The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
BASEBALL TEAM BANQUET: About 100 fans and boosters for the Henderson County Farm Bureau baseball team, which came so near winning the state Farm Bureau League championship this yea,r in honor of the team made merry last Tuesday evening at the Women’s Community Club rooms in Stronghurst. The guests were seated at three long tables prettily decorated stretching the entire length of the dining room and were served a full menu: fruit cocktail, baked chicken and dressing with gravy, Parker House rolls, mashed potatoes, creamed peas, escalloped oysters, pickles, celery, cranberry salad, ice cream, cake, and cake. (This is how you entertained 1925 style.)
Previous to the serving of the menu and between the courses, the company all joined with enthusiasm in the singing of songs in which the “get together” spirit and laudable ideals of the Farm Bureau movement were expressed. The words of the songs were printed on artistic folders distributed amongst the diners and the singing was led by Farm advisor, E. D. Walker. Afterward, a program of “Roasts” with Mr. Walker as “Chief Roaster” was carried out. The features of the evening’s entertainment were a duet, “When the Wind Bows in from the Seas,” rendered by W.A.Stevenson and E. D. Walker with Mrs. Gertrude Upton at the piano followed by several encores. A short talk on “Our Team” was rendered by Charles Cooper, “mayor” of Bald Bluff, “Foul and Fair Hits” by C. C. Painter of Terre Haute, “Follies of 1925” by Clarence (Buck) Hartquist-a member of the team, “our next Game by W. A.. Stevenson-manager of the team, and Potpourri of Anecdotes and Jokes by R. E. Brooking of Oquawka. Reading from Edgar A. Guest’s poems was given by Mrs. E. D. Walker and a short address by Otto Steffey, in which he presented manager Stevenson with a new hat to replace one lost by the latter while enroute to the Taylorville ball game last summer followed…Handsome menu folders of unique design, the title page of which was embellished with a drawing representing a baseball were placed by each banqueter’s place and retained by them as favors of the occasion, An Atwater Kent Radio receiving set, installed in the room through the courtesy of Simpson Bros. of Stronghurst, furnished the guest with entertainment from distant placed during the serving of the meal…
20th ANNUAL REUNION OF THE STEFFEY FAMILY: On Thanksgiving Day in 1905 at the Charley Steffey home in Elvaston, Ill, there was inaugurated the first get-to-together of the four sons and two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. B.O. Steffey. Since then, they have faithfully carried out the plan and on each succeeding year they have held a reunion at the home of one of them and this year it was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Steffey. All the brothers and sisters were present except one sister, Mrs. Ada Winter of Mayesville, Mo.
The dinner was served in four courses at noon and consisted of roast turkey, goose and chicken with all the entrees and dainties going with a Thanksgiving feast. It was served by that famous cateress, Mrs. Johanna Wheeling of this city known to all as the best, which is to say that everything was first class.
The afternoon and evening were spent in a very delightful and social way until late at night relating reminiscences of 45 and 50 years ago. A jolly good time was had and all retired full of thanks and turkey. (Long list of attendees follows.)
ESCAPES DEATH: “Mr. and Mrs. Will Whiteman and three sons had a close escape from serious injury yesterday morning about 10: 30 o’clock at the Dyson corner west of Biggsville when they were driven off the hard road by two speeding cars which approached them abreast on the pavement. The Whiteman family were on their way to Biggsville to attend church when the accident occurred.
Lloyd Whiteman was driving the car and as he neared Biggsville to attend church, he saw two cars coming from the east. The drivers were racing and in order to prevent a collision, Whiteman turned his car off the road and when it struck a rut, one wheel collapsed and the car turned over.
Mrs. Whiteman was taken to the home of Mrs. Bessie Campbell and a doctor called. Examination of the injured people showed that no bones were broken, but they were badly shaken up and cut by glass from the windows of the car. Kenneth and William Whiteman were cut and bruised and Lloyd had only a few cuts on his hands. Mr. Whiteman escaped without a scratch”-Monmouth Review-Atlas
WHAT’S SHOWING AT THE MOVIES: As will be noted from advertisement appearing elsewhere in this issue, the Lyric Theatre management is putting on some high-class films at the show house this season making it unnecessary for movie patrons to go to the larger cities to see the big productions. Cecil B. DeMille’s much talked of picture, “The Ten Commandments” is to be showing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of this week with a matinee on Saturday afternoon. Later, Robin Hood, “ featuring Douglas Fairbanks; “The Freshman” featuring Harold Lloyd and “The Gold Rush” featuring Charles Chaplin are to be shown.
This opportunity which the Lyric management is affording for seeing the greatest stars of filmdom in the roles which show them at their best should be taken advantage of by the public in this vicinity, thus giving encouragement to Mr. Beardsley in his effort to provide the best in the moving picture line for their entertainment.
GROWTH OF BUILDING AND LOAN BUSINESS: The Building and Loan Associations of the United States have more than six million dollars in asset with Illinois ranking 5th among the states with over 800 associations, 600,000 members and three hundred million dollars in assets. Stronghurst Building and Loan Association has 160 members and $25,000 assets ($398,250 in today’s values). It is not 2 years old. Five hundred shares of the 5th series will be offered to the public during the month of December. Stock will be issued and payments begin in January 1926. No more shares will be offered until July 1926. Make your reservations now with the secretary, George T. Chant.
NEW PAGE IN GRAPHIC: This week the Graphic begins the publication on its last page of the “Media Broadcaster,” a venture in journalism engaged in by some of the Media businessmen, which it is hoped will prove a valuable factor in promoting the interests of that community. The management will be in the hands of Mr. Paul Erickson, who is thoroughly competent to conduct the same and under whose guidance we expect the scope of the enterprise to increase until at least a full page will be required to meet its demand.
OYSTER SUPPER FRIDAY EVE: The ladies of the Willing Workers society of the Stronghurst U.P. Church will appreciate a liberal patronage of the Oyster Supper to be served in the church dining room on Friday, Dec. 4th. In addition to oysters either stewed or fried chicken sandwiches, pickles, celery, peach pie with whipped cream and coffee will be served beginning at 6 pm.
SCHOOL STREET CARNIVAL: The Junior Class announced that they will put on a street carnival free to the public at 8 pm Friday evening, Dec. 11th. No admission is charged. Many attractions besides refreshments are advertised. Everything is one cent so come and bring your pennies (worth about 16 cents in today’s values).
LOCAL AND AREA NEWS: Henry Marshall is home from Gem City Business College at Quincy for Thanksgiving vacation. Charles Wolf, aged citizen of Lomax, died at his home last Sunday from paralysis. Others home from the holiday are the following: Misses Lucile Parish and Gertrude Gibb from Normal College at Bloomington, Winfred Jones and Donald Chandler from Bradley Institute in Peoria and John Brook of Illinois University. Mr. Lloyd Rankin has purchased from the Chant agency, the residence property in the west part of Stronghurst formerly owned by C.L. Decker. Miss Ardis Hicks entertained a group of Warren County friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hicks.
William Goodrich, aged 65 and a resident of Carthage, was run down by a Ford truck driven by a young man by the name of Egbers last Thursday evening and died 20 minutes later in the doctor’s office to which he had been taken. Rudyard Kershaw, who has employment with the Illinois Bell Telephone Co, was a weekend visitor with his parents here. Miss Evelyn Hartquist, who teaches at Mendota, was home for Thanksgiving. William S. Highfield, a long-time resident of Dallas City and the grandfather of J. F. Highfield of this place, passed away at his home there at the advanced age of 91 years, 11 months and 15 days. J. F. McMillan drove over to Maxwell, Iowa to spend Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Linderman, who is being cared for by her daughter and is gradually regaining her health. R.W. Upton and family moved into their new home, the former Frank Murphy property is the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. G. Q. Fort, who have been living in the H. M. Allison house here for several months are now at home in their newly erected residence in the southeast part of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Moore, whose home is in Cherryvale, Kansas and who had been visiting relatives in the Terre Haute neighborhood, left for Washington, D.C. where Mr. Moore holds the position of Sergeant-at-Arms in the U.S. Senate. Joe Baxter, former Stronghurst boy who is now employed as manager of a lumberyard at Yates City, Ill., is serving as a juryman in the Looney murder case, which was transferred from Rock Island to Galesburg on a change of venue and which is attracting much attention because of the revelations of vice conditions in Rock Island made at Looney’s former trial. (Looney was apprehended in New Mexico in November 1924. He was convicted in 1925 of "conspiracy to protect gambling, prostitution and illicit liquor traffic in Rock Island". Looney was later charged and convicted of the murder of Willam Gabel and prosecuted in Galesburg.-Wikipedia
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Correction: Last week the Graphic said that Mr. Will Hicks was delivering his wheat to Stronghurst at $1.50 a bushel and it should have been $1.55. He had told his neighbors the last amount and he did not want them to doubt his veracity. Quite a number from this neighborhood were delivering hogs and cattle to Stronghurst Monday to be shipped to the Chicago market. The 21st reunion of the Lant Family was held at the John Lant home Thanksgiving Day. All enjoyed a fine dinner. The next reunion will be held here too. Mrs. Virgil Davis spent Tuesday with her parents. She said they were hoping their son Wilbur, who is in the Navy and had just recently returned from a world tour on water, might be home for the holiday. The Township Supervisor Mr. Thomas Marshall with many helpers have been hauling dirt for the past several days filling in for the new bridge which was recently completed and in course of time will be ready for service. (In fact, as you zoom down the Olena hill going west today, you will still pass over this bridge. Remember to slow down as it is a blind hill-one cannot see traffic from the intersecting road running north and south.)
CARMAN CONCERNS: A large crowd attended the school entertainment given by both rooms and all participants were admirably adapted to their parts. The teachers, Mrs. A. Hupp and Miss Irene Hoots, deserve much credit for their directing. Mr. Wm. Babcook, grain dealer, is very busy taking in corn, shelled and in the ear, on account of a shortage of crib room. Mrs. Anna Johnson from Hamilton, Ill. called on Mrs. Martha Mains, who is staying at the Brown Hotel. Mrs. Mains is in poor health. (Anyone know of the Brown Hotel in Carman?) Miss Edna Babcook who is taking treatment for rheumatism at Excelsior Springs still remains about the same. 0
JOSEPH ATWATER WILL FILED: “The will of the late Joseph Atwater, which was filed in Carthage leaves everything to his wife, Mrs. Emma Atwater and appoints her executrix without bond. At her death whatever is left is to go to his two sisters, Mrs. Sam Leinbach of Stronghurst and Mrs. Lewis Melvin of LaHarpe. The property consists of 250 acres of land that was appraised at from $65-$180 per acre or less. The value of the property will approximately be worth $25,000 ($398,250 in today’s values). The will was dated Dec. 20, 1897 and was witnessed by C.F. Schnee and G.J. Morgan.” Blandinsville Star (This must have been controversial as usually such an article does not appear in the paper.)
MEDIA BROADCASTOR, Dec. 3, 1925 (part of the Graphic)
The annual Thank Offering services of the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society were held Sunday morning at the United Church with Lulu Buchanan of Monmouth, Ill. giving a very interesting talk about her observations made during a recent tour of the oriental mission stations. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibb entertained at their home with a goose dinner Thanksgiving Day. The second annual Thanksgiving dinner was held at the South Prairie School. Each student and Miss Anna LaVelle, the teacher, donated to the dinner thus making a varied and delicious repast. The parts for the children’s Christmas cantata, “Santa Listening In,” have been given out and practice will begin soon.
SHOOK IN BAD ACCIDENT: Ernest Shook met with a very painful injury last Saturday while picking corn for his father. He had finished picking a forty-bushel load and stepped up on the double tree without stopping the horses. He slipped and the wagon wheel rolled over his foot, crushing it and breaking his leg near the ankle join. Ernest has been attending Kirkwood High school and was helping his father over the holidays.
OBITUARY: MRS. ANNA B. EVANS: Anna B. White, eldest daughter of Stephen and Martha Gibson White, was born in Green County, Ohio Oct.8, 1833 and passed to her reward Nov. 27, 1925 at Dexter, Ia, aged 92 years, 1 month and 19 days. At the age of three years, she moved with her parent to Olena, Illinois, where she grew to womanhood and where the greater part of her life was spent. After the death of her mother, the kind father kept his family together and Anna, though only 9 years of age, was his staff and helper.
On Aug. 31, 1853 she united in marriage to Hamilton Evens. To this union eleven children were born, six of whom survive her. Stephen and William R. died in infancy. James A. and Samuel Edward died in early manhood and one daughter, Mrs. Martha House, who cared or her mother for several years, preceded her to their heavenly home by only a few short weeks. The husband passed away Aug. 18, 1899 after which Mrs. Evans made her home with her children.
Early in life she confessed Christ and united with the United Presbyterian Church of Olena…While making her home with her daughter, she transferred her membership to the Pitzer, Ia. Church where she was a member at the time of her death…The children who survive her are two sons, George M. of Oakland, Ia. And John T. of Winfield, Ia. And four daughters, Mrs. Nancy Burrell of Olena, Ill; Mrs. Mary Bennington of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Sarah Marston of Dexter, Ia. And Mrs. Dora Haislet of Yuma, Colo. It was the privilege of the latter two to be with and care for their mother during her last illness of six weeks. Her descendants number 38 grandchildren 50 great-grandchildren and one child of the fifth generation. Funeral services were held at the Olena Church with interment made in the family burying place near Olena where so many of her loved ones rest.
MOVIES, A GREAT SUCCESS: The picture shows being held in the Media Community Building are having a very good attendance and promises to be a successful project. These are being given by the Men’s Bible Class of the Media United Church and is result of their plans which have been formulating for some time. The above goes to show what people can do if they pull together and work toward the same goal. Heretofore, the people of Media have been going to neighboring towns to shows. Now the Bible Class has made it possible for town people as well as nearby farmers to enjoy a good movie without driving several miles on rough roads.
OBITUARY-MRS. RACHEL MINK: Rachel C. Mink was born May 20, 1848 in Johnson County, Tennessee and passed away at the home of her son John in Stronghurst on Nov. 27, 1925, aged 77 years, 6 months and 7 days. She was married to Wiley B. Mink on Oct. 3, 1872 and to this union ten children were born, one dying in infancy. The husband passed away in 1914. The surviving children are John of Stronghurst; Jap and Mrs. Lewis Miller of Media; James, Frank and Mrs. Cora Powell of Smithshire; Marshall of Columbus Junction, Ia.; Lillian of Wever, Iowa; and Thomas of Knoxville, Tenn. There are also 25 surviving grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
While living in Tennessee, Mrs. Mink united with the Baptist Church afterward transferring her membership to the Media. Ill. M.E. Church of which she was a member at the time of her death. Her final illness was of about a year and a half’s duration and she bore up through it all with greatest of patience and Christian fortitude. Funeral services were conducted at the Stronghurst M.E. Church with burial in the Stronghurst Cemetery.
OBITUARY-BERNARD J. BREEN: Many will be grieved to learn that Bernard Breen, who made his home in Stronghurst with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Breen, for a considerable time, passed away at Monmouth, Ill. last Saturday morning, Nov. 28th at an early hour. Bernard was born at St.Patrick, Mo. Nov. 18, 1896, making his age at the time of his death, 29 years and 10 days. In 1910 the family came to Illinois and resided in various places in Henderson County until last January when they moved from Stronghurst to Monmouth taking their residence at 808 S, Eleventh St.
About a year ago, Bernard was obliged to seek treatment for lung trouble and since that time everything possible had been done to restore his health, but without avail. His death comes as a sad blow to his parents and to his many friends. He is survived by his parents and by two brothers and one sister: John of Burlington, Iowa and Allen of Wyoming, and one sister, Mrs. Arbin Vaughn of Lomax, Ill. Another brother, Earl, died while serving his country in the World War in France. Bernard was a devout member of the Catholic Church and the funeral services were conducted at the Immaculate Conception Church in Monmouth with interment made in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Monmouth.
OBITUARY-CHAS. R. HUNT: Chas. R. Hunt, wealthy and prominent farmer and stock man of Atlantic, Iowa, died at his home last Friday. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. C. E. Peasley of this vicinity who attended the funeral.