with Mrs. Eliza Brown the last few years. A nurse from Bushnell will arrive to care for her. Mrs. Addie Gluedy of Burlington arrived to help her mother, Eliza Brown a few days along with her house work. (Note the difference in spelling of the last name, Gludy or Gluey, so not sure which is correct). Nellie Showalter, formerly of this place and living in Chicago is moving to New York in the future. James Pendry died at the I.O.O.F. Old Folks Home at Mattoon, Ill. He had made his home there for about three years. Burial was held at Mattoon last Thursday.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Leonard Renstrom arrived from Greeley, Colo. for a visit with relatives. Miss Mary Millen is a patient at the Monmouth Hospital. Ed Stotts has leased the Sam Holmes property, house, barn and office expecting to go into business again. The annual Freshman banquet was held in the gymnasium Wednesday night under the auspices of the Sophomore Class. The gymnasium was gaily decorated in the Freshman colors of red and white. A short program was presented after which various games were indulged in followed by refreshments of sandwiches, pickles, brick ice cream, wafers and cider. (This is how high school students partied in 1925.) A large crowd including two classes and the teachers who were guests also enjoyed the evening. Lloyd Whiteman went to Chicago where he appeared for physical examination. The ladies of the M.E. Church held a bake sale at Woolsey’s store Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Irene Zimmerman attended the White Shrine ceremonial at Burlington. Olaf Ross is quite poorly. Harry Rankin has sold his farm southwest of town to John Kelly of Monmouth who expects to move to that place. Glenn Rankin, who had been living there, has not decided what he will do.