The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
STARTED “OUT WEST:” Wilbur Millard, aged 14, and Edwin Blount, aged 11, becoming tired of the monotony of existence in the Warren County Home south of Monmouth, started out from that institution at about 10 o’clock last Sunday night in search of adventure. They reached Stronghurst some time early Monday morning and W.J. Long found them waiting, cold and hungry, at the door of his hardware and junk shop near the railroad depot when he arrived to open up. Mr. Long, who also holds the office of constable, looked after the immediate needs of the wanders, and then got in telephonic communication with the Monmouth police, who told him that Supt. Martin of the County Home had notified them of the escape of the two boys and asked their assistance in locating them. Constable Long took the boys to his home where he held them until Monday evening when Supt. Martin arrived in a car to which he took the lads back to the Home. (Years ago, every county had either a Home or in Henderson County’s case, a farm, where the poor were taken if they were indigent.)
DARRAH’S TRIP TO THE INTERNATIONAL: Russell Darrah, whose Angus calf won first place in the Henderson County Baby Beef Club show was recently awarded a trip to the International Livestock Show given by the Santa Fe Railroad to the club champion of the county. During the Internationals each year a club congress is held to which come boys and girls from every state. It is truly a great meeting at which national and state club leaders, officers of the livestock exposition, secretaries of breed associations and heads of the great industries vie with each other in entertaining in appreciation and instructing club members. In appreciation of his great experience, Russell has written the following story of his trip: “I am a member of the Henderson County Baby Beef Club and won the championship of the county with an Aberdeen Angus calf. Through the kindness of the Santa Fe R.R., was awarded a free trip to the International Stock Show in Chicago.
I left Galesburg 4:15 p.m. Sunday Nov. 29 and arrived in Chicago about 9:40 that night going to the Morrison Hotel where the Illinois delegation made their headquarters for the week. Monday morning, we went to headquarters on the third floor, registered and received our badges to wear during our stay there. We took the elevated street cars to the stockyards where we attended the International Show and saw a fine display of livestock, some which we saw judged. In the evening we attended a banquet given by the plant of Wilson Co. after which we went back to the arena where we had to march before the crowd of the show.
Tuesday morning, we were given a breakfast by Swift Co. at their plant and then were shown through the establishment. At noon we lunched with the Athletic Association and that afternoon we went to the Field Museum where we saw many interesting things.
Wednesday morning, the Illinois club members were given a breakfast at the Northwestern Hotel. From there we went to the Illinois Agricultural Association and were shown through the many offices. At noon we were given our dinners at the American Furniture Mart, which is the largest building in the world. From there we went to Lincoln Park Zoo. The evening we banqueted at the LaSalle Hotel.
Thursday morning, we took surface cars to the International Harvester Co… and were shown through several buildings. We were given our dinner after which we were shown through the twine factory. That afternoon we were entertained the Chicago Theatre and at night we were disappointed as the crowd missed the banquet which was given at the Congress Hotel.
Friday, morning, I left for home and arrived in Galesburg that evening…To us club members from the country this has been a very enjoyable week and should inspire us to renewed effort for next year’s club work. I want to thank the Santa Fe System for their kindness in awarding me this trip.”—Russell Darah
HEARD THE PRESIDENT SPEAK: Farm Adviser E.D.. Walker, C. E. Peasley and E.G. Lewis of this vicinity, Chas. Cooper of Bald Bluff and W.A.Stevenson of Biggsville were in attendance at the meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation at Chicago last Monday and listened to President Coolidge’s address to the 1,000 or more Illinois farmers and those from other states who were in attendance.
Mr. Walker says that while the President’s address was received with many indications of approval by his large audience, there seemed to be a strong undercurrent of opinion on the part of many that he had not offered any very satisfactory solution of the problem of how to prevent the exportable surplus price of farm products-which is determined by word-wide conditions—from determining the price of these products in the domestic market…
MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS: The Women’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Stronghurst M.E. Church met at the home of Mrs. H.D.Lovitt Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being guest day. Twenty-five members and guests were present, eight new members being received into the organization. An interesting program was given including the singing of a beautiful duet by Mrs. L. O. Dawson and her sister, Mrs. Layton. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gilbert Simpson and Mrs. Earl Beardsley.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: The funeral of Rev. R. H. McHenry who had been critically ill for the past two weeks and passed away Saturday evening was held on Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lena Swedell at Table Grove. Joe Graham of New Virginia, Iowa was called home to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Nancy Galbraith, which was held in Olena. The Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church held a very successful bazaar at the Palace Theater. In the evening a chicken pie supper was served. Mr. Ed Wiegand is one of the latest to have a radio installed in his home. (This was big news, especially if you were a neighbor without one.) John Stevenson sold a load of feeders to A. A. Renwick and John Rankin last week. Velma Knutstrom and her friends enjoyed a birthday party Saturday at the home of Helen and Olive Brewer near Gladstone.
CARMAN CONCERNS: The Ladies Aid will serve a 5 o’clock dinner at their room and will have a bazaar. The menu will consist of roast, ham, roast chicken, dressing, gravy, noodles, mashes potatoes, succotash, cranberry jel, beet relish, chow chow, cucumber pickles, celery parker house rolls, butter, pumpkin nut pie, whipped cream, cheese, and coffee. Mrs. Edna Babcook and daughter Cheryl returned home from Excelsier Springs where Mrs. B. went for rheumatism treatments; she is much improved. (It was the thing to do-go to health resorts to recover from illness and this was one of the famous ones along with Battle Creek, Michigan.)
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Editor Kershaw was unable to be at his desk on account of having been seized with an attack of acute indigestion at his home early morning. Mrs. Manly Staley left to join her husband in their new home in Chicago. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Mary Edmunds of Terry Haute. An adjourned session of circuit court opened at Oquawka with the Harbinson will case first on the docket. Monday was taken up in selecting a jury. A large number of witnesses will be called and it will probably take from one to two weeks to try the case. The contestants of the will are represented by Wm. H. Hartzell, Edward S. Martin and Everitt L. Werts of the law firm of that place and also by attorney LH. Hanna of Monmouth. The proponents are represented by Judge Scofield of Carthage and attorney Earle Field and Judge Clendening of Monmouth. (Big guns of both sides have been called in to represent both sides so something important must be at stake.)
Media Record in the Stronghurst Graphic Dec. 10, 1925: THE WEAVER TWIN LAKES: Have you been down to see the Weaver Twin Lakes? Go down someday when you have time; it will be well worth your while. These two lakes are located on the Weaver Academy grounds north and west of the high school about a quarter of a mile. The work making the lakes was financed by this school and was carried out this fall. The two lakes are separated by a dirt dam and fed by a spring which furnishes about a three-inch stream of water continuously. The spring runs directly into the smaller lake and over flows through a spillway into the larger. When the water will have filled the larger lake, it will run over through another spillway at its far side into the creek.
The Weaver twin lakes are assuredly an asset to the town and we are proud of them. They will furnish an excellent place this winter for skating parties and also will be valuable as a place to take out ice for preservation until next summer. Then during the hot summer months, it will be an ideal place for picnicking, fishing and bathing. In a few words, it is an ideal place for many sports both winter and summer and we don’t mean maybe.
OBITUARY***Mr. N. J. Gram***Mr. N. J. Gram passed away Dec.8th at his home in Media at the age of 84 years, 11 months and 12 days. Mr. Gram was born in Brons, Germany on Dec. 26, 1840 and came to this country in 1891, locating in Monmouth, Ill. and in 1896 he moved to Media where he has lived since. In his youth he traveled extensively in Australia, Southern Africa and Europe. He was a lover of good literature and had a keen memory which lasted unto the end.
On July 3, 1883, he was united in marriage to Mary Dicken and to this union five children were born: Mrs. Katherine Mallm, Andrew N.; Edgar D. of Peoria; Peter A. of Superior Junction, Ontario and Mrs. Florence Smith of Media, who with the widow survive. He joined the United Presbyterian Church of Media in 1910. Funeral services were held at the United Church of Media with interment in the Monmouth Cemetery.